Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

It was a HUGE mistake for Lauren Kanarek and any of her ilk to threaten horse women to begin with. What an under estimation on their part!

Seriously, we play with 1,000 lb. animals for rest and relaxation. We get up immediately and get back on the horse when we come off. We wrestle them to give them care when they are sick and hurt. Don’t think we won’t stand up for ourselves!

Another way they underestimated us is that many of us are of a certain age and been around the block more than once. We have encountered people like this before, and we know that the best way to handle them is to stand up for ourselves, as well as not allow others to be bullied.

I think long and hard before posting here. I have enough introspection to think about what I say, and certain posters seem to think that I have made posts that are mean or cruel or disrespectful. That is their point of view. So be it. I will always continue to call it as I see it.


It’s pretty clear that different parties are not reading Knight’s Mom’s previous posts the same way. The posts have been provided and explanations/clarifications from both sides, from which everyone can make their own determinations about how they were being represented. Let’s please refocus the discussion back to the recent filings.


I have not seen anything yet by the court addressing the request for oral arguments. Is it likey a date will be set when the decisions are made on Friday?

No worries, hut-ho78. I got you covered. No, I don’t have to “lure” anyone anywhere at all.




The group lures people here?


Thank you so much! I didn’t want to disrespect the moderator. It looks ok on second read though, the moderator was telling us to move on from an earlier post. This did.






I smell desperation



In case anyone wasn’t clear on how we are being characterized as a group, or an individual poster, ….and is being characterized as moving on…


Sorry to burst bubbles, but if you Google most of the players’ names, singly or in conjunction with one another, you don’t get these threads. At least I don’t. So, not only is the idea that anyone is “luring” anyone here absurd, but it would be really tough to do!

At the end of the day, this is a niche corner of the internet. Most people who stumble across these threads are already here, or have sought out COTH for another, unrelated reason. Unless someone was to say “go check out COTH for what people are saying about the Barisone-Kanarek drama”, then it’s unlikely people would be lured here, or would even find it.


I’m good that they’ve gone there. It means they had no where else to go.

We know the truth. Everyone reading knows the truth.

When someone chooses to advertise their shortcomings, let them.


Yes, but not so long ago when you googled her name, COTH would show up as one of the top hits. So someone has invested money in one or more of those companies that scours the internet and scrubs your unsavory presence.


That is not exactly moving on… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

But anyway, I do not think the word perfidy is the best choice there… as it means a deliberate betrayal of trust, betraying one’s allegiance… disloyalty… treachery… that kind of thing. The poster is not in a Survivor-style alliance with the family - nor is anyone else here.

But I am thinking that the Kanarek family does not want to go to Tribal Council and hear that the tribe has spoken…

ETA: The tribe = the court.


It wasn’t enough for the escalation of bad decisions by all parties but people have to bring up nonsense theories straight out of the Sopranos? RICO? In cahoots with the courts, LE, building inspectors, etc.? Then post full names and repeat that they do that so people looking up the names can see all the fabricated nonsense here? Who does that? Oh wait.

If that’s the case, they really messed up by missing the Dressage Hub links. Lol.


Thanks for the explanations for my innocent question. I ask everyone to please just stick to the civil trial discussion. I don’t understand the dredging up of old who-said-what-in-which-post. I do understand those folks who feel the need to defend themselves from it, however. But honestly, why? We all believe what we believe about the case, and no one is going to change anyone’s mind by now. Please just post your opinion and be done with it. (Mondo climbs down off of soapbox. Or high horse - take your pick.)


But, but, the art of trolling!


I am so extremely thankful that no one my entire family has never been arrested, not even once. Every member of my family is educated, works very hard at a variety of professions and have been quite successful in all endeavors. Never have any of us felt the need or desire to sue someone just for the fun of it - to plot and conspire the complete ruin of a man, his mind, his business, his reputation, and his family. Never has anyone in my family attempted to sway judges or prosecutors to do their bidding.

How nice it is to be the polar opposite of the Kanarek family.