Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

After all, Mr. Tarshis has his Bronze USDF medal and he is up to date with his Safe Sport training.

He’s giving LK a run for her money as an contender for the Olympics isn’t he? And he has a job! I do hope that the Defense will point this out if LK tries to make hay of her USEF bronze medal as evidence of her (non existent) “Olympic potential”.

I feel for all of the people who have been caught up in the K’s horrible behavior. It’s a terrible situation.


I read this article and thought of the Barisone case. On-line/SM harassment resulted in a 3.5-year prison sentence. This man, Shanely, targeted (among others) a garda (LEO) and a hotelier. Interesting to read the garda’s description of the impact the harassment had on his daily life (copied in case it’s behind a paywall). And this was a garda who had seen a lot in his 20+ years on the force.

Shanley, originally from Boyle, Co Roscommon, made multiple false allegations about Garda Twomey on platforms including social media, to the RTÉ newsdesk, the editor of the Garda Review and various media as well as to the Garda Commissioner and a Garda superintendent and TDs suggesting Garda Twomey was out to destroy him, which was completely untrue, the court was told.

In his victim impact statement, Sgt Twomey, who is a member of An Garda Síochána since July 2000, told how in the course of his career he had encountered incidents and scenes of a traumatic nature but he had always been able to process and compartmentalise these.

“However, what I was subjected to by Frankie Shanley since 2017 has left a lasting effect on me and if I am honest this has been like a nightmare that would not go away,” Sgt Twomey said.

The continuous postings on Twitter and Facebook along with the sustained and continuous emails attacked his character and affected his home life and quality of life.

“I was afraid to look at my phone. I was afraid of people believing the lies he was continuously posting about me,” Sgt Twomey said.

“I would think about it in the morning and when I would be lying in bed attempting to sleep,” he said.


To add to this is the simple fact that this has been going on for three years now, and maybe they just wanted to be done with it. It is not like the plaintiffs in this case are making the case run smoothly and there is not a light at the end of the tunnel for when it will ever end because they are refusing to cooperate on discovery in their own case.

I am sure there was a certain amount of weight put on the decision to continue for what seems like forever and just make a payout to be done with it.

Which I have no doubt was what the Kanarek family was going for. Annoy them into submission.
Lie until we get our own way. Etc.

On the other topic, I think one of the hardest parts of this trial is going to be explaining how the horse world works in a way that people understand it. That seems to be a glitch that keeps coming up. People need to understand that Lauren Kanarek’s $5000/month is not a huge figure for what she was getting, that it was well below market rate, and most people will not get that even if it is said like that.


Referring back to our wonderful legal eagles who tried to explain comparative negligence with drawings of pie; IF RC’s insurance company settled, which I’m not sure I believe, since our only source for that info is a thoroughly impeached witness, that money, the “cool” whatever, gets thrown into the asset pie.

It doesn’t mean the Kanareks have seen a penny of the money. Or will. It just means that sum got added to the asset pie that will be divided according to the comparative negligence findings.

Another way to look at this is like a poker game. RC’s insurance company, again, IF the settlement talk is true, anted up for the pot, then folded their cards. The money is still sitting there, in the middle of the card table. No one’s won it yet. The ante was the price the insurance company paid to walk away, not continue to add to the pot and play the hand out.

What a weird thing for the Kanareks to crow about.


They are the Kanareks, do they crow about anything anyone else would consider normal?


Sort of like “halfway Bronzed”


That was one thing I never understood. Sure, happy that someone is on the journey to get their bronze, but….so are a lot of people. And you’re not done yet. Congrats on…not being done yet? I guess this makes me “Not Yet Silvered”. Yay.


The final irony is that all of this was done by LK in pursuit of some shiny gem in dressage. But her behavior both before and after the event guarantees that the desired shiny gem will forever be elusive.

And her and her family just can’t stop doubling down on it.



And I am totally not saying that having your Bronze isn’t a worthwhile accomplishment, it is.

But if I have two scores above 60 at Training Level, I have two scores above 60 at Training Level. That doesn’t mean I’m one third Bronzed.

ETA: That should say First Level. Bronze requires two scores above 60 at 1st, 2nd and Third.


No it doesn’t, because Training level doesn’t count towards Bronze. Only First -Third.

ETA We must have been posting at same time!


You’re right, @yaya.

I edited my post while you were posting, I realized my error.


And the rubber really meets the road at Third Level. Requires a higher degree of collection, extended gaits, half pass at trot and canter, and a single flying change.

Really tough for the average ammy and the average horse. I would guess that lots of people lease a schoolmaster to get their scores at Third.

Didn’t someone once suggest that was the reasoning for the purchase/lease/whatever it was of Jay-T? A schoolmaster who could get the scores at Third?


At the same time they might see her obsession over such a silly hobby as a really, really stupid excuse for her behavior.


Halfway Bronzed: sounds like a crappy spray-on tan.


Behold the source!

Someone who thinks the worth of a woman is demonstrated by the size of her chest and the thickness of her eyelashes!


Well not exactly. If there is a settlement, the receiver of the funds gets the funds minus their attorney’s cut.

However that settlement amount is included in the total amount of any possible judgement. If the plaintiff’s total damages are determined by the jury to be $500,000, and plaintiff has already received $250,000 via settlement, the remaining defendants get a credit towards the amount they owe.

You cannot have damages of $500,000, receive $250,000, and still get $500,000 from the non settling parties.


Thanks for the clarification, @lazaret!


Nothing wrong with leasing. And yeah - it’s hard. I was lucky enough to get handed a sale horse for my first third level score, and had the opportunity to lease an old international horse for a season to finish it out. It was a joy to learn from that gentleman, and I treasured every minute. Everything I learned from him I’m applying to my young horse. The score was secondary to the education he gave me.

My eyes were opened big time when we started working on 4th/PSG elements.

My gripe with the whole Jay-t thing was the black stallion syndrome that surrounded it. This horse was successful with multiple riders. It sounds like he was sensitive, as a good FEI horse will be, but cut the black stallion crap. Other people ride this horse just fine. And buying a cushings horse is not “rescuing” him.


Does the jury hear about the settled amount before determining damages, such that it could influence the amount?

For instance, say they determine RC is only 10% liable. Would knowing about the $250,000 settlement already made then force the total damages to be $2,500,000?

What if they determine total damages to be less than $250,000? Or some amount where RC’s share would be less than $250,00? If RC has already paid up, would LK have to give some back?

Or does any settlement just sit in escrow somewhere until the total damages and each party’s portion gets completely figured out?

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Perhaps JK is getting more educated about dressage in general during his attendances as FNL and while approaching various trainers to convince them to take on Daughter Dearest. It must be a bit of a shock to him to learn that full board/training with an Olympian for ONE horse generally costs close to what he was paying at HH for multiple horses. And perhaps he is also learning that students rarely start off having lessons with the Olympian but instead are trained by asst trainers until they EARN the attention of the Olympian by demonstrating not only oodles of talent but also punctuality, dedication, hard work, perseverance, ability to FOLLOW RULES, etc.

And he may also be starting to to truly understand that what LK has been handing him for years about being good enough for the Olympic Team (“if only I had more and fancier horses and was training with a VBNT”) is nothing but a load of bull hockey. :roll_eyes: