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Memorable Horse Tattoo

OP, as an alternative there is very nice jewelry being made using your personal mustang’s symbols.
Also glassware etc:

Mine is similar to some of the examples that were just posted: https://scontent.fash1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/2308_55824530212_8029_n.jpg?oh=1b086f8781603e7cad3bdf191caa71cd&oe=55E98567

It’s on the back of my right shoulder. It was my first one so I kept it small, but I do wish I had been able to incorporate my mare’s name somehow. Definitely take your concept to an artist and let them draft something up for you. They will know what will work best.

Obviously this is in a very visible spot (and, hey, believe it or not, I am educated and I AM able to have a “real” job (and do have one!), despite what many members of our culture might believe :wink: but here is one of mine…


I incorporated a little bird in it because my mare’s name is Wren.[/QUOTE]

Gorgeous work!

Obviously this is in a very visible spot (and, hey, believe it or not, I am educated and I AM able to have a “real” job (and do have one!), despite what many members of our culture might believe :wink: but here is one of mine…


I incorporated a little bird in it because my mare’s name is Wren.[/QUOTE]

This is GORGEOUS. I’ve been looking for the right tattoo artist for a couple years now (have been wanting a large-ish portrait of my horse on my back) and had just about given up finding someone in the Midwest. Nice to see this artist is just up the road in MSP! The watercolor style is really striking, and i looked through the rest of his portfolio. Nice.

Tattoos are a totally PERSONAL choice.

My sister is covered with them. She loves them, they are part of who she is, and the image she wants to project.

Many of my friends have tattoos - and have zero regrets.

I personally (despite a lot of peer pressure to contrary!) do not have any.

I remember when my beloved horse, the one who took me through my teen years, the one who passed away almost 20 years ago, the one I still think about to this day passed away… I was offered a free tattoo from one of the most respected artists in the country… I really thought I would get one to memorialize that horse…

But in the end I didn’t and I am GLAD that I didn’t. The drawing that was done, and the location I was considering at 21 is NOT what I would want, or be happy with now that I am 36.

My tastes changed. I work in a more conservative environment that I imaged (finance / law), any tattoos would need to be covered (which for me would have meant long pants at all times had I gone through with the tattoo).

So to tattoo or not - that is a decision only the person with the skin can really make. Its a “no” for me, because really, fashions etc come and go - and I don’t want something unchangeable on me.

Some people are comfortable with the PERMANENT aspect of them, along with any social prejudices etc that may be associated with them - its not for me, but they ARE for some people.

As for the design of the tattoo - I HIGHLY recommend researching local artists and find one who has a style that you like - then work with them to come up with a design. The GOOD artists rarely “copy” what you provide, but rather work with you to come up with a design.

Oh and make sure the artist is good at doing horses! They are not all created equal :eek:




Oh and make sure the artist is good at doing horses! They are not all created equal :eek:




That first one reminded me of “Charlie”. “Shun the nonbelievers”.