Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Really, crowing about this is bizarre for someone who thinks she has Olympic hopes.

I’m an old lady with little interest in showing at all, certainly no Olympic aspirations. I consider myself a competent but unexceptional rider with a nice but unexceptional non-WB horse. I recently started lessons with a well-respected “S” judge, and about five minutes into our first lesson she said, “You have your bronze, right?” I said I didn’t, and her response was “WHY?”

I told her I don’t show, and she laughed and said, “Neither do I any more.”

I guess the point is that if you’re a good student, you are conscientious, show up for your lessons (as I have for years and years), work hard, and show up at the shows, a bronze isn’t at all out of your reach.

If you are none of those things, and you’re more interested in taking naps than in bettering your riding, getting halfway there is, in your world, something of an accomplishment. :roll_eyes:


@CurrentlyHorseless has claimed in the past to work in the financial industry.

I find it hard to believe that CH doesn’t grasp the basic arithmetic and common financial risk mitigation strategies when it comes to nuisance settlements by insurance companies vs. protracted civil litigation expenses.

CH gets it.

CH just wanted to make a declaration on the thread that Lollypop will win this thing in the end.

We (COTH regulars) all know what CH’s general opinion of the case is… so I wonder, at this point, who the intended audience is when it comes to CH’s latest declaration.

When it comes to the battle for public opinion… the reality at this point is that LK has a toxic reputation in the dressage community. There aren’t many, if any, fence sitters left out there.


And comes back every year for the FL season, right?


I thought Lars P and Melissa T were taking over in FL?


Yes - if he knew anything about dressage. Even then, he may have just been swallowing the swill that LK was feeding him. (Oh Daddy, I would have scored in the 80’s if the horse hadn’t made those mistakes and/or had more talent and/or the trainer that we are paying was doing his job instead of passing me off to…")



Not just the dressage community……she didn’t go over well in the YT and FB communities either.

No one will reward someone for plotting and conniving against someone to their breaking point.


Yep, but he still enjoys the season. Lars wouldn’t train LK for any amount of $$. I understand he quickly declined that offer when she first arrived in FL. I seriously doubt his opinion has changed.


People who do not know the horse show world have no idea of anything. My dad used to ask me why I still needed lessons. I had to compare dressage to other sports where baseball players still have trainers, coaches and spring training and Olympic gymnasts had coaches like Bela Karolyi


oh I totally agree, knew them both a million years ago.


RC is one of three defendants. Her lawyers haven’t filed a thing. She could have waited without filing anything and let the other two defendants carry the ball and show LK was more than 51% responsible.

Maybe it will be cheaper for the other two defendants to settle, as well.

I agree. I’m the one who said that I’m expecting the insurance company for SGF to settle.

Oh @CurrentlyHorseless, we all know that even you are not this clueless.
Stop pretending.

It is not free for a lawyer to read everything in a case, even if they have not filed anything. They can not just sit back and do nothing, there are still expenses.

Good try though…though no one believes you because everyone else here knows that lots of insurance companies settle just to be done.

Oh but wait, then you post this. That you agree.

Oh yes, and we keep pointing out that SGF is not using their insurance for this.
Do we need to show you that document once again? It seems like we have posted it for you several times now. Still not believing it?

And if you agree then your posts above are even more … weird. Just showing your true colors I see.




Of course I get it. I’m the one who said I think the insurance company for SGF will try to settle.

It’s the mob narrative that SGF won’t settle or that SGF doesn’t have liability insurance.

Yes, I’m posting my opinion that I think LK will win a substantial award, despite knowing it’s a minority opinion. It’s a discussion board.

Is this thread about a battle for public opinion re LKs “toxicity”? Not about the civil trial? Is the civil trial the purported topic of the thread just to have a thread open to indulge in the pleasure of hate?


Yes, I’m happy to double down on my position that SGF is being defended by their insurance company.


Maybe the other 2 defendants want different things. Maybe one of them especially wants to get compensation from the perpetors of the Finish The Bastard plot so he can be compensated for loss of income being he actually was successful and worked hard for his assets and global recognition unlike other parties involved in this case.

Maybe it’s no longer about defense. Maybe now it’s about offense. Offense meant to obtain compensation with both compensatory and punitive damages and to make sure the offending parties are never able to plot, victimize or harass any other person again.

SGF most likely has a defensive position. But MB is probably being told to (metaphorically only through attorneys and legally) go for a Roadhouse style throat maneuver.


Wouldn’t it be a total hoot if the Kanareks were recorded as they yacked up at Global? I wonder who might be transcribing the conversations and passing them around to friends and other entities? Woo-hoo!

They have almost become a parody of wannabe dressage class.

Edited to take this thought one step further, imagining how many strategically placed recorders are hidden at whatever barn they have afforded to find in the area that meets the exacting standards of the princess? I mean it’s legal, right? LK and her blue shoe, white shorts attorney said so! /s


Great post. This is why several continue to contribute to the GFM. Financially supporting the comeuppance of this tribe is satisfying.


@Jealoushe, I just thought of something I wanted to make sure you saw in the filings, just in case you missed the posts about it.

In the original post of this thread open the document called:
MBResponse to GAS MotToQuash 021323
(see screen shot below for reference)

There are lots of great attachments in that filing.

There are text conversations from Lauren Kanarek’s phone records that are conversations between Lauren and her father, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and her fiancé/groom/laundry service, Robert Guy Goodwin. Some of them are interesting. My favorite (in a :face_vomiting: sort of way) is the one where Jonathan Kanarek is telling them that he thinks it is funny to make someone homeless.

The texts were transcribed by someone else and I copied them over to this thread they are here:

Other fun stuff in that document is part of Lauaren Kanarek’s testimony transcribed for easy reading.


But wasn’t that the Murdaugh defense that was rejected (I think)? That since his law firm made the wronged clients whole, Murdaugh does not have to pay his thievery back?