Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Does LK really think she has Olympic hopes?

Or does that claim just seem like something that might result in a bigger payoff in a court case?


By the time the defense is finished there will be absolutely no doubt how Lauren Kanarek was shot and the events that led up to that shooting, using available evidence, including audio recordings and social media posts.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


“EgoFest3000” LOL! Exactly!


I just have to comment on the fact that it’s so weird to see Seth Meyers in a suit and tie again. He has completely stuck with the dressed down style following the pandemic work from home era.

It’s a little funny to see the contrast between his untucked shirt approach and the actresses who will still show up for his interviews in very dressy cocktail attire, for lack of a better term.

I think the only time I’ve seen him in a suit in the last couple of years was when he had Bruce Springsteen on his show. Lol.


You posted a document filled out by Silver that asked whether the defendant had any known liability insurance, which Silver filled out as “none”.

Are you now saying that you think that SGF has liability insurance but is choosing not to use it? Why would anyone with liability insurance choose not to use it?


No, cutter. I never said that SGF did not have liability insurance. I’ve said that I think Silver is the attorney hired by the insurance company.

Please show the receipts you referred to.

You keep thinking that.


I know we have explained this to you already. You need to try some of those memory enhancing things they advertise all over TV.

If you (general person, clearly not you CH, you have explained to us that you do not have insurance) have insurance and they want to settle because it is cheaper for them than going thru with the case, and you feel that settling is not the right answer, then your insurance backs out and you move forward with the case with out the insurance.

Pretty darn simple explanation. Does not even require standing on your head to understand.

I am still floored by Jonathan Kanarek’s text about thinking it is funny to make someone homeless. Darn him. That was not very nice.


Wow, Ludger is looking very distinguished these days.

I will say the horses performing in that setting are already getting a leg up on their four-legged competitors by seeing so many people around the ring. Most horses in this country won’t see that many spectators in a lifetime in the show ring. Lol.

Many years ago, we took somebody to show at the Royal Winter Fair. We laughed about the fact that she probably showed in front of more spectators there in a single two minute class over fences than in her entire previous show career put together. Lol.


Nah @CurrentlyHorseless, we know what you said. We also know how you twist and that your memory and comprehension are lacking.

Why don’t you show the receipts?


This has more to do with the legal basis for partnerships and personal liability vs corporate liability, not comparative negligence.

corporate structures can modify the personal liability of their individual owners depending on the structure and the actions taken. In other words it doesn’t really relate here except to explain why SGF is the defendant and not the people who comprise SGF.



Collateral estoppel does not mean what you think it means based on your five second google.




Wrong again. I have renters insurance.

If you have liability insurance, the insurance company insures you against your liability by either settling, or by paying the award determined by the jury.

Do you think SGF would tell the insurance company they don’t have to cover the liability and defend the case itself, in which case they, SGF, then has to pay any award? That’s ridiculous.

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LOL. I haven’t googled it.

What do you think I think it means, Lazaret?

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I will point out that just because he speaks, that doesn’t necessarily mean anyone has to respond. Or stand there and listen to him, for that matter.

I’m guessing Mr. Tarshis was probably some combination of too shocked and also too polite to turn and walk away.

I don’t know if JK would get the same reaction from everyone. Especially as word gets around, particularly about the K habit of recording conversations.


She’s riding in lessons so I assume the horses are fine. She’s really not a terrible rider, just an average one.


Eh, I’d still 100% go to this.