Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Yup. That’s apparently what he does.

If we are lucky, he might pause with his belligerent theatrics in order to post on the COTH thread to tell the public, yet again, about what losers MB and all his supporters are, and how the Kanarek family are total winners, and we are all just so stupid for not seeing it that way.

In other words… same old same old.


Mike drop


He was “constrained to reply”… I read that as his clients wanted him to reply, it wasn’t his idea.


Considering the wording on the new filing by GAS, I think that explains the recent postings.


Judge T does not like to follow the rules so who knows what will happen. He will likely let @Inigo-montoya Jonathan Kanarek in. I wonder if his lovely wife Kirby Kanarek @Seeker1 and his daughter Lauren Kanarek will be with him.


Honestly, it looks so bad, that I really wonder if it actually is a perverse strategy on GAS’s part to get himself fired by LK.

I assume that would be unethical. But… this looks pretty bad. Like… if I was LK and GAS was my attorney, I would be on the phone screaming, “WTF!!! Why didn’t you send that letter in last Thursday?!?!”

The letter is not optimal on its face. It seems like a redux of the arguments that were made last November by Nagel and associates. But… to send it in late? That’s sloppy.


Yes, I agree he was forced. He used a word he was hoping they wouldn’t immediately get.


And was impeached. Ditto for LK.

And you continue to excuse IM and LK for their behavior - at all costs. What on earth do you call IM’s little circus show in this thread last night - and past performances? It was certainly not “credible”.

And LK has never posted in a way that is confrontational or annoying or harassing or threatening… nope.

Nice smackdown by Deininger!

It was very obvious except to those who constantly make excuses for IM/JK that he was referring to LO - and then confirmed it with that remark. But no - ignore the actual words that IM used!! The gyrations that are gone through to make excuses for IM are rather… sad.



@Inigo-montoya should redirect his time and energy away from COTH, and go ahead and hire actual attorneys to represent he and Kirby.


Hut, I know you try with all your might to make anything a Kanarek does into something other than what it is, but do tell me, what other Lara was @Inigo-montoya Jonathan Kanarek going to meet on March 8th at the Krol hearing?
Pick a different hill. This one is not working.


I disagree. Carry on, HH.


@hut-ho78 @CurrentlyHorseless what other “Lara” do you know with a daughter at Hawthorne Hill???


That was my first thought. GAS wants out.

I also sense that LK’s parents are glomming on to her attorney because they cannot afford their own. By all appearances they are not wealthy.


She’s trying to get everyone mad at @BigMama1, @MHM and myself because we responded to @Inigo-montoya ‘s post that declared @trubandloki is really a woman named “Lara” who had a daughter who was a working student for MB during summer of 2019.

Somehow, it’s BigMama, MHM and myself are REALLY trying to pull some sort of dirty jujitsu on poor Trubs, and get people to speculate even more about her identity.

It’s a nefarious anti-Trub conspiracy of sorts.

You follow all that? :rofl:


Or that would be going to the March event regarding keeping or releasing MB?


Ever notice how IM gets off (like his daughter does) of battling someone by exposing alleged dirty little secret knowledge to make someone feel bad and unbalanced as far as arguing further?

As in: Oh so you like so and so? Funny, that’s probably because you didn’t hear him telling me how much he loathes being with you.


That’s what I think at this point.

Perhaps an unknown third party (I’m choosing my wording very carefully and deliberately trying to be very neutral) is the person actually paying LKs attorneys fees. And JK and KK are trying to take advantage of the situation and avoid having to pay for their own as well.

I do understand the argument that delays have been part of the overall strategy up to this point when it comes to JK, KK and these subpoenas and related discovery. But… this delay game is being very poorly executed at this point. I think there are other factors that explain what we are seeing better. And… my guess is that JK is cheaping out on attorneys fees.


The only Lara relevant to this discussion is Lara O. The only Lara who will be present at the March 8 hearing to our knowledge is Lara O. The only known Lara with a daughter who would be potentially moving to the farmhouse (in other words, working there) to our knowledge is Lara O. Lara is not at all a popular name in the US. (See SSA.gov). But sure, IM was referring to a different “Lara*. And the real attempted doxxing is by other posters, who are “dumb@$$e$”.

Oh, and IM isn’t JK… despite being named as such in court filings, posting numerous references to his “family”, “daughter” and being an “insider”, never denying it, nor anyone else stepping in to say that he is an imposter.

The mental gymnastics on display here are astounding. Olympics-worthy, really.


I disagree. I find the attempt at mental gymnastics amateurish at best. It’s like they discredit themselves.


One might say they are taking the Puissance Wall Jump to new heights.