@CurrentlyHorseless, you do realize that these two posts answer the question that you asked in the post that was between them, right.
This question:
Please pick one:
- Are you not reading the filings?
- Are you ignoring what is in the filings?
- Are you ignoring on purpose that these things have been explained several times already?
- Are you simply wanting to provide us with a good platform to show how wrong the Kanarek family was so you intentinoally ask questions so we can post that information?
Anyway, back to the two questions at at the top, which if you had bothered to read the thread or the filings by Mr. Deininger or Mr. Silver you would see where they explained all this.
I don’t know how many times (but it has been many) it has been said here and in filings (more than one filing even), to this date no videos have been handed over at all, so you saying they got all the videos as a fact is either you intentionally lying or … well…
Here is a small highlight from Mr. Deininger’s pleading. There is more, but here you go.
Mr. Tarshis’ portion of Mr. Deininger’s pleading.
From Mr. Silver’s pleading.
I am sorry for the lack of random bold and random quotation marks. I know you like those things but I am not feeling creative enough to make-up fun locations for them. It is something that I struggle with. You make their randomness in your posts look like a simple skill but clearly it is not.