Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

The actor from the TV show Kung Fu


Was this in reply to my post asking who eggbutt was referring to (about a strange man with an even stranger death)?


David Carradine - actor


Question about the case for the smart legal people who are so generous with their time.

GAS submitted that after the fact letter. Mr. Deininger responded to it.
Does Mr. Silver have to respond to it, or is that not required because the letter is just not appropriate to start with so no response is needed?

(Hope that question makes sense.)


David Carradine. He starred in “Kung Fu”. It was a sad unnecessary death.

Many good actors in that family.


I don’t think he has to, but he may want to. Depends on the practice. Some attorneys can’t not respond, others are more judicious


Thanks, I used to watch that show occasionally but I don’t follow the entertainment world much so I had no idea about how he died.

But yeah, what Roseymare said. There are occasional LE drama shows on TV in which someone died/almost died from engaging in those kind of shenanigans. And similar sexual deviant behavior in which one party essentially strangles the other party while engaging in “the act” - apparently to increase the strangler’s arousal.

Back to our regularly scheduled program. This is too disturbing a segue to continue with… :scream:


I agree. I don’t think he has to.

I’m curious what is going to happen next. Will the court hear oral arguments? Or will they decide based on the motions/briefs? Interesting to consider.


It is NJ, I doubt we can even guess what they will do next. It is a unique place.


I wish the court would get off their duff and do some sort of decision.

Jezzzzz don’t they realize we are sitting her waiting with baited breath?


Honestly, if i were this judge, I’d skip oral arguments if i thought i could.


Meaning decide the whole case/suit filed by LK against MB?

Very true!

I know, right?

Oh, me too!


No, the pending motions for contempt/to compel/quash.




Thank you for your post yesterday, and this one.

I had misread Deininger’s point 25 as saying the circled text about taunting MB with a recording was from JK. Actually, Deininger only says that that text is between JK and LK, and you point out that it is an outgoing text, so written by LK to JK.

So Deininger is saying JK is part of a conversation about taunting MB with a recording, while what the exhibit shows is that JK was the recipient of the text proposing that, not the author.

I found it odd that at some level the texts were redacted, but redacted so sloppily that in some cases you could see the names.

I don’t see where you can determine when LK read a given text.

On the 9:18 incoming text, if the “from” did indeed end in “ad”, that would indicate it was from JK. However, I could not read that through the redacting and the pixelation.

Writing “Haha maybe they’ll be homeless” is a nasty sentiment, whoever wrote it. So is “I’ll effing kill her”, “I’ll get her banned for life” and “I’ll make their life so miserable they’ll be begging to leave”. The situation was well beyond nasty, on both sides.

But thank you for pointing out some details I missed.

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I have seen it as a cause of death: autoerotic asphyxiation.

And that is all I have to say about that.

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Couldn’t sleep last night and rewatched 48hrs and day 2 of LK on the stand being questioned by Bilinkis. It’s amazing how bad of a liar she is and how easy it is to see thru all her lies especially since the new texts came out.

He questioned her about the homeless text and asked (paraphrasing) Was it your intention to make them homeless? Her answer yes, well not myyyyy plan but yes a plan nonetheless.

If you listen really carefully to JK on 48hrs he says some pretty interesting things that I didn’t catch the first time.

They just look so disgusting. There is no hiding that. After watching for a 2nd time I have zero doubt that LK got physical with MB first. She has some pretty big tells on the stand. I just hope the civil trial plays out. There is so much more we haven’t been privy to.


I never said a word to “excuse” the text, whoever wrote it.

I have not been “struggling to say ‘nothing’ about that text”.

You are very earnest in your building of straw men.


No, just the current motions to quash, compel, or hold in contempt.