Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

GAS was at the social event?
I must have missed that if someone posted it.

I know it was posted that Jonathan Kanarek and Lauren Kanarek were at a social event.

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You do. The client pays for everything the attorney does. Every email read, every page printed, every mailing label, plane ticket, travel time, transcription fees, certification fees, filing fees, everything, and then the time on top of it. If you want to make them fly to you to bask in your presence, it gets billed to your account.

You should see what an associate’s timesheet at even a small firm looks like. Minutes are accounted for. They’re pages long.


Thanks. I found it. 20 years on the attempted murder charge and 10 years on the gun charge.

So 20 to 30 years.

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Oh, you are talking about Lauren Kanarek.

Yes. Yes she was.

Like I said, Covid is only scary if you are going to NJ. Otherwise you can do what you want.

Sorry I got confused.


No, the answer to that was given in the same post. They are concurrent, not consecutive.


Dr Simring. First 8 minutes. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Rh-WHaEzyk8&feature=shares


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Yes, I found the answer from Ekat. Twenty to thirty years.

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Yes, that’s the one.

Back on topic.

When was the deadline for the LK deposition changed to the middle of April? It was March 30th the last time I looked.

Or is GAS just attempting to arbitrarily change the date on his own with this filing?


You are still wrong. Try reading a little bit harder.



If she is attending the Friday night lights events in Wellington, she is not too worried about Covid.

Similar to saying you can’t attend your deposition because you’re afraid of Covid, and also you will be at the Super Bowl that week anyway.


I’m wondering if everyone agreed to the April 13th date… but did not agree on limiting questioning.

If Bilinkas and Deininger didn’t even agree to delaying until April 13th… WOW… I hope they note that for the judge, and point out that this is a blatant delay tactic on multiple levels.


SHE. I did not say or reference GAS.

It’s just interesting that one can go to a social event but not travel to be deposed…for a lawsuit…that they filed. But hey, fair play, if you don’t have to, then why not :woman_shrugging:t3:


Just saw this. Yes.

Ignore my last post then :rofl:


Well? Don’t keep us in suspense!


People should take photos of her there, then provide the photos to Bilinkas and Deininger so they can question her about her Covid concerns while deposing her remotely.

It goes to establishing that the woman is a liar, and manipulative.


Yes, silly me was thinking about GAS and … Sorry!

I agree, it makes no sense that going to that big social event is OK but a deposition is just too scary.
But, LK won the ability to be disposed in FL so here we are.


They could probably save themselves the trouble and just take screenshots of her social media to get the same effect.


I’m so far behind but imo they believe the reason it’s not working is BECAUSE of COTH. If only coth would stop, the people in Wellington would welcome LaLa with open arms and she can move right on up to the Olympics.

That’s why they focus their attention here as opposed to other SM platforms.


Ahhhh! I don’t follow LK on social media so I didn’t see it.

But boy oh boy… what a shameless and audacious person she is.


Ditto, but it was mentioned upthread.