Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Butbutbut they just got a cool quarter of a million…


The same few posters seem like scared little ponies, stuck in The Dark Barn of Denial. Be brave! Consider other possibilities! The fresh, crisp air of Truth shall set you free!

pony snow


Why did you tag me on this, VHM?

Well, I look at my scars and do not think I am mutilated or hideous or anything other than grateful - as those scars are like ribbons at a horse show. They are something to be proud of, in a way - as they show me how much I overcame and worked through to get them. And no, not by choice - but by necessity.

Referring to any cancer survivor in a derogatory way is sinking to LK’s level of sneers and insults… and why would anyone aspire to that?

Unless you know CanteringCarrot in real life or she has shared her tantrums and tirades and plots all over SM using her real name and bullying others and bragging about it… you have zero idea how she behaves - so there is no need to believe whatever you are going on about.

My advice remains the same - push away from that keyboard - you are not helping your daughter or your family in any way. As Ghazzu said…

As an aside:

May we please not use those endless quote tunnels? It is easy just to use the most recent quote to reply to… really, it is. What is the point of indulging in that? Didn’t the mods ask posters not to do that? I am sure someone will rush to correct me if I am wrong… :wink:


Well they’re all here now!



I’m just curious. Why don’t you and @Seeker1 and @Inigo-montoya have more one on one conversations and discussions on these threads? You all seem to share many common opinions, and see the situation in very similar ways. You all seem to be very frustrated with the rest of the posters. But when the three of you participate, it’s typically only one of you at a time, and your whole focus revolves around debating others.

Many of the rest of us do debate with the three of you… but we also openly discuss the case with one another, and have dialogue.

I find it interesting that the small handful of people who support LK never seem to have dialogue with one another. Except for @hut-ho78 . She does seem to have her own unique posting patterns, and does occasionally post at the same time as the rest of you and replies to some of the rest of your comments, etc.

Anyway… I just thought to tag BOTH you AND Seeker1 about this. I find it an interesting pattern. Feel free to explain yourself… or not.

Heck… feel free to have a dialogue with one another on the thread itself. Why not? It seems like that would be a natural thing for you to do. Wouldn’t it?



Apparently you have never had to have emergency surgery of any kind… there is no time to volunteer for it or consider other options. Wow.

I had more to say about that but sometimes it is better to let a comment just sit there all on its own…


I’m going to ignore the weirdos and negative people, and just say thanks for sharing this perspective on scars, and your own way of looking at them. I think it’s awesome, powerful, and inspirational!


I think this would be talking about other posters and not about the case. I’ll let you get the thread shut down without my help.

My understanding is (and I think the legal peeps confirmed it) that IF there was a settlement, the insurance company paid into an escrow account, pending the resolution of the civil suit.

Nobody’s gotten anything, even if the settlement actually happened.

And even supposing the KKlan prevailed in the suit, the amount in escrow would be reduced by the attorney’s fees and apportioned according to the comparative negligence. Meaning they could get a fraction of it or nothing at all.

Again, really weird thing to crow about.

“I won $250K!”
“Cool, let’s go on vacation.”
“Can’t, I don’t actually have the money yet.”
“When will you get it?”
“No idea, because I keep delaying all the steps to get it.”
“Let’s just plan how we’re going to spend the money, that’ll be fun.”
“Okay, but it won’t be $250K, it’ll be somewhere between $0 - $170K. And it might be years before I collect.”


Wouldn’t that be covered by HIPAA, or patient/doc confidentiality?


Oh okay. I was just observing an interesting pattern with your participation, and that of IM and Seeker. It wasn’t a personal attack on your courage or anything.

If you don’t want to respond or explain yourself or anything, that’s totally ok. You can keep on commenting about other stuff instead.



Emergency surgery? No, I don’t think I’ve had emergency surgery.

I have had surgery for cancer, although not breast cancer. It did leave a scar. I’m grateful that I was able to receive surgery to remove the cancer, and do not consider myself brave for having consented to the surgery.

Your daughter, Lauren Kanarek, and your husband, Jonathan Kanarek show us this on a pretty regular basis. But thank you for reminding us.


This makes me even more, WTF. You are a cancer survivor and you wrote sarcasm to another cancer survivor???

I don’t get it.


And they sniggered at mbs appearance at trial, as he faced the rehashing of all that traumatized him. It doesn’t get more ironic than that.


I would hope so. The article didn’t get into that angle. Therapy was probably the wrong word, I should have used evaluation.


Thank you ???

She feels REALLY REALLY REALLY incredibly invested in LKs case, and anytime one of us makes fun of LK, or insults her with a mocking nickname like “Lollypop”…

CH seems to take it PERSONALLY.

Which is so strange. CH is just a random person on the internet etc, just like the rest of us.



Or . . . is . . . s/he? Dun dun dunnnnnnnn.