Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Me too. She presents as very kind. To me that counts more than anything.


Don’t the other national equestrian federations have reciprocal agreements with USEF as far as people who are banned?


Not every country has a federation. Maybe people can ride for other countries like Guam.


Guam probably won’t work for LK because it’s a territory of the U.S. and its citizens are U.S. citizens. But Somalia might work.


Wouldn’t any country that sends a team or an individual to the Olympics need a national federation of some sort to organize it?

I’m guessing there are official channels involved. I don’t think someone can just show up with their sneakers to run the 100 meters, for example.

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They would have to get the records from Youtube to prove identity which would push things back much much longer, no?

As long as this whole civil trial process is taking, I don’t think that would delay anything. I’m sure Mr. D’s office can work on more than one issue at a time.


She’s also very talented. All the money, training, and time in the world couldn’t transform me into the rider she is. For sure I could be a lot better than I am now, but talent and coachability can’t be overlooked in the equation. Charlotte Jorst has those in spades. It’s quite clear that LK does not.


Nope. I know many mid-level dressage trainers who teach regular lessons (not clinics) on evenings and weekends but none that I would characterize as a big name (ie someone who has been to the Olympics, World Cup, WEG, etc.)


Must be a location thing? The people I ride with would fall under your big name category. As an ammy working 9-5 I am grateful they allow different schedules than that haha


Don’t forget that SGF has a cross complaint against RC. I think both SGF and MB have said that even if one defendant (RC) offers to settle, the settling party still has to pay whatever percent of the award is attributed as their responsibility by the jury. RC offering to settle with LK doesn’t get her completely off the hook.

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Dressage or eventing? Wait - I did think of one exception. An Olympic Bronze medallist who works pretty much 7 days a week and will teach day or night. She’s amazing.


Yes! It’s called “Free Rein.”



I had a punctured lung that collapsed last year and I knew right away because I couldn’t breath.


I have an account. I think I commented on a trial video or two but it’s literally under my own name.


I have an account to keep track of channels I regularly watch and participate in real time when they host live streams. Outside of live shows, I don’t find the comment section conducive to conversation.

I’m glad I’m not the only one that sees that jealous angle of LK… which of course they accuse MHG of, but there was nothing LK had that MHG was not way ahead of. She had better horses, more talent, and MBs attention. The only reason LK was on her radar at all was because LK became a pain in the butt.


Can anyone say why some possibilities are that would make RC settle now? What advantages are there for RC to have settled now? I mean, what if that’s way more than she’s responsible for?

I still find the whole RC thing to be bizarre.

Of course a person would have to be eligible to show in their NF (USEF shows in this case) before they would be reasonably allowed to show in FEI competition.

LK will have to meet the requirements to be allowed show in USEF classes first, before even considering taking a shot at anything at the FEI level.

A rider who has any FEI aspirations whatsoever is unlikely to have left their USEF requirements to have lapsed for over a year now.

I find it ironic that LK can’t ride in a rated USEF show ((let alone FEI classes) because the very minimal Safe Sport requirement to compete has not been met on her part.

The “I coulda been a contender” line won’t go far for LK’s damage complaint if it is explained to the jury that there are some very, very, basic steps that anyone with “Olympic potential” knows they must have in place (such as actually being in compliance with their own NF.)

Oh, the irony. :face_with_monocle:

I hope that the Defense will point out this discrepancy.


If the insurance company for RC is running the show they may want to settle to keep litigation costs down. As in they rather pay $100,000 (made up figure) than spend triple that in litigation costs. The claim is considered a nuisance claim where it’s just cheaper to settle with no court order and no admission of anything than to keep going on for years.