Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

It’s a lot more fun to just sit back and take judicial notice about what topics set off the squawking.


That’s very true.


Could it be because we keep using their initials?


Yes, others did see it, I being one of those others. The post was deleted. So what of it? Honestly, I don’t know why you still hang around and bait others into your little arguments.


RICO really bothers you does it?


If things are as they appear with those illegal recordings, RICO should be a real concern, don’t you think?

I am not an insider and have no information. My posts are my own thoughts and imaginings unless otherwise stated.


Hey @hut-ho78, Since you brought it up, I am curious about your opinion, ya know, your feelings about Lauren Kanerek and her father, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) texting about suing Michael Barison and hoping for a settlement BEFORE the shooting?

Do you need me to provide you with a screen shot of that text to refresh your memory? If you do just let me know and I will gladly help you.


Except for organizing the formal complaints against Judge Taylor when he didn’t release MB on your timeline. Except for the ongoing actions to ruin LK and JK, to show the world who you think they really are that you have bragged about in these forums.

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Here’s an interesting RICO story. Although most people think of RICO in terms of the MAFIA and such as it was made to fight those criminal enterprises, it has evolved into so so much more.

For example, a judge has been charged under RICO. FIFA soccer has been charged under RICO. R. Kelly was charged and convicted under RICO. And here is a description of another story, another application, against a rapper charged with RICO. Read the whole thing so you can see how it works.

I am by no means saying RICO is applicable here. What I am saying that if certain ELEMENTS are found to exist that it is POSSIBLE to have a situation similar to other situations where RICO was applicable and used.

I believe it is important for people to learn about these very interesting and complex legal realities.


I believe the way it has been explained on how the NJ court system works is there is a cycle of two weeks, the date given is not the date things will be decided, it is the first date of the cycle that they will be decided/looked at. So… Fridays date is that first day of the cycle, so the first possible day they might pick a date for oral arguments or make a decision or such. It is not the date we will get an answer. I mean, it might be the date, but not likely the date.


I just don’t get how you accuse others of defamation but then casually drop in RICO comments and mob comments. You aren’t alone on this. You haven’t warned anyone else doing it. All I can think is that the K’s are not known for lawsuits at all (and google has not found me any except the one against MB for shooting LK) and you like to use it to threaten people whose posts you don’t like.

It’s a puzzler for sure.

I believe @LexInVA covered this topic already. These threads used to come up. The Kanarek family appears to have paid someone to scrub so COTH is not a first page hit for Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) or Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1).

I have not looked to see if they paid to have Robert Guy Goowin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin scrubbed.



Aww, you give me way too much credit @hut-ho78! Wow! I am seriously flattered that you believe I have that much sway with others.

I never “organized” anyone to formally complain about the uniquely biased Judge Taylor, but I did indicate that I had filed two reports. Contrary to what you believe, my reports were not about releasing or keeping Barisone confined, they were about Taylor’s unorthodox behavior and avoiding Krol procedures. If others followed suit, perhaps they were simply following my lead.

As I have said repeatedly, until the Kanareks are held accountable for their actions, some apparently illegal, I will always keep their documented behavior front and center. Contrary to what I have been accused of, I never contacted anyone in NC or FL to not allow LK to board her horses. Lauren’s reputation is responsible for her difficulties in finding a board situation. It is remarkable to think what Deininger provided via exhibits might be the tip of the iceberg of the depths your friends went to destroy Barisone.

Outside of this forum the Kanareks are not a part of my life. I know that must distress you and I am prepared for your cries of “liar”, so give it your best shot, but now please reread your baiting post to me and make appropriate corrections before I report it as inappropriate.


Judge Taylor did not follow the rules. Period. You know this. Not sure why you are choosing to ignore this. There are some very black and white rules that he did not follow. I guess that is OK with you in this case?


I never said anyone was in the mob. I am talking about application of law in the presence of multiple crimes like obstruction of justice, coercion, extortion, wiretapping, assault, etc. I am talking about what might possibly happen in the future if certain things are discovered.

Remember learning and applying law is what I did as my career so its not so unusual for me to comment on it. Your position is that RICO isn’t applicable. I get it. If you’re right then fine. I’m not accusing anyone of anything even though I myself was accused in writing of libel and defamation on this very Board.


I admit that I do not follow these threads fervently and take notes as to who said what or when… and I am not a fangirl of MB (or anyone else living or dead) but I may have missed some info here. Where did eggbutt say she was going to “finish the bastard” or finish anyone? Where is the plot? Where are all the posts that detail this - similar to what we can read in those released texts?

The only people who can “ruin” JK or LK - are themselves. By their own words and actions. LK seems to have been trying very hard to do that at times… and IM’s childish sneers and taunts do not paint a great picture of JK. Luckily for JK, this is a very small forum and not many people will have seen that nonsense.

You might find a lot more to get actually upset about on those YouTube threads - where anything goes and LK was gleefully pouring more gas on the fire. I doubt that she has been able to go back and delete most of that - there were far too many posts.

She is her own worst enemy.




  1. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

Line 1: (Outgoing-9:37.08PM) We need to send Michael, MH, Justin and Mary DeFranco the very first recording. Then tell them it is the tip of the iceberg…. The police are buffering it now. We will be sending each of the other (a number, ends in a 4) threats and bullying and plotting to make the staff “fall in the line” recordings as we see fit. Just a formal notification - so that the other parties on THIS one 51 minute recording (which you cannot hear as clearly as we can or as clearly as the Washington Township Police can) have a chance to lawyer up.


:rofl: personally, I’ve lost count of the people I know that Lauren Kanarek threatened with law suits over the years.

Remember when she said she was going to sue USEF & USDF and made a complete fool out of herself?!


Ok, my linking is wonky and I do not want to look like a total dork (only a partial one) that is trying to do a google brief (:)) -but for general information-- if you put in words like “privity nonparty collateral estoppel” (and if you want add “NJ”), nonparty privity cases will come up and law review articles. If you put in words like "offensive nonmutual collateral estoppel’ cases and law review articles will come up. But I think the attorneys on both sides will get us all educated on this arcane issue.


LK is notorious for threatening lawsuits. I don’t recall anyone saying they filed a lot of suits but LK very much uses them as a threat.