Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Yep, I’ve named it Tsunami, Su-su for short. Su-su is going to make bombshells look like fire crackers. My biggest question is where the Kanareks will find the cash to pay Barisone and SGF? Maybe she can start a GFM so all those supporters she and her mom keep telling us all about on various SM posts will pitch in. I kinda doubt it.

Pestering witnesses, judges and threatening others is what has worked for them in the past. They know nothing else.

JK took great offense to me using the words shyster and grifter in the same sentence as the Kanarek name. I stand by those words and the association. The definitions certainly apply.

These people made an attempt to fit in with hard working, law abiding, professional people and blew it big time. All she had to do was leave.

Funny thing is the only one who may come out of this unscathed is RG, unless he is charged with the illegal surveillance. :thinking:


I would assume whoever allows Lauren Kanarek to claim she is of unlimited means will be asked to step up and pay the bill.
Not saying they will do it, but they seem like the logical choice for someone to pay.


Thanks! I thought that was the case but I couldn’t remember (being elderly and all… :grin: ).

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I just saw several posts on FB complaining about how long SS took this year. Anyone done it lately?

Yes. 10 min


Depending on when you took your first SS training, the few years after are a brief renewal. But after a longer period (four years? Five years?), I believe you have to take the entire thing over again, which is a significant investment in time. Could be the disconnect between people whose renewal took 10 minutes vs those who experienced longer.


It depends where you are in the cycle. If you’ve done the core course recently and all you need is renewal, it takes 10 minutes. But if you’ve done all the refreshers, you have to do the core course again, which is about 90 minutes. I have kept up my SS every year, but had to do the core course again this year. It was very different from the first time I took it.


I had an acquaintance tell me about a multimillion company even paying for an entire moot court to determine if litigation would be successful. And when the moot court ended the company settled due to the probable verdict going not in their favor. I cannot imagine how much they expected to lose if they outlayed that much money up front.


Thank you guys for that info! CoTH always knows what’s up. Makes total sense.

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Ditto. I was expecting the ten minute version.

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Jodie Comer (Killing Eve) for LK.

Edited to add picture


I was thinking Kim Raver for LK image


Maybe Josh Brolin for MB image


No idea who to cast as who really, but I could imagine Kevin Spacey as JK. However, he (Spacey) has too much scandal surrounding him. If we were to put that aside for a minute, the only reason I say Kevin Spacey is because I can picture him playing JK and doing that looking at the viewer and making comments like he did in House of Cards. Just seems suitable. No idea why :rofl:


Maybe Kiefer Sutherland for MB? Bonus points that he owns and rides horses IRL.

I have a great idea for JK but when I posted it after the 48 Hrs episode it got flagged and deleted.


The only actor I can imagine playing JK is Joe Pesci. Hands down.


I think Brad Pitt used to show either cutting or reining horses under an alias.

I’ve never heard this, and the cutting world is pretty small, so new like that would spread fast.

I mean if my name actually referred to cutting horses, and not my affinity for knives and various knife tricks! :joy::joy::joy:


Tayler Sheridan can direct the movie!


I don’t remember the details. It was quite a while ago.

And it’s not like I saw him myself, so I don’t know it for a fact. Lol.

Edited to add: I found this mention on a thread in off topic from a couple of years ago. I think I had also seen the subject come up in previous discussions, but this was the only one I found in a quick search.

Plus if he’s used to riding western, he should already know how to sit the trot! Lol.