Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

If the defense that “LK caused MBs insanity” was a primary reason to claim that LK was more than 51% responsible for the fact she was shot, Deininger would have “made the claim” in his answer. He would not have omitted stating an important defense just because he considers the claim “obvious.”

You seem to be agreeing with me that the claim was not made in Deininger’s filing.

I didn’t dispute that MB had memory loss, KM.

Why are you trying to debate anyone on the issue?

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Meanwhile back to the upcoming civil trial, I am very curious as to where the box of 9mm ammunition came from that was found by the safe. RC testified she did not give her box of ammunition to MB and no other weapons used 9mm ammo so who bought this and when and how did it get in the safe?

I don’t think the tactic of trying to show LK provokes people is going to work. If they say she caused MB to shoot her that sounds too much like abusive spouses telling the abused spouse “you made me do it.” It brings in a whole new aspect that doesn’t help redeem MB. Also, if people come forward to say she harassed them, they didn’t shoot her. Only MB shot her.

I think with the way MB ignored the law such as Building Code, Habitability, Repair and Deduct, Landlord/Tenant Law, Stable Lien law (or is it called Livery Lien law in New Jersey, occupancy for the barn, environmental/health laws for the barn septic system, the farm house basement egress (don’t forget @SierraMist’s excellent summation on those requirements, much more than just the old coal chute door), etc. I think the jury will be sitting there not finding anyone making good decisions but also no one deserving to be shot.

Logic dictates that since there were 2 other guns in the safe that there might be bullets too. As bullets don’t age they may have been there for a long time. Who knows? Maybe someone who owns guns put them there. Someone who discovered they had access to the office. Maybe they were planted. Who knows?

It surprises no one that you think that the fact (not a tactic, it’s a FACT) that the torts and criminal acts performed by LK and RG wouldn’t drive someone insane. Clearly the rest of the world disagrees.

MB was actively making repairs and it wasn’t just the shoddy work RG doing it. We have no idea what credentials RG pretended to have, if any.

As for the tenancy paragraph you wrote it seems to be a bunch of legal terms tossed about to seem authoritative. But it’s not. Its more like a rowdy party spaghetti thrown onto the ceiling. For instance, mentioning a stableman’s lien in this situation is like talking about the different pattern of spots among giraffe. The rest is just gurgling babble.

People who jump and attack other people bashing them in the head and punching them in the face while their dog Kujo mauls them deserve to be shot.

Your issue is that you believe the narrative that the good guy suddenly turned bad, and the people with known histories of being bad suddenly morphed into victim. I believe LK jumped MB in a raging fit and then RG jumped in and somewhere in there the gun discharged accidentally or in self defense.

No one else believes that.

We believe in likely scenarios where the good guy was forced into a situation due to the bad guys and due to the bad guys even worse stuff happened.


As someone’s daughter I know I would feel terrible and sad if my MOTHER was posting that I was MUTILATED multiple times. I’d also feel horribly embarrassed that my mother is foolishly posting and threatening people before a pending civil case.

You love to preach positivity and kindness, so maybe take a page from your own sanctimonious book and post something positive about your daughter and her recovery rather than harping on her looks and physical condition? Maybe help her work on her mental health.


There it is again “deserves to be shot.” The jury, who sat there and listened to and watched everyone every day on trial found differently. Once he pulled the gun out and pointed it at her and fired, anything they did to save their own lives was self defense. RG was quite the hero. Stopped a larger man and refrained from killing him even with LK going down from her injuries.

Also, how do you know what kind of work RG did? You were not there. His work may have been excellent.


Yeah, the copy n’ paste repeated replies, mis-spelling of “barison,” and the childish tone all point to posting while not in a sober mindset or a 13 year old got ahold of the login.


Yes if someone is trying to kill somebody and has them down on the ground beating them to the point of unconsciousness they deserve to be shot. It’s called self defense and the victim is on the ground and unable to retreat. And that’s in a scenario where MB was in possession of the gun which we do not know if that was the case.

Since Taylor didn’t allow self defense the jury found what they found even despite the evidence and major relevant facts unable to be heard.

RG is a zero and not a hero. There is nothing heroic in his history. He does nothing heroic. He couldn’t even present himself to have respect for the Court, sitting in the witness stand like Slouchy McPunkface.


For the man of many monikers, Slouchy McPunkface couldn’t describe him more perfectly!


Thanks! I worked on it for a minute. :laughing:


That flushing sound you hear is LK’s case being sucked towards the drain after being further mutilated by yet more sad and careless posting by KK.

One would think that by now it would be obvious to LK, KK and JK that posting on SM about the cases is not a good idea and will only mess things up… but no. That continues… as well as inappropriate actions like marching up to Tarshis to engage him in conversation.

Who does that… :pensive:



A cute diagram on differences.
Eta: Never mind. @Knights_Mom beat me to it.


Great minds think alike!!


Serious questions -

She has had implants for her whole adult life, does it matter what the size of the natural breast tissue is? I have to wonder if the natural breast tissue size matters with the implants.

Do you find having unevenly sized natural breasts to be a unique thing? You make it sound like something a woman should be horrified by, why is that?


Maybe I am reading these posts wrong, but to me I get - It is OK that my daughter has issues with her brain and social issues and torture people, I can write that off as OK, but to me it is horrifying that my daughter now has scars on her body, that is torture.

Was it not mutilating to cut her open to install implants?

Disclaimer before certain people pounce on me - her surgery from the shooting was for sure very serious.


Now I’m starting to wonder if that’s been going on every week all winter, and we just haven’t heard about it yet.


I too was very impressed by that posting! (I guess I should say, those postings, there was more than one.) So accurate and clear.

I find it hard to believe that anyone who can successfully brush their teeth can not understand what @ekat explained.


The problem with this theory in this situation is, it appears that the Kanarek family thinks that a life well lived means destroying the lives of others to get what they want.
They think it is fun to make someone homeless.
They think it is laugh worthy to destroy the property of someone else (generator talk in the texts).
They think it is OK to push their life onto others (the one at a time visits to Mr. Tarshis right before the criminal trial while he tried to simply enjoy the show with friends).

So before they can embrace that mantra, they have to learn what the rest of the world considers a life well lived and stop using their distorted theories on it.
Finish the Bastard is not a life well lived.



Very good point, and I was thinking somewhat along those lines, although my thoughts were that she was telegraphing a new angle GAS is going to focus on. “Let’s distract the jury from considering any culpability on LK’s part. They will be more sympathetic to her if we pound home the idea that she was ‘mutilated’.”


Do you think that if those bullets could have been traced to a purchase in NJ the prosecution would not have screamed that from the roof tops at the criminal trial?
They would have provided proof of who bought them and when and where.
That is not the type of evidence the prosecution leaves in their files and does not bring out. If they could make those bullets into something that Michael did, they would have said so.

I proved that you were so wrong on this front already. Are you now taking a play out of the @CurrentlyHorseless play book where if you just repeat the wrong information enough that you think it will somehow be a fact.
There are two means of egress from that basement. A real stair to the outdoors and a real stair in the house.

Michael was living in the barn because Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya thinks it is funny to make someone homeless. Read the texts.

