Barisone Trial This Month

Not stooping to your go to level of insult.

It is LK & Co. who swears RC gave MB the gun and Hut-ho78 just above said that maybe RC called CPS.

So you have to admit that’s not making much sense, yes? That RC first gave MB a gun and then called CPS on him?


You accused ME of saying that RC gave a gun to MB (I absolutely did not say that) and then you accused ME of knowing who made the report to CPS (I specifically stated that I DO NOT KNOW who made that report).

Now you are saying that LK is the one who claimed RC gave the gun to MB and Hut-ho78 said that maybe RC called CPS. I am not LK, and I am not Hut-ho78.

I stated that since I do not know what happened, anyone’s scenarios COULD HAVE happened. My statement that certain scenarios COULD HAVE HAPPENED does not mean that I believe that those scenarios DEFINITELY HAPPENED, which is what you are accusing. You are wrongly accusing me of saying things that I am not saying because you are not comprehending my posts, and you are blaming me for your own lack of comprehension.


This doesn’t make sense? Does anything in the scenario make sense? RC knew MB had her gun. The situation went from ok to a shooting in 10 days. So the trained mental health professional who worked with kids could have watched the kids stressing, MB becoming more agitated, been afraid of LK and RG and called CP&P.


This absolutely could have happened. It also could have happened that LK called CPS. It also could have happened that one of the kid’s friend’s parents could have overheard something and called CPS. Someone from the kids’ school could have called CPS. One of the kids’ relatives that is not their mother could have called CPS. One of the mother’s friends could have called CPS. FFS we have no idea who called CPS, so all the scenarios we can come up with could be equally true, or it could turn out that the person who did in fact call CPS is one that none of us even thought of.

I can’t wait until someone accuses me of claiming that one of the kid’s friend’s parents called CPS.




How do you feel about trash talking a woman who lost her young child? Someone who can dish out something this breathtakingly vulgar and cruel forfeits forever the right to claim sensitivity to comments about her most traumatic experience.

This thread and subsequent posts was illuminating:

Lauren S. & Jessica I. are two who may also be subpoenaed.


What is their involvement in this case and why might they be subpoenaed or sued?


Why on earth would she call CPS when the police were there the day before? You know, when she went to the apartment so they could enforce the eviction ordered by the BI and FM…because MB was too scared to do it? She got bit by that dog that day too, ya know. Maybe CPS was out there about the dangerous dog and were investigating if it was a danger to the kids.


Wait a minute…you REALLY think making a bogus accusation to CPS was a good call? My God, you people are incredible!!!


By the way, the kids were gone and had been gone for some time. This overnight back and forth about placing a bogus call to CPS was a good thing blows my mind. It is obvious the newcomers posting have not read the serial threads about this whole event. It is highly probable that SS CALLED CPS due to the vague or outright insinuations made by LK. SS is obligated to call CPS when they are told of abuse. That move would have been typical for LK, so she could say emphatically that SHE didn’t call CPS. Lauren Kanarek is a manipulative, nasty woman who apparently would do anything to have Mary Haskins Gray (MB’s girlfriend for those catching up) removed from the farm…a relationship she had absolutely no business entering into. Keep in mind MH still has a target on her back per both LK and IM. Disgusting.


Worth repeating. I thought I was misremembering things, but I wasn’t.


Was it bogus? There was a shooting that day.

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Well, it didn’t prevent the shooting, did it? CPS didn’t do anything as far as getting someone arrested for child abuse. More than likely it was the last straw for MB.

It is my opinion that, had CPS not come to the farm, there would have been no shooting.


Yes, it was bogus, unless Miss Cleo was there and could see the future.


To be fair, after months and years with literally thousands upon thousands of posts on the subject, it would be easy to forget some details or miss them in the first place. But that doesn’t mean the “movie version” one person made up in their head is any more valid than someone else’s version.

I just hope the trial will provide enough factual evidence to settle the whole debate once and for all, although I realize there is no guarantee that will happen.


Good grief. Barisone’s own civil lawyers claimed in a lawsuit that the cops standing around the police department should have noticed that he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. They didn’t know he had access to a gun.

RC was a trained psychiatric professional, knew MB, knew he had a gun, her gun, and had days to notice any deterioration in his mental condition.

Please explain how it is not a contradiction to say that 1) a bunch of cops hearing MB give a speech with agitation, frustration, and anger in his voice are supposed to realize the man, a virtual stranger to them, is on the verge of a mental breakdown and “do something”, but 2) RC with her knowledge of psychiatry, of MB, her knowing his behavior over the last days, and her knowledge he had a gun, would not realize it was a very dangerous situation?

Were the children present on the day of the shooting? If they were, they were in danger. Everyone on that farm was in danger.


Read my post above…the children were not there! Keep up please. But I agree with your assessment that everyone was in danger, just not too clear who was the true antagonist.


The fact that the children were not there that day does not imply that there was no reason for CPS to investigate the situation. If the parents had shared custody and the prospect was that the children would be visiting the next weekend or some future week, all the better that the situation was investigated by CPS before the children returned.

Interesting that you now think it was probably SS who called CPS. As I understand it both LK and MB filed reports with SS accusing the other of bullying and harassment. How tragic and ironic if the CPS visit which “triggered” MB was initiated in part by his own call to SS.

The situation on the farm was extremely dangerous. If SS got reports from two different adult antagonists, and knew from talking with them that sometimes there were children on the farm (as well as minor working students), they would have to report to CPS. CPS would be obligated to visit.


She isn’t “scrappy”. She is damn nasty, and she seems to enjoy being belligerent. She doesn’t seem reflective when she comes on here- she is aggressive, confrontational, and generally despicable.

You may feel sorry for her, but I see her as someone who couldn’t have been taught a lesson by this whole mess, and clearly has not.

Cutter- this appears pointed at you, but it is not.


Here’s a question for all - wouldn’t LK/RG know what was said during the CPS visit since they had their illegal surveillance equipment everywhere? Wouldn’t they have known he left that meeting while it was still in process and headed up the drive to them? Diesel duallys aren’t particularly quiet.

I still believe they knew he was coming and he was attacked by them when he arrived to his own property. I will never believe otherwise. Who shot whom and how is still questionable in my opinion.

I still wonder what RG and JK removed from the property (house and barn) the very next day.