Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Compared to you and your despicable family, I am a Saint.

Keep laughing Kirby. I guess it is all you have left is finding humor where you can. Personally I think this situation is beyond deplorable.




You sound like a twelve year old.


only you can decide if you are behaving yourself. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you… so why bother?

VHM, I am so sorry anyone on these forums has sunk to such low depths, particularly defending a Kanarek. Thank you for your bravery in sharing your story to help many understand what mastectomy really involves.


To prove you aren’t lying is reason to “bother”. Otherwise you are simply posting crap about others.


Things must be falling apart in the Kanarek household. Kirby must have just been told they have to sell their house in New Jersey to pay for their attorneys fees and is going to have to move in with Laren in Florida. Aiee!


I am not being facetious, really. You said it, so I’m genuinely curious and will gladly engage in a conversation about this. I will always believe you if you provide proof. There are also times when you may not have proof, but I might still be able to atleast have an understanding re where you’re coming from.

If you make a bold claim or assertment, back it up. This can only help your credibility and create meaningful conversations.

I also wouldn’t leave it to me to decide if I’m behaving myself :rofl: sounds dangerous

Please take that last sentence as a joke. Please! It’s meant to be humor.


I find her posts to at least be consistent wrt tone.
Your, OTOH, veer wildly, from expressing compassion for everyone here who is clearly woefully mistaken about what happened at HH one minute, to vague threats and venomous rants to anyone who disagrees with your take on things.
Not to mention repeatedly contradicting yourself.

I find your posts somewhat disturbing and sad.
I’d offer you the advice to maybe stop posting and reading here, except that when I did the same to your daughter, she responded with threats of a lawsuit.


Erm, really?

That’s a bit much.


I have a bunch of scars from lung cancer surgery and bilateral oophorectomy.

I do not consider myself mutilated. I consider myself a SURVIVOR.

And I survived so much much more than a couple of surgeries.


No, your words that “Taylor did not allow self defense” do not stand.

You are now saying that due to the memory loss, Barisone was unable to present evidence of self defense, as in my point 3.

Barisone pled self defense and it didn’t fly because no evidence of self defense was provided, perhaps because of Barisone’s memory loss. While Taylor did not permit Bilinkas to argue a theory of self defense without having provided any evidence that is was self defense, he did not prevent Barisone from pleading, or submitting evidence, that it was self defense.


No kidding!

I wonder if @CurrentlyHorseless and @Seeker1 will actually talk to each other on the thread this time? Or will the pattern continue where CH just pops in to say things that are supportive of Seeker1… but doesn’t actually have direct dialogue with her…





This one time, at band camp…

Well, I mean, this one time on COTH, on a thread in the past I said something in favor of LK and it was actually kind and a decent gesture…and I got wild PMs and threats about it. I know she’s defensive due to all of the flak she (somewhat rightfully) receives, but yea, turned me right the f off. Ya can’t kindly advise these folk.

But if one isn’t capable of kindness maybe one doesn’t know how to receive kindness in any form? :thinking:




Well, I would put forth the idea that someone does know. MB didn’t lose his memory of what happened surrounding what was said/done around the conversation and decision to put the gun in the safe and what was actually put in that safe.

Someone does know, and so far one of the participants has remained silent on the matter. I wonder if his story will match RC’s? Keep in mind, RC was testifying under duress, she had to push the prosecution’s narrative or face jail time as punishment.



Sure Jan. Go on the hamster wheel yourself. While you work out your body on the wheel maybe you can do a stint at Google U and further convince yourself you’re right. You seem to need that so very bad.

I can see how LK got the ethics she has. It’s familial. These same ethics draw in people likewise endowed. So you are with the group in which you belong. Kudos.

Oh and BTW you’re still wrong. Spin, hamster, spin!!


I have not had breast cancer.

If I did have breast cancer, I would definitely choose to have the recommended treatment, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, the works, and I would be grateful that such lifesaving treatment was available, despite the nausea, the hair loss, and the scars. Breast cancer sucks. Lifesaving treatment is something one should be grateful for.

I don’t think choosing to undergo a lifesaving treatment, or posting about it while taunting and insulting the mother of a woman whose mastectomy/ partial mastectomy / surgical repair was caused by gunshot wounds, is “brave”. [That’s the version without the sarcasm, if you prefer.]

Yes, voluntary surgery is voluntary even if virtually all rational people would choose to undergo it to save their life.