Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Just a point of clarification - I had a mastectomy and DIEP flap reconstruction as one surgery. Not multiple.


Sometimes (possibly because I’m an idiot) I feel for Seeker1. What a horrific experience that must’ve been to watch your daughter nearly die and everything that entailed. I don’t doubt that. I also don’t know Seeker1 and how much she knows.

From what I can gather, as an outsider, is that the K’s aren’t good people. They’re just not. That’s their choice. People are also free to comment and/or call them out on that. You(g) can me mad at the truth all day long, but at the end of the day, it’s not going away :woman_shrugging:t3:

I do think some get too involved on here, and it does get petty, and downright odd at times, so I’m not denying that, but if you want to be mad at the truth and at your own actions, well, that’s on you, I guess.


I agree. They have not been honest about much of anything else, why start now with that.


Not that I recall, but I could certainly have missed an announcement of that sort. I believe she did just participate as an instructor in a FEI Trainers Symposium in Wellington (or whatever that event is called).


I was like, “Whoa, something happened!” Unfortunately, it was what it was: :bat: :poop: :crazy_face:


Comment on the alleged MHG text “threatening” (to paraphrase) “I could f-ing kill her”. Reminds me of my mother’s repeated exasperated remarks about my sister (who has shared traits with LK) “I could wring her neck!” No neck wringing ensued….


Honestly I think that’s splitting hairs. LK’s own words and actions are fair game, as is any discussion of het role in the events that led to her being shot. But I find attempts to minimize her injuries a bit disgusting. She was shot and severely injured, which is an incredibly traumatic event for her and the people around her.


I had mastectomy then tissue expanders in one surgery. Then, one side had complications during radiation. So I had surgery to remove an expander. Later, I had DIEP then to replace that one side. And… later after that, I had to have implant swap surgery for my remaining expander on the other side. So… four total surgeries for me. If my expanders worked as planned… it would have been two surgeries.

I doubt Lauren had a tissue expander placed while on the table immediately following the shooting. It was an emergency situation. And she was too thin in 2019 to have had DIEP flap give her much of a result. And they obviously didn’t do DIEP while she was on the table following the shooting having an emergency surgery. So if @Seeker1 is being honest about the mastectomy…. it sure seems that LK had to have reconstruction involving a tissue expander at some later point. Likely, that meant healing from the initial shooting surgery… then another operation to place the tissue expander. Then repeated appointments at the surgeon’s office to actually expand the space on her chest in preparation for an implant, then another surgery to swap the expander for an implant. If this what happened, they might have swapped the implant on her other side as well doting the final surgery in order to get a more symmetrical result.

Sooooo… maybe three breast related surgeries? This is all just my best guess based on my own surgical experiences, and that of other family and friends who have had to deal with tissue expander reconstruction.

ETA: I understand that some people might feel this is splitting hairs. But… I respectfully disagree. Losing a breast implant and having a full mastectomy are two very different things, technically and surgically speaking. And there are different physical long term repercussions when it comes to riding capabilities, and very different recovery involved. And this all goes to some of her damages claims in her lawsuit concerning pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment (or something like that), etc.


I am guessing that it was during a subsequent surgery. It could be that the doctors determined that there wasn’t enough remaining breast tissue healthy enough to support an implant and mastectomy was the best solution.

And for we know, it could have been done very recently, which might explain why LK wasn’t at FNL with JK last weekend, and/or why KK went off the rails last night.

If so, I find the timing very curious. I’ve been wondering what they would cook up next to try to delay LK’s deposition. And if she can’t get out of it, major surgery just before the deposition gives her a good excuse to be on heavy pain meds - which gives her a good excuse to say ten thousand times, “I don’t recall” or “Could you please repeat the question” or “I’m sorry, I’m on pain medication and am not thinking clearly.” :roll_eyes:


You’re right, of course. But they make it so very hard to drum up any sympathy.


It is my understanding from the criminal trial that Jamie Dancer called ALI Brock because she was worried about MB and knew that he and ALI were good friends.


From her general appearance on 48 hours I surmise that any reconstructive surgeries took place some time prior to that.


Interesting theory. I will admit, I haven’t a clue as to the surgical requirements for regular breast implants, and necessary healthy breast tissue. Implants following mastectomy are a very different surgical process than regular breast implants.

I have also been wondering if there will be a “health issue” that will complicate/delay LK’s deposition during March. My guess is that it’s better than 50/50 odds that they go this route.

Judge Weaver MIGHT give them an extension for one health issue, but his handwritten comments on the latest filing indicate he will keep LK on a short leash, and she will have to sit for the deposition pretty soon. I think that’s a huge reason for the uptick in recent posting…


Same with the parents. I think the “all parties will comply with deadlines they agreed to” means he expects the parents to formally respond to their subpoenas by then.

If there truely isn’t anything responsive to the subpoena then the proper manner in which to respond is to produce a sworn statement of such.


If only your daughter had kept her mouth shut and all of your family stayed off SM with the threats and lies.


I was wondering about the combination of Weaver’s handwritten comments, and apparent extension of response time for the Ks with respect to their subpoenas (I’m probably wording it wrong). Anyway… it seems like he is giving the K parents a final chance to ‘do the right thing’ and respond to lawful subpoenas.

If they disrespect legal processes again? I would imagine it will not end in a good result for them.


I got up before dawn to let my dog out before the snow got any deeper, then couldn’t get back to sleep. So of course I just had to browse COTH. The rapid fire posting and the trenchant commentary was eye opening. Some of you are quite brilliant in the early morning.


I have to agree with this. I signed on this morning and I was very impressed.


Neither did Michael Barisone or anyone else at Hawthorne Hill that July/August. The truth will come put Kirby.


And to have produced it about 30 days after the first request…