Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Side note for future reference: If you’re ever in a situation like this with no water, call the local fire department. Aug in SE PA; temp in the 90s; BO gone for the weekend with teenage barn staff caring for the horses; water pump went out and they didn’t know what to do.

I called the local volunteer fire department. We lined up every bucket, trough and pan we had outside the barn. They came and filled them all. That kept everyone in water until the next day when BO got back and repaired the pump. I donated $300 to the fire department as they were leaving for their time. The BO kindly took it off my next month’s board, although I didn’t ask him. (One of the barn girls snitched on me).


I wonder why the prosecutor in the criminal case was able to talk about fire risks of the dryer but the defense wasn’t able to bring in the texts about taking out the generator. I realize that MB may not have known about them at the time of the shooting but since the dryer incident was not directly related to the shooting, I think it should have been allowed.
Not only would horses be at risk of no drinking water, the buildings would be at risk too.


I would hope that the good people of the State of Florida know at least one thing now and henceforth: if you talk to LK, RG, or JK (and maybe KK but who knows) ALWAYS assume you are being recorded.

Fellow boarders, instructors, other spectators at events, service providers, etc. Everyone should assume they are being recorded and for the purpose of that recording being used against them or someone else.

I’m sure they hoped to catch Tarshis saying something they could use against his own testimony or against MB somehow.


Isn’t Florida a two party state? If someone found out they were recorded and didn’t give permission, couldn’t they press charges?

Maybe they should state they do not consent to recordings in every conversation. :grin:


That’s what they were doing.


One thought I had while reading the MB Response document: the legality or illegality of the recordings isn’t going to change the fact that jurors will react VERY negatively to them.

Even if (and I do not believe this will be the case) the recordings or some of the recordings are deemed not to violate NJ wiretapping laws, jurors are still going to see all these texts in which the Ks/RG gleefully plot and talk about using those recordings as blackmail. Those jurors will think about how they would feel if someone was recording them and using those recordings to threaten them.

Legal or illegal, those recordings are going to make the Ks look really really bad. So, LK’s and other folks drum beat of ‘no expectation of privacy’ isn’t the safe harbour they may wish it were.

If illegal (which I think they are) the jurors will feel even more negatively about them. But there is no universe in which those recordings and how they are discussed in the texts are ever going to come off as anything but absolutely toxic to a normally functioning, civil, reasonable person.

Not ever.


The whole thing is disturbing. Plus the acknowledgement that the eviction process was about to get under way undermines the whole ‘poor little poopsie didn’t know she was unwanted and Lauren was never asked to leave’ schtick.

And the whole discussion about cutting off power (that would have resulted in no water to the barn) and forcing Michael to buy a big ass generator.

Who does that? The Bard (Shakespeare) had several excellent descriptions of exactly the sort of person who would and they fit Lauren Kanarek nicely. Her fans disagreed though.


I was working on a campaign many years ago for affordable pharmaceuticals. Because I was the voice behind bulletins and calls to media I was targeted by a certain democratic politician in my area. He was in the pocket of big Pharma.
He actually had a person on his staff call me to discuss it with me…she asked me if one of the other staffers could join in call. I said sure. He was a minute late and I heard the beeping on the line. They were recording me but didn’t tell me because technically there were two on the line who agreed. LOL, I went along with the call because I had nothing to hide.
So bizarre!




Whilst driving last week a university professor was interviewed on the radio about internet trolling, which she is writing a paper on, and it was so fascinating that I parked up at the grocery store and kept listening until she was finished.

Apparently, there are people who just live for getting a notification when their name is mentioned in odd little corners of the internet. They have no interest in the actual subject, so it could be potatoes, pigeon racing or presidents, but they set up multiple accounts (often having to keep spreadsheets or lists to keep up with what they’ve said and where they’ve said it) and enter discussions purely to argue against the popular opinion and be “superior”.

Whenever someone responds, they get a notification and that gives them satisfaction, so they keep arguing to get those notifications and satisfaction. This is how they spend their days. They often have several accounts in the one forum so they can “agree with themselves”, a bit like “yeah, it’s us against the world, friend!”.

Anyway, I found it fascinating that people can spend their days that way.


@CurrentlyHorseless, you do realize that these two posts answer the question that you asked in the post that was between them, right.

This question:

Please pick one:

  1. Are you not reading the filings?
  2. Are you ignoring what is in the filings?
  3. Are you ignoring on purpose that these things have been explained several times already?
  4. Are you simply wanting to provide us with a good platform to show how wrong the Kanarek family was so you intentinoally ask questions so we can post that information?

Anyway, back to the two questions at at the top, which if you had bothered to read the thread or the filings by Mr. Deininger or Mr. Silver you would see where they explained all this.

I don’t know how many times (but it has been many) it has been said here and in filings (more than one filing even), to this date no videos have been handed over at all, so you saying they got all the videos as a fact is either you intentionally lying or … well…

Here is a small highlight from Mr. Deininger’s pleading. There is more, but here you go.

Mr. Tarshis’ portion of Mr. Deininger’s pleading.

From Mr. Silver’s pleading.

I am sorry for the lack of random bold and random quotation marks. I know you like those things but I am not feeling creative enough to make-up fun locations for them. It is something that I struggle with. You make their randomness in your posts look like a simple skill but clearly it is not.




Not topic related but, @eggbutt, I love your new avatar with the very pretty cardinal.



And lack of reading comprehension skills.


Regardless how much Lala bats her fluffy eyelashes and says in her best innocent little girl voice that so and so told her surreptitiously recording someone’s private conversations to blackmail and destroy their lives was okay, those texts, which there must be hundreds more even more damaging like the one with Finish the Bastard, are going to show the true intent of the Kanareks plan to destroy.


This is an interesting point that I had not thought of, thank you for bringing it up.

They were not just being rude and invasive and attempting to ruin their future civil case, they were being the only thing the Kanarek family seems to know how to do, scheming.

I can not be the only one who imagines living life that way would be exhausting. Darn, wouldn’t it be easier just to earn a real income? Even at her advanced age I would bet that Lauren Kanarek could make a good living doing what she did for a living in her 20s.



Finally there is a perfect possible explanation why CH and HH behave as they do! They want us to be crystal clear to anyone lured to this forum how awful the Kanareks are!

Thank you @trubandloki for pointing out they may actually be wearing robes under their jogging suits after all!



I can so picture a conversation between Lauren Kanarek and someone willing to talk to her going something like this.

“Oh high (giggle, hi for the rest of us), so nice to see you again. I do not consent to being recorded. Did you see the last horse go? Wasn’t their test amazing? And the weather today is just so perfect for the horses and riders. I do not consent to being recorded. Have you tried the club sandwiches they have at the food tent? They are amazing. I highly recommend them. I do not consent to being recorded.”


:heart: Thank you. I believe in the folklore that cardinals are deceased loved ones coming to visit. The photo was taken from my front porch. :heart:


Wow, that is a great photo. Love it. Thank you for sharing it with us.


I wish to gloat for a few minutes. The last two screen shots (Mr. Silver’s pleading) about SafeSport and child services.



Then scrolling down in the 2020 thread there is a lot of blather from someone who is no longer a member about how Lauren Kanarek couldn’t possibly have been involved with SS summoning child protective services.