Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I was responding to your statement that ‘full breast reconstruction involves many surgeries’. Not always. Not referring to this specific case. I have no way of knowing. In my case, the mastectomy and reconstruction were one surgery.


Your clever use of emojis made me laugh out loud!


According to her own photos and social media posts, LK was indeed at Friday night lights last week.



I cannot believe how just plain Stupid these folks are. Like Darwin Award Stupid. And to continue the SM ranting, just crazy.


So at this point, they either need to:

  1. formally respond that they don’t have anything responsive to the subpoenas


  1. Hand over their video files and a copy of the transcripts they made.

Either option is going to cause issues for the Kanareks once they all get deposed.

If they say they have nothing to hand over, they will be questioned on their many social media posts… “Were you lying then, or are you lying now?” If they have over responsive materials, it could potentially help MBs side a few different ways. Who knows.

I wonder how much longer the Ks will stall on this issue…


I’m with @Ambitious_Kate here. I think KK reads like a “proper” Southern Belle who is kept like a mushroom (in the dark, fed a lot of…). She seems elderly. I don’t feel she’s very…with it. And she’s just now starting to realize how her world is about to unravel.

@Seeker1, it must have been terrible to sit in the hospital when your daughter was accidentally shot in a scuffle and had to have her breast implant replaced. Thank goodness for great ER and assorted hospital staff.


To spectate and socialize?


Well isn’t this the thread that just keeps on giving! Oh boy, this is nuts


I kind of feel sorry for KK (maybe not) because it surely seems like she is living in the bizarro world. Totally oblivious to the goings on of LK, JK, RG and their plan to #finishthebastard. One can’t be that totally out of touch with reality, can they?? If so, that is really sad.


She sat thru the whole criminal trial, so no she can not be that out of touch with reality.


I’m adding “kanawreck” to my vocabulary. I shall use it as a verb, and include quotation marks.

Apologies as I don’t recall which poster coined the term earlier in the thread.


Contracts can be verbal and verbal contracts carry the same protections as written ones - they are just harder to prove the form.

That being said I am really at a loss to think of what legislation could possibly be beneficial to society as a whole? I hardly see a very specific law protecting clients from the meanie trainers they choose to employ as being worth congressional time. There already are laws relating to gun possession, legal tenancy, contract provisions, etc.

Wealthy people who are pissed off at someone sue that person. If there were legitimate claims to be made about the training situation, packing up and leaving with a bunch of bills unpaid and filing a nice lawsuit is far more effective at getting your way than whatever childish antics took place here.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


If this was baloney made up by Bilinkas, why on earth would someone answer “at one time, yes” to the question “was there a plan to destroy Michael Barisone?”

Like, on the legal record?


Perspective for Seeker1 to ponder.


Hey! She’s younger than I am



Last time I was on this thread it was a casting call and the kind of tangent that usually dribbles off into nothing. When I logged on this morning to sit down with a cup of coffee - I was suddenly 367 posts behind… and figured something must have happened.

Turns out it was someone, not something.

Once again Kanareks decide to post here (or on YouTube) and blow their case up again and apparently do not care. Seeker even denied saying things she is on record as saying - like transcribing those bombshell transcripts from the bombshell recordings.

Seeker’s posts just make me sad… sad for all involved. I am not sure what prompted this extremely ill-advised visit… complete with blatant lies about documented issues (subpeonas) and hints at threats. But if it was a deliberate attempt to make things worse (because how would this have helped?) … I guess congratulations are in order?



Chronological age doesn’t always reflect mental age and not everyone ages well. There are sharp active people at 69 and others whose bodies or minds appear far more aged and not in a good way.


Well… there is SafeSport legislation that does speak to some forms of bullying, harassment and other abuse when it comes to coaches and athletes and power imbalances.

But… last time I checked, the Kanareks are pretty well aware that SafeSport exists.


The K’s have a strong case because Lauren was shot by MB. Well, atleast according to Seeker1.

I’m not saying that they have no case, but typically whenever a legal dispute/case is ongoing, one of the number one “rules” is to not talk about it or act a fool while it’s ongoing. :roll_eyes:

Honestly, I think it would’ve only helped them to stay quiet until everything was sorted. Arrogance gets the best of us sometimes, I guess :woman_shrugging:t3:

I do get wanting to be heard, but sometimes you’ve got to sit down and let the truth surface on its own. If the truth works against you or is unflattering then…that’s unfortunate I suppose.


Something about her seems a bit “off” to me.