Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Green creme de menthe was definitely one ingredient, but no ice cream.
I might have the recipie somewhere.

IIRC, there might have also been Bailey’s and some Irish whiskey, and maybe something else.


Contrary to the narrative of the EIM, I think that LKs provocation of MB does not excuse his shooting her.

That line of questioning was allowed in the criminal trial in order to shed light on MBs state of mind— as to whether he was delusional.

If that’s the only reason the provocation is relevant — to establish MBs delusional state of mind, then the testimony from the criminal trial should suffice.

Why is LKs provocation relevant, aside from establishing MBs insanity?

She has already answered questions about her provocation under oath, in the criminal trial. What is the purpose of repeating it other than to harass and embarrass her?

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Good point. Weaver’s order extending discovery stipulates a date of March 30 for LK’s deposition. Where did GAS come up with the idea that it was April 13? Is that delay in the works and the court hasn’t posted a filing yet in that regard?


It wouldn’t surprise me if the lawyers all had scheduling conflicts, and 04/13/23 was the earliest they figured out that they could do it and still accommodate everyone.

But obviously… there is a delay past the 03/30 deadline there.

Let’s say that Bilinkas, Deininger and Silver agreed to 04/13… and then GAS still pushes forward with this letter trying to limit questioning on the issue of provocation, and proposing a longer legal process and possible secondary later deposition on the provocation questions if it all fails…


This seems like he is really pushing it and ignoring the judge’s notes.


It’s probably a good thing that the shooting isn’t actually the basis of most of the claims, then.

I find it interesting that you, until today’s filing, have literally never brought this particular point up before. You’ve never once said that she’s said all she needed to say in the criminal trial until right now. But any rational person would know that the questions in the criminal trial were limited to the scope of permissible evidence in the criminal trial and have little to nothing to do with the standard of proof in a civil claim.

So you really do just agree with everything the Ks do or say, even though you claim not to.


Ah, so he is assuming Weaver will dismiss MB’s claims and limit the defense counsels from questioning LK about her provocation, so the jury will only get half the story and be inclined to render a verdict in LK’s favor. He is playing the role of a PI attorney to the hilt. I guess I don’t blame him, because he is likely to not get much of a payoff otherwise.


I rarely consume alcohol, yet I know enough that this combination could be alluring. Like a tawny siren’s song of bliss. Especially with the ice cream. :yum:


The purpose of questioning her in a deposition is to:

  1. Establish any actions she took that possibly contributed to the shooting happening

  2. Make sure she doesn’t give different answers when questioned a second time under oath.

If LK has been honest all along, and her testimony remains consistent, #2 should be of no concern to her. She swore to answer things honestly… right?


  1. Explore all evidence related to MBs counterclaims

I’m tired today… not feeling great… and I am using all that as the excuse for reading that ^ as Purina Donna-ness…

Because it establishes her character? Her actions prior to the shooting? The atmosphere around the barn that affected so many? IANAL - but then, neither are you.

She has already answered questions about her provocation under oath, in the criminal trial. What is the purpose of repeating it other than to harass and embarrass her?

Different trial? See answers above. Play stupid games, and any questions about those games are not harassment. Sadly, I doubt that LK is embarrassed by anything she has relished in doing - or at least that is the impression she gives…

Or what everything VHM just posted.


Lk’s provocation could prove that she drove him temporarily insane, prove because of driving him temporarily insane he has now been committed to Graystone and is losing income and if she had never provoked him in the first place this lawsuit would not be a thing and everyone would be merrily living their lives.


Or, more simply, the purpose of deposition is to discover any and all information that may lead to the discovery of relevant information of people in support of or in defense of a legal claim.

The scope of this is far beyond what was at issue in the criminal trial. In the criminal trial, the victim was not on trial. In the civil trial she is, quite literally, on trial for the counterclaims of both MB and SGF.


He has to try and make a case for her, I suppose.

But… remember… LK is the PLAINTIFF. Yet her attorney seems to be playing defense with this latest letter requesting limited questioning during the deposition, etc.

It’s all rather curious. And… sort of telling.


Thanks KM!

I was thinking exactly the same thing - that the jury will not have access to all the evidence, depositions, etc from the criminal trial, so it is preposterous to limit the scope of LK’s deposition in the civil suit THAT SHE FILED.


My poor fence is crushed in 3 sections, I have no replacement boards and the batteries to the drill are all out of charge AND there is a dead deer there. Funeral and burial is tomorrow, I’m not up for it now. Woe is me!



Poor deer.


I was really thinking that Primal Fear was my favorite legal drama, but I’m beginning to think the Lifetime movie of this saga will replace it. Has all the features - camp, bad writing, unbelievable outcomes. I look forward to the airing.


I found a dead young deer last week. I’m thinking coyotes.


His response may even be trenchant (thanks @Paint_Party!). :grin:



Dominick Dunne used to host a true crime TV series called “Power, Privilege and Justice”

He would have done a REALLY good job covering this entire case.


I wonder if Mr. D and Mr. Silver called each other to complain about GAS?