I don’t. And I am sure that I visit far more threads than IM/LK - the only threads IM has posted in are Barisone ones. I am also Canadian - but moved here to WA long ago as someone made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.
So yeah, everyone does NOT know.
… although at times, IM has sounded far more like LK tonight…
I would think that it would be the end of Barison’es reputation if he were to lure a client away from another trainer. I agree that BNTs would never do that. Lauren, being in need of admiration and of being seen as a desireable client, would say she was scouted by Michael and offered for him to train her, but it isn’t true. Trainers don’t solicit clients, clients come to them. Lauren’s lying on that count, too.
LOL. Michael Barisone shot his own client while delusional, nearly killing her, and @Ambitious_Kate fears that his reputation would be ruined in he were to poach a first level amateur from another trainer.
I imagine we’ll get an eyeful when there is a filing that she still isn’t cooperating and insisting on “limitations” and asking the judge to force her to once again to cooperate with her law suit.
I know someone here in the COTH Army has the posts that Lalalalalala made about the barn being a fire hazard. Didn’t she rave on and on and on about that somewhere.
I think that needs a second ponder, anyone else agree?
Weird. I don’t know who the other Canadians are and I post here fairly frequently. It’s strange that someone who drops in as rarely as Inigo would notice and memorize the user names of each Canadian.
Strange, I don’t recall where I live coming up in relation to the Barisone threads much. So I searched all my posts in this thread. Nothing about Canada until Inigo brought it up. So I went back to the previous thread - all 8,000 posts in it. Just two of mine mentioned Canada, as part of a conversation we were having about the costs of healthcare and what universal healthcare here does and doesn’t cover. Definitely not a discussion Inigo took part in so yes, I do find him knowing I’m Canadian to be strange and / or indicative of how much time he spends very closely following these threads and the individual posters.