Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

You’re not getting through to CH. No one here who sees things clearly will ever get through to CH. So what’s happening is preaching to the choir.

If we must respond, let’s simply write “Newp.”


How funny it would be for Michael Barisone to sue Currentlyhorseless for all the times she has posted “facts” that have not been proven regarding specifically how Lauren Kanarek was shot? Hmmm…that pesky video has got to be somewhere!! /s


Awww. What a friendly and kind marine mammal you are!


Barisone didn’t remember anything so logic dictates he could not prove or testify to self defense.

My words stand.


I do empathize with you on your daughter getting shot but this is where I draw the line. If your daughter already had breast implants, IMHO, she was already mutilated.
It is a crying shame when mothers believe their daughters breasts are more important than lungs. Cry me a river already.
Do you understand body shaming?
Why are you not answering your subpoena about the transcribed tapes.


Naaah. They’re mammals. Big, fat smelly noisy nasty aquatic mammals.

I don’t know that any human would want to eat one. They’re kinda nasty.

Except the prosecutor met the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest standard, that MB shot LK, the act that would have been a crime except the defense met the burden of proof by a preponderance of evidence that he was insane at the time. The shooting was the direct cause of the damage to LK’s breast. The civil trial, even without estoppel, has the lesser standard of preponderance of evidence.

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You nailed it.

Crass and, by your measure, classless.


Or we can look at our scars and think “I did what I had to do and I survived”


Tell me, oh wise ones…

If a woman has to “choose” to undergo surgery to remove both her breasts in order to have ANY chance of surviving a medical diagnosis…

And she really wants to live, because she has two VERY small children (not even in kindergarten yet) who will be left to grow up without any mother…

Is that surgery really “voluntary” ?

But by all means, continue with the sarcastic comments if you want. You two certainly reveal quite a bit about yourselves in terms of character and intellect with this particular bit of nonsense.


Just imagine, for a minute. how many less posts this thread would have if there were two less posters here. You probably would not have to catch up on “hundreds” of the same old, same old gibberish regaling how wonderful the K Klan is and how we are all “out to get them”. Why do they not take their bitching and griping over to the discussions on YT or Law and Crime. See how that would go. Lots of new people to regale with the wonderful tales of the K Klan. .


One can choose to look at their scars in various ways. One could choose “someone tried to kill me” or one could choose, “wow, look at what I survived, I was shot twice and here I am living a good life, I’m pretty amazing and so is my body for surviving that” it’s all about outlook and perspective…and perhaps what fits your narrative, eh?

As for mocking people re their bravery and what they’ve been through re cancer specifically, well, that’s just trash. [Edit]

My edit: Oh come on, of all things to edit on these threads!


That was low.

You do realize that VHM is a cancer survivor, doncha?


Says a lot about their character, eh? I mean, given who they vehemently support, I am not shocked in the least, but this is a bit of a new low, so to speak, but I’ve noticed that, the tone gets more and more nastay, when I do see it.


Hmmmm, I recall a time when ear piercing and other body piercings as well as tattoos were considered mutilation. So breast augmentation is not considered mutilation? :roll_eyes:

I’m so sorry Kirby can’t find any reasonable excuse for her daughter and husband’s behavior other than finding absurd things to ramble on about. She knows her family’s actions can’t be defended anytime or anyplace by anyone. Logic would tell a normal human to keep their head down and stay quiet to not attract attention to their foolishness posting on a public forum!


You should feel embarrassment for your own bad behaviour. One day, when you mature, perhaps you will. btw maturity isn’t about age.

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and you think you are normal? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Honestly… they are both smart enough to be above this sort of stupidity.

Maybe they just really hate all the Lollypop jokes I have made on the forums, and feel like making sarcastic comments about bilateral mastectomy due to breast cancer is an appropriate retort.



Can you tell me about my own bad behavior please? Or is this a baseless claim? I’d love to hear more about my own bad behavior or what you determine is “bad behavior” anyway.

I also know maturity isn’t about age. I’m not sure why you think that I don’t know that, especially given what I said in my post. :woman_shrugging:t3: Misunderstandings happen to the best of us :wink: