Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I must have missed the part where MB, MHG, RC, and the hay guy where committing insider trading and LK, the super ninja donned her black veil and bugged the place to catch them and then blow the whistle.

It does not. You cannot decide to break the consent of recording just because you think they might discuss something illegal.


Combine that with the bite to his groin, which would have been difficult for Rosie to reach if he was on the ground under RG, and I highly suspect he was attacked by LK and the dog.

Do you often refer to items with a known location as “missing?”


You should never feel bad for thinking someone sincerely wants an answers to their question.

Most of us are not used to encountering someone who really does not want an answer, only wants to make things annoying for others, so we wrongly think by explaining it some other way that they will actually understand this time and they will stop asking.
We just have to try to remember that for some, the answer is not their goal (as it appears).

I give you an A+ for your wonderful answers and your patience in trying to explain.


Didn’t it come out at one point in this long journey of learning the Kanarek plot that Michael kept things like contracts in that very same safe? So by saying she could access contracts that means Lauren Kanarek was saying she had access to the safe.



“What shall we do to spin their wheels today?”

“Oh, I don’t know. How about saying IM has never lied. That should get them going!”

“OK. Sure. Maybe later we can do the Vera divorce broke thing.”

“We could. Top it with some mens rea stuff.”

“Sounds like a plan!”


With the archived threads it does make it more difficult to just capture what you want and past it in the thread.

Mod 1 pointed out a good trick that takes them right to the post you want them to reference (more reliably than copying the bar at the top and pasting it in).

If you hit the three dots (red arrow, showing three dots in post above the one you wanted), the options will expand to show the little chain symbol (green arrow).

Clicking the chain symbol gives you a pop-up that allows you to copy and paste a direct link to the post.



Let’s set ourselves a challenge and devise a penalty for whoever falters first :wink:


I’ve truly been wondering about that aspect (paycheck). Maybe they are in the employ of someone who benefits financially by keeping things stirred up here. You know, turning clicks into $$$$.

Or maybe they are ChatGPT, which despite its ability to simulate a chat room, has various limitations, including sometimes writing “plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers”. (Wikipedia). :laughing:


Imagine that. The police in the rural lowcountry of SC did a better job of investigating a crime scene than the police in Morris Township NJ. :wink:


Excellent description! :100:

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Not so much that - since there is statute in NJ for contributory negligence, if the plaintiff has already received an amount toward their total damages, the other parties by default will be responsible for a lesser portion of damages in actual judgement and we will see those amounts in later filings or in the end disposition of the case. If a settling party ends up paying more than their share based on the outcome at trial, then that person has a cross claim for contribution against the other tortfeasers, but the plaintiff cannot receive amounts in excess of their total damages.
From Latta: “Pursuant to the Comparative Negligence Act, the finder of fact must make an allocation of causative fault between settling and non-settling defendants so that the court can calculate the amount of the credit due the non-settler even though the non-settler cannot pursue a claim for contribution against the settler.”

The basic principle is you cannot be made more than whole.


It’s a show grounds in Australia. A friend of mine from there identified it when I shared it on Facebook when I shared the picture…


I love it!

I will say though that a relative once called into a local farm paper to place an ad to sell their Appaloosa, and the person taking their call wrote “Apple-loosa.” This was way back in the 80’s and there was no opportunity to proof the ad before the issue came out. My cousin was mortified - he was on the town council and was sure that everyone would now think he was a dunce.


Ha! That makes me think of all the people I see who advertise for “Welch” pony crosses online. It’s annoyingly common.

Uhhhh … that’s a type of grape juice. The pony breed is from a country in the UK :woman_facepalming:


Aha! Thank you!! (And yes, that’s the post I was trying to embed…)

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What? You’ve never seen one of those rare, exotic Welch ponies?


Plus…the exact phrasing was, “allow your gun to go missing and endanger two 12 year olds”……

It is odd phrasing, since the kids were not present.


Is it coated in Welch’s Grape Jelly?


I want one.


I have ALWAYS been curious about this statement. It’s very specific, and very coincidental.