Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

The time column closest to the right is, I believe, the read time (essentially, probably when that text chain was opened).



I am wondering about Silver as well. Will he even bother responding?

I found the earlier analysis of GAS’ letter by a few of the lawyers very interesting. Especially how his use of the word ‘constrained’ in effect conveys that he is writing it to satisfy his client’s request… but he is aware it’s unconventional at best, and not an optimal choice from a legal strategy perspective.

I will go ahead and read between the lines, and conclude this is probably how things played out behind the scenes last fall, when Nagel and associates were still representing LK. It seems like JK is being very assertive behind the scenes with his daughter and her attorneys.

Again… this family has very unhealthy relationships with one another. Father and daughter seem bizarrely enmeshed. She’s in her 40’s he’s in his late 60’s or early 70’s. Why can’t she run her own life without Daddio involved in all this stuff related to horse trainers, living and boarding agreements and contracts, and now, her attorneys and the civil suit?

It’s bizarre.


@Einhorn, If the next Krol hearing doesn’t release MB, can his attorney file an appeal?
I was looking at a case State v. C.M. Docket No. A-2631-17T3 5/26/19 and it looked liked it was a successful appeal for a previous Krol hearing.
I just hope he has options if the hearing doesn’t go his way.


Thank you @StB.YM!

Yes, it appears there was a text chain among LK,RG, and JK, and if that means that LK did not read those messages until 9:32 (sounds plausible) that RG said “The building inspectors are coming tomorrow” and a few minutes later JK responded with “Haha, maybe they’ll be homeless”.

ETA: On second thought, it’s still unclear. The homeless remark could be a response by JK to RG, or RG may have added it as a kicker to his previous post.

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I wonder if these are just as grainy, grey, and pixelated when provided to the clerks/judge or its from the uploading process. I can’t imagine having to review files like this on a daily basis.


Yeah, where did this tangent even come from? This thread is getting so hard to follow with all the side conversations. May take a break and just wait for a new thread if there are any developments.


I was assuming that it’s filed electronically, so I’m guessing the judge sees what we see.



I made this post back on Tuesday.

It now seems rather fairly likely that they knew about GAS’ letter before it was filed and were none too happy about the tone of it. :thinking:


IM definitely knew about that letter before it was sent.


Noooo… you are the master at that - as we have seen through endless threads. But thank you for saying I am “very earnest”.


Very true. From what I’ve seen gatherings don’t even have alcohol.


Alex Murdough is testifying live now!


I’m not licensed in NJ,v so this is just general legal info:

Generally one can file an appeal after a court makes a ruling, so is think yes, if the parties have notice, the judge hears evidence makes findings of fact and makes conclusions of law based on those findings, it can be appealed.


At least you finally acknowledged what other posters have been telling you. I am not sure why you have been on this mini-crusade to suggest that JK could not have said such a thing or been a party to it…




Scanning copied docs in ecourts can be a problem because the scanners don’t automatically make things easier to read. Colored paper is a nightmare too. I used to have try magic on a regular copy machine and then scan that into ecourts. But big files with many pages is tough.


Yes - and apparently wasn’t thrilled with it. I’m wondering if he either drafted a response but Stone declined to use it, or if Stone wasn’t going to respond at all but JK leaned on him big time. And Stone acquiesced but inserted the word “constrained” to register his protest.

It makes me wonder how long it will be before Stone tries to disengage himself from dealing with those folks.


And even her interactions here on the BB?

How many other posters on this BB have their parents create accounts in order to support their opinions? Show of hands?