Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I know… that one was a seal. But… it was such an awesome GIF! :rofl: @ekat had just demolished CH with a really precise and articulate post. I felt the GIF was too perfect not to use.


Oh yeah. I’m sensing the same.


If we’re the Elderly Illegal Mob I wonder what nickname the Ks have given the tens of thousands anti LK posters on various YouTube channels and across social media?


98% of the population?


That seems about right.

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A few recent comments on this thread about mutilation and scars made me think of a different sort of lion, and an image a friend shared with me years ago.

I found it a really beautiful and inspiring and positive way to look at scars…

I know a lot of people who have a ton of scars under their clothes. I’m one of those people. But… I embrace them most of the time. They represent strength and survival to me.



Late evening rambling and ranting are very common with people who drink, and in people who have dementia. Not saying that about anyone in particular; just making an observation…


My personal favorite


Provocation is certainly your forte. I have no dementia nor do i use drugs or alcohol (unlike many of you). If you had a daughter i daresay you might get your knickers in a knot here and there.

Nobody is disputing the fact she was shot and very seriously injured, or how traumatic that must have been for the whole family. However, the specifics of her injury DO matter, given the suit that SHE filed is claiming damages for pain and suffering based on those injuries.

You are the one who first mentioned the (previously unmentioned) fact that she had an entire breast removed, which seems to contradict the testimony of the doctor at the criminal trial. You shouldn’t be surprised that people have questions about the specifics of her injury and the new information you’ve provided here, in a thread that’s dedicated to the upcoming civil trial. As others have pointed out, losing en entire breast is very different than having an implant replaced, when it comes to the complexity of treatment, pain, suffering, etc, and when it comes to any damages awarded by a jury.

If you don’t wish to be asked questions regarding the suit or the specifics of your daughter’s injuries, it might be prudent to avoid posting about those topics on a public discussion board in a thread dedicated to those very topics. Particularly if your comments are in direct conflict with comments you have publicly made previously, regarding issues that are germane to the trial.


Here’s something I’ve never understood, @Seeker1, why was your daughter sent to a cheap hotel to recover after being “mutilated and almost dying?”

If you had so much motherly concern, and JK was so involved in making her arrangements for board and housing, and the unfortunate attempt to #finishthebastard, and clearly you and your husband are all too happy to post here and create aliases all over Youtube to try to defend her behavior… why leave her to fend for herself after the hospital? I suppose she had RG, but he’d admitted to using drugs although not on the property.

It’s always seemed odd that you’re so involved in your daughter’s life, yet left her to recover with her drug addict boyfriend who was also supposedly injured.

Edited to fix punctuation.


The defense didn’t need to. LK and RG did it for them, backed up by the testimony of all the other people at the farm who described her “reign of terror”.


Use drugs like your daughter and her partner?

Nope. Never.


Interesting point.

There is so much about this case, and the key people involved, and their real life history, and their online comments…. That STILL just doesn’t really fit together.

One other thought occurred to me this evening…

Have we ever seen @Inigo-montoya and @Seeker1 post on the boards at the same time?

I don’t think I ever have. It’s always one or the other posting. Just sort of weird. Don’t they live together?


@Seeker1 I really have tried to put myself in your shoes and see your perspective because I am also a parent who loves their child and perhaps that is the sole reason I’m even taking the time to write this. Some posters try to push the bullshit narrative that we are all here for the “pleasure of hate,” but everyone knows that things are never that simple and that’s just a fantasy narrative because there are many people here willing and capable of being sympathetic to your situation, myself included. The issue is is that your daughter has come across a hard lesson to learn to learn in life - that her actions do have consequences and that her behavior has manifested a very harsh reality - yet it seems your daughter has not learned a thing from this situation and has only dug in and continued her malicious and totally unacceptable behavior, evident by her postings online after the shooting. That said, getting shot does not justify being a bad person. It just doesn’t. Maybe it is not entirely her fault - perhaps a parent raised her to be to behave in such a way. But by this point, she is an adult capable of learning from her own mistakes. It appears she has not. Furthering that problem is that it also seems that your family enables her disturbing behavior which does not reflect well on you. If my child were in the position yours is in, I’d tell them to own their behavior. I’d hug and love them, but I’d insist that they become a better person. I’d also swallow the hard truth that the person I raised needed to become a better person. And if I truly felt my child was being trashed online, I sure wouldn’t get in the trenches with them. The best revenge is a life well lived. It seems all the Ks should embrace that mantra.


He is pretty awesome. And especially cute. 🦭

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I very much agree that it’s an awful way to refer to your own daughter. IMHO, the repetitiveness and this use of graphic, dramatic and emotive language suggests that Kirby is being coached in having such terminology trip off her tongue during civil proceedings. My guess is there’ll be some tried and tested phrases bandied about to evoke sympathy. A little like LK’s “I’m so petite and he’s so big…”


I did not dispute that MB had memory loss, KM.

I have zero degrees from Google U. Where did you get your screenshot? Google?

There are 3 types of mastectomies of which I am aware; a partial mastectomy (think piece of pie instead of a lumpectomy), a mastectomy (where there is a chance of leaving some breast tissue), and a radical mastectomy (includes underlying muscle).

When a bullet goes through clothes, skin, an implant, bone, and enters the body cavity, then exits, it brings into the surrounding tissue and body cavity fragments of the clothes, the skin, the implant, and bone. The force of the bullet as it ruptures the implant also drives the implant material into the surrounding tissue. This is different from a leaking implant (though even a leaking implant can get into the lymph nodes).

It’s not just removing an implant or even an aging leaking implant, it’s clearing debris and silicon from the silicon implant or the silicon bag around the saline implant that has been driven into the surrounding breast tissue. There can be scarring and/or adhesions and there was a large class action suit at one time for the medical complications from leaking silicon implants.

Considering that women can be so traumatized from losing breasts to cancer that Congress passed a law requiring insurance companies to include reconstruction as necessary to cancer treatment, not a separate elective surgery, then losing a breast or part of a breast for any reason is just as traumatizing.

LK has a damaged breast. Whether the surgery was considered a partial or full mastectomy is kind of a moot point considering the scarring from life saving procedures. They tried to open her chest to stop the bleeding. The thoracic surgeon started under her breast then under her arm to the back and up for a 12-18 inch incision. Later, she was opened for the entire length of her abdomen so her organs had room to swell. She also lost 50% of her blood.

Reconstruction surgery is daunting no matter what procedure is chosen. There is not reconstruction after a partial mastectomy, the breast is however it looks after surgery.

LK did not go through radiation and/or chemo. She did go through a traumatic near death experience.


Yes Google. I Googled the info as I don’t have a medical degree. The difference is between you and I is that I wouldn’t be debating a psychiatrist about it.

See how that works?