Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

You’re ahead of this horse.



I am so very, very, behind on this MB/LK stuff. Wake me when it’s all over…


I am equally confused. I got in my car to head home from the barn and happened to notice I had been inexplicably tagged by a certain poster, came home to find apparently misattributed statements as the reason, and now can’t figure out where I left off of the thread because there is a whole side conversation about autoerotic asphyxiation and I hadn’t followed since yesterday.

Also, if someone finds the out-of-character pearl clutching I did, I will apologize, but it seems really odd. Those of you who know me in real life know I swear like a sailor. And this isn’t the first time posts have been misattributed to me, right, @CanteringCarrot? Odd.


Maybe some COTHers are more involved in law than they let on because, yanno, people lie on SM.

Maybe some COTHers ARE MBs attorneys. Or their employees.

Wouldn’t THAT be a hoot, eh?


Blue. ^^^


As MBs closest personal supporter, MB may have been authorized his defense team to give LO access to records the lawyers have that are not publicly posted.

So what?! She sure hasn’t shared anything with me or anyone I know. I don’t think the woman has time to breath or have a meal to be honest. Running a successful business AND maintaining a working training facility, training her own horse, showing her own horse, paying bills, and speaking with MB as she can sure doesn’t leave her much time to read or share documents. Isn’t that what MB is paying a small fortune for professionals to do?

Get a life CH. You’re grasping at straws trying to defend your idol and his complicit family. As LK tells others, maybe take up knitting.


I completely missed the start of that detour as well, so I don’t know how that happened.

I did notice the other day that sometimes a few of the posts would not appear in order at first, and then they would pop up later when I backtracked on the thread. So I’m wondering if that could be what happened. I don’t know.


No one has suggested LO shared any documents with you.

If you want to know “So what!” read the thread, in particular the part in which IM speculated that Trubandloki was LO.

JK is not my idol. I have no idols. I’m not interested in knitting.

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It did seem like during the trial, Mr. B said some things that sounded remarkably similar to some of the conversations that had appeared on the BB.

So I don’t know if there was cross pollination, or great minds were just thinking alike, or what. Lol.


It began when I responded to a post by saying “Patience Grasshopper”.

Then someone mentioned the TV show that came from, Kung-Fu, which then led to David Carradine and his death at a young age and what he apparently was doing when he may have accidentally hanged himself.


Ahhhhh. Thanks.



At one point the Kanareks were directing people to the forums to read all the victim shaming. That may have backfired on them rather than ignoring and being silent because then people began reading to see the various Kanarek posts. Their need for attention created a lot of clicks I’m sure!


They keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means. :thinking:


So, when you misrepresent what I say that’s okay? When you tag me when I haven’t been participating in the conversation to misrepresent me, that’s okay? If I actually clutched pearls, which I find really unlikely, please present receipts. I find that behavior from me surprising, as I am not offended by that Instagram post and I flip people off on the daily, and I swear like a sailor, but I guess maybe I somehow either regressed to a Pollyanna or I made an incidental comment that said it was classless and you’ve ascribed some kind of importance to it that it doesn’t deserve.

As for tagging, I have precisely no idea what this word salad means. “In tagging, I generally attempt to mirror the way ban other poster does it doesn’t tag me.” I don’t know what your tagging strategy is, but I would prefer if you don’t tag me at all. Thanks!

[Edited to delete an extraneous “you”.]


The bizarre tangents these threads take are interesting!




See you in 2025.


That statement contains a typo.

I was trying to say that I attempt to use tagging with posters who typically tag me, and try to refrain from tagging posters who usually don’t tag me.

That’s what I meant by “mirror”.

If I misremembered the comment dumping on LK for flipping the bird when I attributed it to you, I apologize. I am well aware that I am capable of misremembering.

While I am capable of misremembering, I do not intentionally misrepresent other people’s posts.