Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

The motion date is also the day for oral argument, if scheduled or requested. So if they do schedule argument, it will be for the 17.


Will we see that on the website? GAS requested oral arguments, but I don’t see anything scheduled yet. Would they grant it based on the request, or do some judges there just say no? (If you know) (sorry, this is all so different in process than what I’m used to, and I really appreciate your explanations)


You followed a process that has to be provided legally, for a non-participant on this forum about how they treated a non-participant of this forum in their professional capacity that impacted said non-member. That is being attacked.

Meanwhile……four members of this forum have been subjected to doxxing that has been related to the Barisone threads. Two posters who regularly posted on Barisone threads were asked about on HSD. One member of this forum that has previously posted in these threads was banned for such doxxing on this forum. One member of this forum has had her equestrian trainer and her employer contacted about their involvement in the Barisone threads. And another, now banned member, was very vocal about reaching out to various entities to come shame us or shut down the topic.
None of that was condemned.



Thank you @eggbutt for filing the report on Judge T. Even though he is not going to face any action I think it is important that he is aware (hopefully) that people outside of this case are paying attention to his decisions and will speak up if they question them. Good job to you and those who filed a report!

Also-for our legal team, could someone explain the differences between judicial bias, judicial misconduct and appearance of impropriety? It is my understanding that these terms break down even further to more specific terms and they are not interchangeable. TIA!

this is not a question having to do anything to do with Judge T, just a general legal question.


Go to August 7. The first call they posted appears to be a neighbor. I would assume that, if it were MHG’s father, he would know the names of the people, and this guy did not.

The second call is JK’s call trying to find out more information.


ETA: @ekat this was meant to be a response to you, not sure why it showed up alone.

It depends on the judge. Usually the clerk or secretary will call or email the attorneys with the time they are supposed to appear for oral argument on the motion date and it would not show up on ecourts.

When I was clerking, ecourts was brand new, so we did not use it to schedule things - we just spoke directly to the attorneys. I’m not sure if that’s a capability it has. Attorneys who litigate a lot in NJ are used to the motion cycle, so most of them just have fridays blocked off as argument day, and they just wait to be assigned a time. Occasionally there is conflict with attorneys who have multiple motions in different counties. However, sometimes there could be no oral argument requested for a motion when it was filed, but oral argument requested for a cross motion or opposition. That may not show up on ecourts, but would be scheduled for argument. Or they request it later and are added to the schedule, but ecourts isn’t updated.

No problem! NJ works differently than a lot of jurisdictions. I moved back to my home state after clerking and everything here is completely different, but NJ is a neighbor of ours. I actually think NJ is quite organized comparatively.


Thank you! That helps a lot!

Once you start to understand how it works, it does seem fairly organized. It’s just different and takes a bit to sink in my head. I appreciate it!


I have to say that line of thought brings up a much more proactive approach to destruction than I had previously imagined.


I always wondered if the person was questioned regarding the number of gunshots they heard. It would be interesting to know if they matched ED recollection of 2 shots as well as the approximate time between shots.
I am in a rural area and I hear gunshots frequently. Out here they can be heard from a great distance even with smaller guns.


I believe arson was mentioned somewhere….one of the various Barisone suits….


NJ reorganized its judicial system at some point, I want to say in the 80s (don’t quote me on that), and it moved from a system where each vicinage or county worked on its own local rules to a statewide system, which includes the statewide court rules. So the whole state civil system works on the same sort of schedule.

Cases are also assigned to different tracks (1 through 4), depending on the claims or type of case it is. The tracks actually have different time period goals that a case assigned to that track is supposed to meet. It is used to track judge statistics on how efficiently they dispose of cases. Of course, this doesn’t always work out. Discovery usually takes longer than anticipated, as I’m sure you’re aware. My judge was always very generous granting discovery extensions. He never wanted to be appealed for any reason, so he allowed multiple extensions in order to make sure discovery was complete to the general satisfaction of the parties.


So glad there was bolding!
(BTW, @hut-ho78 does not like it when we go back and make changes inside the quotes, are you not reading Hut’s posts?)

Here is the part you are not getting (on purpose maybe?).

The thing here is, GAS saying evil people are bugging his not clients for no reason because collateral estoppel applies because he says that Michael was found guilty of shooting Lauren so all that has to be decided is how much he owes her. Let us ignore all the obvious reasons this statement is not factual while we are discussing the wrongness of his tossing out collateral estoppel for the subpoenas that are currently being ignored.

GAS used his blathering puffery about collateral estoppel to say that all the discovery being asked for by Mr. Silver and Mr. Deininger is harassing his not clients, Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) and Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and because of collateral estoppel none of this is necessary. But then he goes on to say how the collateral estoppel (wrongly) applies to Michael shooting Lauren Kanarek. (Please note he has not filed a motion raising collateral estoppel, which is required if that is the route he is taking.)

The evidence being asked for by Mr. Silver and Mr. Deininger from Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek have nothing to do with that part of the claim. Neither lawyer is asking for evidence associate with the actual shooting. Both lawyers are talking about parts of the case that would not be covered by collateral estoppel even if it applied.

I am sure that if/when GAS formally raises the issue of collateral estoppel that Mr. Deininger will respond appropriately.



Very interesting. My state is still every county for itself. The vastly rural counties just can’t get on board with following the metropolitan areas for much, lol.

I’m intrigued by the track system. It makes a lot of sense.



Interesting idea.


Playing catch up here. Re: scrubbing. A local high level public servant hired a PR firm to scrub accounts of her bad administrative scandals, nepotism being the absolute least worst. First scrub was $250K, second was $46K. this was back in 2015 (your tax dollars at work–she got inside approval from one of her yes men). Had an aide constantly rewriting her Wiki page. But what lives on? FB and YouTube etc. Some stuff just cannot be scrubbed. Lady Macbeth’s legacy.


Darn, I was hoping you would be able to provide some links.

Google is not finding me anything that applies to this type of case, I was excited to read what you found that did apply.


So is mine, I only know the local county rules and the local federal court rules.

It’s a great way to track statistics. I don’t know if the tracks are visible to outsiders on ecourts. Logged in as court staff I could see all the background info in the caption. I’d have to go investigate to see if they’re out there now.

My judge was pretty good in most respects, but he did tend to take his sweet time deciding on motions because he wanted to get it right. He cared very much that the right answer was given initially so that he did not get appealed. He was usually right, and 98% of the time that someone appealed it came back as denied by the appellate division within a week. I used to get phone calls all the time asking about the status of motions for months after the motion date. I’m pretty sure he had a motion still waiting when my term ended that I had drafted an opinion on my first week there. I used to run into one of the attorneys for that case in the gym and they’d bring it up on occasion.


It’s too bad Mr. Tarshis did not take a page out of RG’s book and record those conversations for future reference.

Although I’m sure that was not his habit or inclination, even if he had thought of it in the moment.


You can see some things here, although I’ve always just not paid attention to it. The 9ish month stay kind of skews the stats a little for this case.

So, Track 2 is what you are referring to, correct?

A careful, conscientious judge is great. But sometimes I just wish they’d move a tiny bit faster. But then again, patience has never been my strongest suit.


It sounds like Mr. Tarshis had plenty of witnesses sitting at his table.