Whether horse is DQed (obviously not in a timely manner) the reality is that approx 20 horses run in this every year and other HOY trainers are not having medication overages …left and right…like Baffert does. With his other horses as well
It’s almost as if horse racing is so desperate for entertainment attention, i.e. Baffert spinning these rather incredible fairy tales every time about HOW his horses end up with drug positives…and then the CSI / People Magazine intrigue of following the lawsuits, etc.
My take is that regardless of how this turns out, I imagine many high level CAPABLE trainers are sort of snickering behind his back when he walks by, knowing that he has amazingly poor “barn management” to have all this stuff happen to him …(and I use that phrasing purposely as he is walking around going “why me why me why me” …) .I find it somewhat hilarious, acutally.
I will never understand people who are in such denial all the time and can’t seem to accept accountability. Also seems a horrible way to live, psychologically… I mean you see this behavior (pathology) in episodes of A&E’s Hoarders television series. LOL