Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Let the moderators handle it please.

We all know what she is trying to do and we, those of us with excellent reading comprehension skills, know what your non-inflammatory post said, and it clearly wasn’t bashing anyone.


That’s not what the post says though. She said “isn’t it possible” not “LK was shot with her own gun, a Ruger.”


Just throwing this out there.


OMG. That’s funny.

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Best indicator that you are right on the money….


Just a reminder that besides the weird logins several of us were notified by our security software over the past year or so that our coth passwords were available on the dark web. If you haven’t changed your password since “the great hack” I recommend it.

I gathered my courage for this repeated public service announcement because the last time I did y’all accused me of threatening you. The time before you did not. It’s been discussed in the Barisone threads a few times and the technical forum.

I think coth had notices up for a while as well but I was an occasional lurker then after I had deleted all my posts and backed away.

That reminds me @trubandloki you made a big deal out of me editing a post after you pointed out I was wrong and I agreed. I have deleted every post in the past yet almost all of them reappeared when the forums were rebuilt after the hack. I edit all the time. I correct typing errors and add clarity and I still delete if I realize I’ve violated forum rules or just don’t like my post, more often though, I edit. A lot of people delete. I see “post withdrawn” every day. I even see “post withdrawn” by people who make a big deal out of other people deleting and editing posts. At a certain point (oh look I just edited pint to point though a pint sounds better) they are archived. Also, deletions stay in coth. They have them for as long as their data storage policy allows. They may pop back up when glitches or hacks occur. The internet lasts forever.

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Sidebar: Why are so many folks using the full name, including middle names and aliases (where appropriate) when referencing various members of the KKlan? Just curious.


How about combining that with the aforementioned Unstable?

Title: Unstable: The Family That Preys Together


But will they fit under my breeches?

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To make it harder for them to hide their perfidy in the future. If people google their names they have a chance of getting a more clear, complete picture. Despite any monies spent on internet scrubbing and reputation enhancement by virtue of absence.


Please see bolded.

Stone is saying that collateral estoppel applies to the issue of Barisone shooting LK. He is not saying it applies to the role of SGF.

Do you have a similar quote from Deininger saying collateral estoppel does not apply to Barisone?

I didn’t say Ruger.
“You started the claims that she owned the gun the shot her while she was still in a coma.”

“The” should be “that”-typing error.


You have posted proof that others claim to have seen it.

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Most likely because if anyone does an internet search for those terms these discussions will come up.
It’s a good way of making sure that people get the jist of just how unsavoury their behaviour is.
Also if the KKlan are searching to see what’s being said about them they know public opinion of them is not favourable


Really everyone, please take the moral high ground. With the latest filings, it is much more evident that this will not be a pretty process, and the Ks are not likely to prevail (as most of us already knew). However, to some posters it is a surprise, and not good news, that there is actually evidence for Barisone and SGF’s claims.

Please, we all know that tantrums get worse before they get better but the only proper way to deal with them is to ignore the button pushing and go about our business. So, let’s get about our business shall we? One can’t reason with a tantrum.


No one is buying what you’re selling.

Every time @CurrentlyHorseless and @hut-ho78 post lies about me it tells me I’m doing something right, so then I post MORE because I know I’m onto something.

Thank you for the validation.


Right but she said possibility. She even said possible not probable. That’s not the same thing as a definitive statement. She didn’t post it as factual. You’re intentionally mischaracterizing the post.


I have posted zero lies about you.

I’ve just made the obviously true statement that you’ve proven that others claim to have seen a post about Rugers, but you have not proven that others have seen it, or that it ever existed.

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I hope you’re not an attorney because you would not be a good one.


Schrodinger’s Ruger