Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I am on this planet, thanks. I was just referring to your assertion that Canadians always go on and on about healthcare and guns - and 95% of that is in Current Events… so one would have to follow along a lot in CE to have amassed a list of who is Canadian and who is not. This whole tangent is… simply odd.

IM knows who pretty much everyone is - without researching anything - just by spending hours and hours on COTH reading and taking notes and doing flow charts… if so, then why was there some subpoena sent to COTH to force them to out everyone - as LK claimed?

I got a DM from the inimitable Mr. Buck when I made a few comments on a FB post about him… he thanked me for my support and my condemnation of whoever he was ranting about on FB. Poor man - I had to point out that he had it backwards - and the horse in the video that he had “fixed” was dead lame on his RH. He DMed back to say that he could see I was just another moron. Cool.

The bashing and trashing and sh*t posting by LK continued before and after she filled threads here with her rants, rages and threats… and was banned here. She had been all over FB doing the same thing - and apparently you have not read much of the YouTube threads she has indulged in with such glee and venom. Why do some insist on ignoring who and what LK has presented herself as being? LK has turned herself into a pariah (your choice of words) with her own words and actions - and you constantly bend over backwards to excuse that and blame others.

CH - you have constantly told us you liked IM’s posts, you found him to be amazing and credible and truthful no matter what he is shoveling or how insulting he is… so you have created the impression that you are a fan of sorts. I am sure JK appreciates that.


No - he wasn’t permitted in the last Krol hearing and shouldn’t be a participant or spectator in any future ones either.

Michael Barisone is a patient and as such is covered by HIPAA.

Reporters being present for limited portions of the hearing is one thing, but when they start to discuss his health, they are asked to leave. Courts can and do shoo people out at various points all the time.




He never said Osborne. That was the 3 stupid posts following. If it had been LO, with friends like that, who needs enemies?

If LK and fam do show up for the hearing could r they do the deposition then to save travel time and expense?


He never said Osborne. That was 3 profoundly stupid posts from prolific posters here.

I see AB occasionally on FB. It seems he has relocated to Australia and has toned down at least some of his rants. Or maybe he is posting on a site I don’t follow.


You are really trying this line of argument? C’mon now.

I believe you are a real longtime COTH poster, who, for some unknown reason, has decided that LK is a sympathetic figure. So you are debating that side of things on various Barisone threads. And that’s fine - that’s your choice, and you are generally polite when trying to make your points.

But c’mon. You know this is silly, and @Inigo-montoya initiated all the LO stuff. He looks like he is off his rocker right now.


HH, I agree it is entirely possible that Allie acted to help LO and JH get the barn emptied and closed down, and may have made a call or two or at least pointed JK to someplace that might take LK’s horses.

I also agree on your other points about this heartbreaking tragedy and all the other issues facing equestrian sports.

I do want to remind you - again - of how LK later turned on Ally and tried to smear her reputation when she learned she was going to be a character witness for MB. It was a typical low-down, dirty, “hit below the belt” act by LK - just another display of her sterling character. :roll_eyes:

[edited for clarity]



This looks bad for GAS.

I wonder if Silver will write a letter as well today?


The next letter by GAS will be to withdraw as counsel IF there is someone to step in. If not, then a Motion to withdraw as counsel LOL


Why would someone who isn’t Lara Osborne be in NJ on March 8th?



Well, I am screwed then and may have to renounce my citizenship. I do not like the basic poutine with gravy and curds. What a terrible thing to do to fries…

An upcoming SM war??!! :laughing:
Again, LK was waging her SM war on people long before she was tragically shot. That was how I became aware of her - a dressage friend sent me a link to one of LK’s ranting tirades on FB that was being shared in a FB dressage group - plus she was being talked about on Dressage Hub (where pot met kettle) and I occasionally peek in there to see what a fellow Canadian (SW) is spewing. That was just before she started to pretend to look for rides for her horses to get out of there… I say “pretend” because she had many great offers and demurely refused all aid…

So what is happening on March 8th? Aside from the Krol heating? Is everyone meeting somewhere to celebrate Holi?


Yes, I am responding to my own post again.

I meant to add that if RG is regarded as a heroic figure by the K-Klan and their sycophants, what does that say about them? I mean, how low do you have to be to think someone like RG is a HERO?


He’s the gift that keeps on giving lol. His training videos are right up there with NP.


If I were GAS, I would want to withdraw before LKs deposition. For sure. Because it’s going to be brutal. Bilinkas and Deininger have been waiting for a long long time to grill her.

She’s going to be caught in so many of her own lies… it’s quite something to contemplate.


Omg. I can totally picture Mr. B pulling a Columbo there.

“One more thing, while you’re here…”


Was he charged with perjury? No. How would you know?

[quote=“trubandloki, post:2272, topic:782326, full:true”]

Thanks. So JK will be milling about in the corridor outside, waiting to accost LO and anyone else that shows up?


You just get mad because I’m not buying all the manure you try to hurl at them.