Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Of course it’s still about defense. SGF and MB still have to defend against LKs suit. If RC thought that SGF and MB could defend against LKs claim by establishing LK was more than 51% responsible, RC could “free ride” on the legal efforts of the other two defendants.

And I’d put money on MB prevailing in his case as well.


No, she won’t be rewarded for the inflammatory SM posts or for calling the building department, etc.

The civil trial is about awarding compensation for having been shot and injured by MB.

What are the odds that the Ks attended this event?


The marketing for this EgoFest3000 is superb.


Nope, not buying it. You pushed the narrative that neither MB or SGF had the proper insurances for quite sometime. It was one of those hills you chose to die on @CurrentlyHorseless.

You do not get to blame the EIM for everything. We keep receipts!


Realistically, if the USEF membership is paid up, and the only issue is updating the online safe sport requirement, that does not take very long.

If you’re not planning to compete anytime soon, it might not be a high priority. But if you’re planning to compete, or even if you want to just look like you’re planning to compete, it would not take long to rectify it.

I generally don’t love doing the long multi quote thing, but in this case it might be needed for context. Lol.


My friend said her SS renewal took all of 10 minutes maybe.


Only if anyone is willing to actually speak to him.


She first needs to prove Michael Barisone shot her. That’s gonna be a tough mountain to climb without the video RG told Heymer was available.


From document by Mr. Tarshis, it sounds like Jonathan Kanarek does not really give someone a choice about the matter, he approaches them and speaks to them, they do not have to like it.

Oh @Jealoushe, I forgot to mention that in the other post. There is a great letter from Mr. Tarshis in that same document I told you to look at where he describes how the Kanarek family approached him one at a time, Jonathan Kanarek, Kirby Kanarek, and then Lauren Kanarek at a dressage function shortly before the criminal trial. They all tried to discuss Michael with him.
That is a good read and worth your time to look at.


The irony is astounding.


And not just discussing it, but had stalls lined up at a suitable place around the corner, which I would think will probably come out in the civil trial.


Does section hh only apply to an attorney’s client that they represent?
If they file on someone else’s behalf, it wouldn’t apply to any delays in discovery from that person?

I’ve said that as the owner of the property, I think that it is SGF rather than MB which has a liability policy on the real estate.

Since MB did not own the property as an individual, but only through his partnership in SGF, I’ve said I doubt that MB as an individual holds liability insurance on the property.

Please show the receipts for your claim that I ever said that SGF did not have liability insurance.

It is @trubandloki who is saying that SGF did not have liability insurance.

@trubandloki never said that.


No, that is not what I said, thank you very much.

Let me refresh your memory that is clearly lacking.
(note to self - do not trust CH’s memory.)

Hope that helps you.




Of course! She was one of the dressage demo riders hand picked by Helgstrand himself because, well, you know, she’s a USDF BRONZE Medalist and all. /s


Yep. She needs to prove MB shot her to the standard of “by a preponderance of the evidence”, if collateral estoppel is not invoked.

Do you think his defense team will waste the time and resources on the issue? I don’t.


Twist, twist, twist! Nice try @CurrentlyHorseless, but once again, NOPE!!!