Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

To me it confirmed that JK most likely wrote the main body of the motion to quash and GAS only inserted the legal arguments at the end. Who knows, maybe the lawyer was telling them to hand things over and JK wrote the whole thing because I can’t imagine a lawyer would seriously argue that discovery is harassment and that everything has already been handed over by MCPO and that should be good enough. I wonder just how much friction there is between the family and both Stone and Nagel over these quash motions, especially the last one that was very emotionally charged.


I imagine you’ll have no takers…


Maybe we should start a pool. How long has he been involved now? Maybe about two months? It’s hard to keep track of all the players.


I have a very vague recollection of it happening maybe one time on the BB over the course of the last 20 years or so. So I don’t want to say it has never happened, but…


Yikes :grimacing:. Thanks for the explanation!


I suspect the same answer will apply here as it did earlier.


Yes, the fact that a search for arrests on the New Jersey Court website shows so many results for so many people with the same last name was a bit of an eye-opener.


KM - what is “try magic”?

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I am the black sheep of my family. :pensive:

I have had… TWO… count 'em… TWO speeding tickets in all these years. Plus another ticket I fought and won - about sliding slowly through the only red light in my small mountain town during a howling snowstorm.

The shame… :flushed: :pensive:


Typo. Meant to say “I used to have to try and do magic on a regular copy machine”. You know where you made the document lighter but then adjusted the contrast darker etc


Well, you better get right on it and get members of your family (parents if possible) to join up and defend your honor. :wink:


I 100% agree with this post.

I have multiple lawyers in my immediate family, one of whom went through a very contentious divorce about 10 years ago. He hired a really good divorce attorney to represent him… but then tried to both micromanage and cheap out on everything his divorce attorney did… even though this family member specialized in corporate law. Sometimes, he would draft various things for the actual divorce attorney in order to save on legal fees. Anyways… it was clearly a challenge for the divorce attorney to deal with, and my family member came close to getting fired as a client multiple times.

I think JK might be doing something similar. And it’s really dumb. And if GAS gets sick of it and manages to resign as council anytime soon…. Lollypop is going to be left in a very bad position with her case, from a legal strategy perspective.


Wow @smoofox, you are quite the rebel!


My uncle once got extradited to Canada for a Montreal parking ticket LOL

He got a ticket but since he lived in the US in a neighboring state he didn’t pay it. Cops, I assume Mounties came to his job and picked him up and brought him back to Canada.

Or at least that’s what he told us LOL


[quote=“Sdel, post:2873, topic:782326, full:true”]

I will also conjecture this is why one of our resident contrarians has been so laser-focused on keeping the discussion centered on whether or not JK was the author of the text message “Haha, maybe they will be homeless.” They were trying to divert our attention from Stone’s recent filing.


You’re welcome! Happy to help!

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It was interesting how some managed to argue about how much harassment the discovery process is and that everything had been handed over before the actual arguments came out….


A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client.


Well, if this was forum about quilting, my mom would be all over it. My sister would be a prolific poster if this was about Irish music…

But this is not Chronicle of the Quilt or Chronicle of the Ceili - so I am on my own! :cold_sweat:


Ah, thanks. I was wondering if it was some sort of app that might help me make more legible electronic copies of documents from my late father’s files (some are very old and discolored). I’ve been doing a lot of manual adjusting but it is tedious and time-consuming and never seems to work perfectly. :unamused: