Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Of course you do :joy:


Everyone attends that even because it’s free and doesn’t require an invite


Which is going to be pretty hard once the evidence she was able to access the safe comes out, evidence that should have been allowed into criminal trial. All that plotting, all that gloating, no one will believe she didn’t take it……

The evidence is there somewhere, I feel it in my bones….

ETA: and the ninjaing….


Oh yes, but only because your building requires it, otherwise you would not.

You pick your ridiculous and they get to pick theirs.

I have no idea what the status of SGF’s insurance is, I am was simply explaining how it could be that someone has insurance but is not using them for the civil case.

But feel free to tell me I am totally wrong…We all need something to laugh at.
Jonathan Kanarek picks making people homeless as one of his things.


Even so it doesn’t matter because collateral estoppel requires the prior action to have decided an identical issue and it did not. You cannot use collateral estoppel to infer meaning on a different issue. It has to be the exact same issue.


In a heartbeat. I’d want to see them all in their natural habitat. I know I’ll never be one.


I love her smug declarations. Perhaps she should read a book on ethics/morals.


Mr Tarshis was at his table watching the show, with his friends. He would have had to walk away three times.
No reason Mr. Tarshis should have to walk away once.
The Kanarek family should learn to read the room.

I do hope that they now realize how rude it is to approach people like that at an event like this.


The victim and the family of the victim should not approach a witness to an upcoming criminal trial ever, at all.

I would love someone to explain to me how this isn’t witness tampering.


Her core collapses, according to her latest videos.


The same way as the ex parte letter wasn’t ex parte, I imagine.


Because it was ex party…


(I have to think I am funny.)


Meh. Go back to Schrodingers insurance LOL


That’s debatable. Development of your seat doesn’t happen while napping. Based on videos she’s posted I’d say the seat is severely lacking to get past 1st level with any respectable scores.


Boring insurance facts:

  1. Your insurance company may decide that the incident was outside their coverage and decline to provide representation.
  2. They may decide that they will provide representation, but you wish to use a different attorney. In that case, it’s possible to negotiate to use your attorney IF they will agree to the insurance company’s hourly rate, OR anything over that will not be credited to your deductible, OR they will decline to let you use your own attorney. In the latter case, you may be paying for your own attorney while the insurance company has theirs.
  3. Liability policies have deductibles. Insurance may choose not to step in until deductible is reached OR they foot the whole bill then asked to be reimbursed for deductible.

Also, as stated very succinctly above: different entities have different methods of assigning liability. SGF is an LLC, I believe. MOST LIKELY is that the older couple are Limited partners - have no liability and no say in management. PROBABLY MB is Managing Partner and has liability. Caviat: This is just based on the people and scenario provided and on no known facts.

Lastly, I do not believe that Mr. Silver is insurance defense. However, one of the situations stated above may be in place and the insurance company agreed to have Mr. Silver defend. Or, it’s entirely possible that insurance declined to cover the situation.


Me too


I think there’s still an unknown - a big, dark, questionable, significant unknown that will twist this case yet further into the OMG zone.

The only question is who will play who in the TV movie.


There was no reason MB should have been living on a couch in his barn lounge that summer. Yet there he was.

I would not hold my breath waiting for that group to come to any such realization.


Question (because I can’t remember all the details in this crazy case).

Was the HH property owned by SFG, or was it owned by the Lundbergs? How was it registered for property tax purposes?

If owned by the Lundbergs and not SFG, then is it correct to say that SGF was an LLC or similar type of business arrangement between the Lundbergs and MB (or MB Dressage), for the purpose of providing liability protection to the principals?

[Edited because @iberianfan partially answered my question as I was typing it out. But I am still curious about who was listed on county tax records as the owner of the property.]

At the time of the shooting, the property was owned by Sweet Grass Farms, LLC.