When I was on a jury, it took us 3 days and we had a lot of “interesting” conversations, cH and hh are incredibly naive if they think they understand juries.
So, @CurrentlyHorseless and @hut-ho78 have demonstrated such outrageously disgusting behavior that most people wouldn’t even deign to acknowledge their presence. And yet they continue to try and legitimize their awful behavior? Strange.
Did you see the latest motion by GAS to limit the questions anyone can pose to LK in her deposition about her provocative behavior leading up to the shooting? It sure seemed like a Hail Mary to me. I really hope that either Silver or Deininger files a reply tomorrow. It should be interesting.
I think someone earlier mentioned that Fridays are prettyspecific in the NJ court system. I can’t remember the technical explanations and aspects, but it was something about the judges hearing oral arguments, ruling on some motions, clerks updating things, etc.
I wonder if there is any chance that Judge Weaver takes another look at the open issue of JK and KKs subpoenas, and there is a more definitive ruling on them that moves up the timeline. I find it weird that the earlier ruling let this issue hang out there until the end of April. It seems to not fit with the rest of the timeline…
In grade school I had a friend who had a hamster that lived a long time, like 8 years. We were amazed about that until at a class reunion she told us that she had recently found out that her hamster was actually 3 hamsters. Her parents kept replacing the deceased one until they felt she was old enough to handle its death. She found out in her 20’s that she had two imposter hamsters.
Those with basic reading comprehension skills understood the point about her contribution to her own predicament.
Now, as far as I’m concerned I’m sending you to the home for deliberately obtuse posters (a.k.a. the ignore list). Those who engage in bad faith are not worth my time.
I can’t imagine that the latest filing by GAS will go over well with Weaver. It’s clearly more of a delay on some level… and Weaver let it be known he is unsympathetic to additional delay attempts.