Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

38 is young (relatively speaking) when it comes to having an actual mastectomy and losing an entire breast.

@Seeker1 has now clearly claimed that it wasn’t a matter of just losing an implant. She is claiming LK lost her entire breast.

Having an implant replaced? That’s a minor surgery. Full breast reconstruction? It’s much more complex. And involves multiple surgeries.


Me too! That comment from KK got lost amongst other late night musings.


Isn’t she in her 40s? More middle aged than young, but nobody at any age deserves to undergo such pain and trauma. Just like MB, MHG and their family / clients / friends didn’t deserve to undergo a campaign of terror and harassment.

There is a big gap between deserving to have something happen to you (which LK didn’t) and directly causing something to happen to you because of your own actions and choices (which LK did.)


This. Especially the bolded part.


So very well said @BigMama1! Thank you for putting it so well.


This is not what a fully removed breast looks like.


Sitting a trot is not something one would do. Or even riding.


CH couldn’t get it done (close the thread/distract from the case), daddy couldn’t get it done (close the thread/distract from the case), so it seems now mommy had to step in. I haven’t read it yet, but since I came on 250+ behind, I assume Mommy at least managed to distract from the case…


Enter Kirby Kanarek, with absolutely nothing of substance to add to the discussion and with the sole purpose of telling us, in the fashion of a Jr. High schooler (I mean really, Lazy Bones?) how awful and miserable and mean she knows we are.

Why is anyone responding any more? Yes, I made one sarcastic (and well deserved) comment, but as of this moment she’s on ignore forever.

Kirby, in case you don’t understand what that means, I won’t see your inane, false, immature posts. You can respond all you like, but I won’t see the responses because I DON’T CARE ONE BIT WHAT YOU THINK OR SAY.


She certainly tried. Without much success, I would say.


This is what a fully removed breast looks like - complete with radiation burns still in evidence 6+ years later.

ETA: You can’t really see the permanent tan due to the flash, but hot damn, you can see the other damage clearly.


I’m certainly suspicious that there is some significant conflation going on when it comes to lost implant vs mastectomy.




WOW. Look at all that I missed.

Yep, the Krol Hearing is next week.

Deposition is due by the end of the month.

Panic ensues.


I don’t remember the surgeon in the trial testifying to any such thing.

In the same way I don’t remember MHG testifying to the things that KK was claiming overnight.




So @Seeker1 (Kirby Kanarek), what are the plans for you and Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) regarding those subpoenas you have ignored for a good long time now? Are you going to answer them? Keep ignoring them while you vacation away enjoying the VIP tent in Florida?

I got confused with the back and forth from before. Are you saying you did or did not send the transcriptions you made of the recordings Lauren Kanarek made at the farm to the prosecutions office at the time of the criminal trial? We know you sent them to Safe Sport and you claim to have sent them to AK at the time of the first Krol hearing.


It just makes it a bit harder to get shirts to look right.

It’s funny, but my surgeon asked me when I last had a vacation. I sat there looking blank (Vacation? Who will take care of the dogs, cats and horses?) so she decided I “needed” 8 weeks to recover instead of six weeks. Luckily I had tons of leave to use.

I did have others cleaning stalls, carrying hay bales, etc. That was quite nice for a week or two. LOL


It can be done :slight_smile: Even after getting a flap surgery and having deep abdominal muscles cut. Sitting the trot on a big moving warmblood is pretty challenging though.

I don’t want to reveal other technical muscles impacted by tissue expander reconstruction (I have been through expanders and a later flap surgery), and how that impacts riding. @Seeker1 should be able to respond and speak to the issue.

Lauren clearly has been reconstructed. She’s too thin to have had an abdominal flap done and gotten the results she has. So she must have had a reconstruction involving expanders then new implants.

Kirby or LK should be able to name the muscles involved, what was cut during the surgery, and how later limited strength in those muscles also impacts posture, strength and riding.

If you know, you know.


Life gives many of us scars. It’s what we do with the time we have in this life which is the important thing.