Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Not to continue the political aspect - but Trump was a named defendant in that NY case. In the LK/MB/SGF/RC case, neither JK or KK are named defendants. Can those sorts of fines be levied against a third party who isn’t either plaintiff or defendant in a case? IOW, if the requests for contempt of court orders against JK/KK are granted by Weaver, what are the likely fines that may be levied against them? I assume they will be nowhere near that $110,000 amount, but will they be enough to make the K’s start cooperating a bit more with discovery? Or would they be just a “slap on the wrist”?


Anyone in violation of a court order can be charged with contempt for violating said order. They don’t need to be a plaintiff or defendant though they could be. I googled for examples this is the 1st that popped up.


That’s a great and very useful idea. Thanks for sharing!


I am not personally invested, therefore I don’t know why you would think I would be “gutted” by anything.

I have stated before that I think the jury’s verdict was reasonable, and that given the dearth of evidence and the impeachment issues, I would not personally have been able to find him guilty. But I do think the trial painted a pretty clear picture of a tormented man who was driven to a mental break, so I understand the verdict reached.

And no, it isn’t clear that Lauren was planning to leave. It’s clear she was told she needed to. And that she was told she was being evicted.


Wasn’t there a conversation on a previous thread about how nobody was very chatty around LK at the barn where she is now?

It will probably get even quieter there when this information comes out.


Nothing like a hard (social) freeze in Florida.


Thanks, that is what I thought. I am curious though about how punitive the fines might be for JK/KK should they be determined to be in contempt. Maybe some miniscule amount like $1000@? Or could they be more substantial?


And right in the middle of season too


I wonder how MB’s lawyers will determine how much of this evidence to present to the jury?

There is probably an overabundance of it. Similar to the tens of thousands of pages of social media posts.

I’m guessing there must be a point where it turns into information overload, so I’m curious about how and where they draw that line.


That is an interesting question @MHM. With so much evidence in their favor, I am sure the legal team will spend quite a bit of time deciding which is best evidence to make their point.
I agree that overwhelming the jury with all the evidence would not be a positve.


She didn’t WANT to move. But she knew she was going to HAVE to move, whether of her own volition or because of a formal eviction.

And she was determined to RUIN MB as much as possible before she left because he had rejected her.

Remember that old saying - “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”? She is the living embodiment of that phrase.


Also she knew that once she was gone from the premises her ability to continue her campaign would be greatly diminished.


I’m guessing the dressage event where they accosted Mr. Tarshis is probably an annual occurrence. I wonder if people will turn and run from the K clan if they turn up at the next one.


Well, it doesn’t sound as though many approach them as it is!



He references “Friday Night Stars,” which happens every two weeks during the season. It’s the CDI GP freestyles held under the lights at Global. Sounds like someone gave them tickets to the VIP tent.

Or he may have meant the team quadrille night which happens once a year - anyone can buy a VIP table for that one.


And read their online threats against total strangers…


Thanks. I was thinking it was a specific annual fundraiser event.

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Or just get it printed on a t-shirt to be clear and save ones breath?


TIEC does the same thing during the Summer months. It’s always packed.

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