Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Man, they’re all a bit “off” if we’re honest about it.


Everyone is a bit “off” in some way… but for the majority of us it is just a little quirk of some kind and not anything you run up the flagpole and turn a spotlight on while an orchestra plays We Are The Champions…


The debate about the mastectomy will be resolved during the civil trials when all of her medical records will be exposed.

I wonder if the two younger daughters are getting fed up with the continuing Kanarek nightmare that Lauren has created for years? Imagine what the sisters’ inlaws must think?


Out of curiosity, I took a look at the recent comments on YouTube, the 48 Hours and the True Crime videos.

All I can say is, yikes! The COTH threads are a model of civility and decorum by comparison.

Lots of people saying she deserved to be shot, that she got what was coming to her, that it’s a shame she wasn’t killed.(!) And they have called her names much more insulting than grifter.

But the Kanareks focus their opposition HERE, other than the occasional appearance of sock puppets like Clara Dobson on YouTube. And their opposition here is very much focused on rehabilitating LK as a victim.

It’s almost as if they care more about what the tiny, insular dressage community thinks of them than they do what the general public thinks of them. :thinking:


So why can’t collateral estoppel be used on the issue of whether MB shot LK? That was determined in the criminal trial.

I can see how responding here is much more rewarding, since as you say, the general time is civil and people do actually respond to what is written. Many people are compassionate even if not gullible


Maybe in reality, but not in practicality.


Yup. It’s noteworthy.

A thought occurs to me. @eggbutt just referenced the two other sisters. Both seem to have started nice young families (or maybe one had had two children? I’m not sure). Anyway… a basic peek at online public photos show that KK and JK appear to be enthusiastic grandparents who enjoy time with the littlest ones. Which is nice. Good for them. And pretty normal.

But that makes me think… KK and JK’s life is not 100% focused on LK. Not at all. Nor is it actually 100% focused on being a part of WellyWorld. They do have other stuff going on, that is very important to them, and utterly unrelated to the Dressage community.

But LK? She most definitely is focused on being part of WellyWorld. This is what is going on in her life. She doesn’t have a career. She isn’t married. She doesn’t have kids. She doesn’t seem to have any other major hobbies, or a big friend network. Riding dressage is pretty much “it” for her.

Sooooo… what actually is up with the recent posts from @Inigo-montoya and @Seeker1 ? Why are they so engaged with the discussion on COTH, and doubling down on several things about this case, and talking too much given the ongoing lawsuit?

It doesn’t make sense. Even if you believe they are weird disordered people who enable their adult daughter way too much… it still doesn’t make much sense.

I hope they refocus more energy on their grandkids and the healthier parts of their family.


I hope u do the same.

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Wow. I log in during lunch and the whole thing has gone off the rails.

Ali Brock was the chef d’equipe at the nations cup in Wellington.

MHG has been having a great season so far. That must be annoying to certain people.


Rather than trying to push a square peg thru a round hole just wait for the trial and see what happens. I’m sure LKs top 500 blue chip lawyer access knows it exists.

I say this because it’s been explained yet here you are yanking chains again. It would be one thing if your inquiry was sincere but it’s not as it’s been answered.


No, the jury in the criminal case did not determine that.

The jury simply determined that

  1. MB shot her
  2. MB was insane at the time he shot her.

Is MB going to recover his memory for the civil trial? What specifics of the shooting will be introduced in the civil case that will indicate he didn’t shoot her?


Judy Greer is fantastic!

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Have you shared this gem with your daughter?


What I’ve read is that different attorneys have different opinions on whether collateral estoppel can or will be used.

Lazaret has just said that it can only be used if it’s the exact same issue, and I think both cases involve the exact issue of whether MB shot her.

It’s a discussion board. This issue is very pertinent to the civil trial. I’m not asking your opinion on collateral estoppel, KM, but it’s fine is you want to opine. But don’t tell me not to post a question on collateral estoppel when the issue comes up.

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I too wonder what Flopsy and Mopsy must think, seeing Mommy and Daddy blowing all their money on Cottontail …


Then go ask the question on Law & Crime. But you don’t. Those are the people who live for this stuff. But you don’t ask there. Why?


I really found the irony to be strong with that one!

(not your comment, the one that you quoted, just for clarity)


If you are really you, I hope you have gotten your own lawyer. Seriously.

If I was in your shoes, I would have hired my own attorney. And I would NOT be posting on any social media. Because… if I were in your shoes, myself, my kid, and my husband would all have been caught up in a lawsuit situation. And ZERO good would come from posting on social media.

I’m not you though. I’m just a spectator. So… I get to participate in discussion regarding an interesting true crime/legal case. Lots of people find this sort of thing interesting. :woman_shrugging: I can appreciate that you may not like the scrutiny you and your family are being subjected to… but honestly… if you all talked less on social media and elsewhere, then people’s attention to your daughter’s story would have died out long ago.