Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I would have thought her test scores would have clued him in.


I’m going to guess No! “Those other people just don’t understand……!” :wink:


I’m curious why JK hasn’t insisted Helgstrand train his precious again? Or maybe he is, but why would JK be searching for new trainers if Helgstrand is involved?

Why isn’t princess showing? It’s all a fantasy apparently. I’ve said it before and still believe she and her family should find a nice little European country and move, keep her head down, work her butt off, and start over if she is serious about competitive dressage.


My dad fell, broke a rib, and punctured a lung. It never collapsed, but did leak quite a bit. It must depend on the size of the puncture.

Maybe she’s not showing for multiple reasons:

To make the appearance that she is physically impacted by the shooting hoping to hide previous showings;

To keep her rides from being ridiculed in social media;

Not having to worry about horse transport, outfits fitting, getting dust in lashes (that’s why camels have them);

Lack of self esteem when surrounded by people with greater talent habitating Wellington in season:

Not showing is just easier sometimes.


She broke the horses?


No, the damages have to be substantiated and then the percentages determine amounts from there. Total damages minus plaintiff’s contribution, then minus any settlement amounts, determines the actual payable judgements. Damages are the provable amounts that would be needed to “right the wrong” such as it were. Punitive damages are for “exceptional” cases in NJ, where the purpose would be to punish someone to the extent that they don’t consider doing whatever it is again - which in this case recurrence seems highly unlikely on the defendant side of the table.

If a settling party has overpaid they theoretically have a claim for contribution against the other defendants. I’m not barred in a state that has this so I would need to go read up a bit more on it to give a clearer answer.


The fact of the matter is, no jury worth its salt is going to reward such behavior when she could have just left, especially since she was already discussing other trainers.


A definite possibility depending on choice of trainer.


Because Helgstrand isn’t involved. Didn’t someone say Ulfs trainer in Florida doesn’t want to have anything to do with her, and Ulf went back to Europe? My take is they won’t touch her. And why should they? What does she bring to the table?


There are continuing threads on the subject of the civil suit. It is often remarked that posters think LK will not be awarded anything, and will drop the suit, only to be successfully sued by MB.

Against this narrative, IM is pointing out they one of the three defendants had already settled for a substantial sum.

He’s just saying “you’re wrong”.

An open question is whether the jury will determine that LK was more than 51% responsible. If RCs insurance company thought that there was a reasonable chance of that outcome, would they have settled? No. This is evidence that RCs insurance company expects the defendants collectively to be more than 51% responsible.

I believe this report that RC has settled for $250,000. I think LK will be awarded a substantial sum, and will not be found over 51% at fault.


Of course this is what you think and none of us is the least bit surprised.


The only way the jury could not award her damages for her injuries would be is they determined she was over 51% at fault.

If RCs insurance company thought that was a possible outcome, why would they have settled?

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This has been explained. Nuisance claim. It’s cheaper to settle with no admission of wrongdoing than to litigate.


To be fair, I don’t think that any of that has been formally confirmed and we don’t know how true any of that is. It is merely gossip, IIRC. Anyone is free to prove me (factually) wrong.

Ulf went back to Europe, but that’s normal for him.

Edit: then again, I don’t keep up with LK’s training because I don’t care all that much :rofl: so who knows.


If you’ve read any of the comments on SM anywhere, you would see that juries are very likely to find the fault lies with LK. And, if they litigate the circumstances of the shooting to be in question, her chances are slim to nil of prevailing.


Oh @CurrentlyHorseless the rock you are under must be very different than the rock I am under because under my rock I am aware that many many many insurance companies settle instead of litigating, not because they feel they would have lost but because they did the simple math and paying a settlement costs less than a court case will. This is something many plaintiffs depend on when filing. Ya know, those types of plaintiffs like Lauren Kanarek who do not want any of their information getting out there.
In this case, where it is obvious to most people that the plaintiff’s side is intentionally dragging things out to cost the most for everyone involved, it makes perfect sense for the insurance company to admit no fault and just offer what to them is a small settlement.




Indeed the delay tactics are a strategy to exhaust MBs ability to further fund litigation.

Personally, I think it’s entirely possible that MBs attorneys have a personal interest in concluding and winning this case. Aside from feelings of sympathy for MB and contempt for the opposition, and the joy it brings to defeat them, make no mistake that a win elevates those attorneys enormously.

Balinkas/Deininger got a huge boost in credentials via the criminal verdict. A civil win will help make them litigating God’s LOL


I think that many people really don’t realize how often insurance companies and other entities settle vs going to trial. Even if their odds are quite good.


Literally every case in no fault cases. Or close to it.

(No fault cases are car accident cases and NJ is among a dozen or so no fault states so they’re used to settling in NJ. Also running these cases on a civil calendar and having them settle or consent to yet another adjournment is so frequent that in my court a court calendar usually had in excess of 100 no fault cases on per day.