That's a twist

OMG THIS YESSS!!! My hubs has terrible road rage, once before my daughter was born, we were on the highway he got pissed ab a trucker and cut him off n then slammed down to 50mph from about 80!!! The trucker had to slam, squeal and smoke his brakes, and my son was the in car!!! I screamed bloody effing murder at him and then the next time we were around my mil I made sure she knew about her sons amazing life choice. Luckily after that it has calmed down to honked horns and cussing in the car.

You never know in this world who is crazy, on pills, meth, who knows what, or is armed and it is NOT worth the risk just to prove youre right or get your way!!!


It’s hard to argue with a psychopath and in this case I think both parties may have major issues…I would clean bathrooms before I would want to make money working with people of this nature.


No, “stalk” is not exactly the right word. You now provide morbid entertainment with your rants and middle school games on social media. Hopefully, the barn owners and your new trainer have insisted on an ironclad contract from you before they accepted the task of taking you on. You’ve definitely built a reputation to live up to on and off the dressage ring.

It is you who continue to bring MH and his wife up at convenient intervals. No one but you cares about either of them as far as their role in this incident and what YOU did to push people over the edge. I doubt anyone is obsessed with “learning information” because you so freely rattle it off after you’ve put your spin on it.

One question that keeps coming up that you never, ever respond to is what part did you play in any of this. You act like the innocent victim in all circumstances and accept no responsibility for what you’ve done to others in the past. It is curious how such misfortune falls on one so innocent.

Again, you were shot, the person allegedly responsible is in jail, you are alive, there will be a salacious trial, move on and prove the world wrong.

Enjoy the winter circuit. Maybe you will become fully bronzed this time.


LaLa keeps bringing up MB’s relationships… to the extent that I think I’ve figured out how all this started, way back from the jump.

Of course there was a time when all this acrimony wasn’t happening, and they both were on good terms. Then, what I think happened, was that LK got hot for teach, but he wouldn’t bite. He didn’t want LK that way, and wanted to stay with his GF. So she felt rejected, and the rest is history…

Any thoughts?


On a very, very, very hearsay basis, this whole situation was mentioned as a love triangle by a friend of a friend who works at a barn down the block from Hawthorne Hill. Rather unsubstantiated.


Logical deduction. If Lauren isn’t lying, she didn’t call CPS. By her own admission, she called SS about the kids. They (unlike Lauren) actually take the welfare of kids seriously, as well as having a legal obligation to do so. Lauren also had a responsibility to call CPS if she truly was concerned, but Lauren chose not to do so - even anonymously. Lauren misused SS and CPS in her misguided quest. Whatever her goal was, it wasn’t to get shot.

Funny how she was turning down offers of places to take her horses, dogs and herself but she was scared of MB. Not enough to leave with her animals.



The perfect gift for that one person who you can’t get rid of entirely.

ETA: in response to the following quote

One question that keeps coming up that you never, ever respond to is what part did you play in any of this. You act like the innocent victim in all circumstances and accept no responsibility for what you’ve done to others in the past. It is curious how such misfortune falls on one so innocent.

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If you all hate LK so much why are so obsessed with following her every move and positng here incessantly?

Seriously, you tell her to shut up, stop posting, whatever but you are all basically having a conversation with yourselves acting like mean girls thinking you are so much better. You all look like equals from the outside and are just as responsible for the drama here.

MB is going down whether you like it or not, whether you like the victim or not. He tried to kill people, doesn’t matter how annoying his tenants were you don’t go shoot people to end your drama.

If you don’t like the facts then move on. No amount of hating the victim is going to make MB innocent.


or will it???:lol::lol::lol:

you know what’s crazy? publicly bashing someone for months and then telling her to shut up any time she even tries to defend herself.

I’ve really never seen anything like this absurd mean girl wank fest.


Once more for those with perverse taste in entertainment.


The whole story and aftermath are just one big train wreck. Human nature, being what it is, make people gawk. In addition to this, many of us have had the misfortune of dealing with narcissists lin our own lives, and feel fortunate that with a twist of fate we did did not experience a train wreck of our own. Again, it’s human nature to analyze mistakes and do better the next time.

I’m betting that this thread will be shut down by Christmas, because any time LK engages in SM it is predictably a mini train wreck.

I’m going to ride my horses now, Merry Christmas to all.


I am not sure why this has to be repeated over and over again, clearly some people refuse to read it. No one here (that I have read) thinks MB is innocent. It was wrong of him to shoot LK. Period.

If we (general) did not find the story behind a crazy crime interesting there would not be so many true crime related stations on TV replaying crime stories over and over and over again.

Just because LK is the victim of a crime it does not make her actions any less interesting. LK is definitely not just your average high spending ammi rider.


You have missed the point that people have told her to stop posting because the things she posts will not help her case in court. It’s common sense.


Because it’s fascinating. Because I’m an analyst and this is a fascinating circumstance to analyze.

I’ve never told her to shut up - I dislike the tone she takes, but she can say whatever she wants in whatever way she wants.

I’m sorry she got shot, and I’m curious about the details. Right now, she’s the only source of details, at least until the trial. I’m interested to see how her story compares to MB.

It’s totally possible to simultaneously feel bad for someone who was grievously injured, and also have a low opinion of their character.


This is not true.

Memory is incredibly malleable and flexible, and there can be lots of blanks that happen because of stress and trauma that get filled in incorrectly. A case that comes to mind immediately was a rape case where the victim absolutely and with certainty IDed her attacker from a lineup, and STILL sees his face as her attacker years after he was exonerated by DNA and other additional evidence. This idea that you “just remember facts” or that things get burned into your memory is just not 100% true. Eyewitness and victim testimony can be very unreliable, and not because they’re lying but just because of the nature of our brains and what stress hormones can do to us, and what our brains do to try and protect us from traumatic situations.


My thought is that it’s pretty darn inappropriate to openly speculate on that, even in a gossipy, semi anonymous BB.


The friend of a friend told the barn cat, who mentioned it to the cleaning lady in his Wellington condo, and she hinted around at it to me. But I’m much too classy to trade in such hearsay.


It’s her call whether she wants to stop posting. She probably would stop posting if you (general) stopped poking the bear to get a reaction.


Bless your heart.


So enquiring minds want to know. What trainer was willing to take on this trainwreck?