Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Bad investment


Without sarcasm, the message to VHM as a breast cancer survivor is that I, as another cancer survivor, do not consider her (or myself) “brave” for choosing to undergo lifesaving surgery.

Seeker had to sit in a hospital wondering if her daughter would survive being shot by an insane man, and was probably grateful that LK survived with “only” damage to her breast and lungs. It’s disgusting, not brave, for VHM to compare her mastectomy, as the necessary lifesaving treatment for cancer, to the wounds of a gunshot victim.

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Quick thoughts here. Seeker1 using “mutilation” over and over again (as a possible prelude to being used in a deposition/trial)—I barely starting reading GAS’s latest, and he has written “point blank range” twice. I don’t know if he continues this phrase, but it will be interesting when I find the time to finish reading it.

With regards to the ‘normal’ difference in breast sizes, I haven’t checked mine, but I DO have the strange thing where one of my ears is set higher than the other. When I put on my glasses, they look askew. Nope, that’s how my ears are. But it is a minor thing, as Stephen Colbert’s ‘ear thing’ is much more.

“Scars.” My father had a LOT of scars on his body. Some were due to shrapnel from WWII, some from multiple hernia surgeries, I think an appendectomy, colectomy, and prostrate surgery. (To be honest, I did not ask nor see any scars from the last two. My father’s testicles were removed, and he did not opt for “neuticles.” :wink: ). I DID tell my father before his double-hernia surgery that 'they should just install a zipper on you."

I just called our Building & Inspection Department here. I was told that if a single-family house currently has a bedroom/bedrooms in the basement, it only needs ONE way of egress.
It the house is a RENTAL and there are bedrooms in the basement, each bedroom MUST have an egress window. (She didn’t say that the house had to have a stairway between the main floor and basement, though, LOL, but I mentioned it.) However, if a private, single-family home is remodeled, it has to be brought “up to code.” (I assume her answer meant that if there ARE bedrooms in the basement, each one has to have an egress window.)

I don’t know if the house Michael Barisone was living in was a “rental.” Was he paying a certain amount to the LLC to live there? Did the other living areas for the working students/LK have kitchen facilities and were totally independent of the main house? Were the working students/LK CHARGED rent for their living areas? I dunno, but I think that it would depend on the actual make-up of the house and New Jersey’s/local municipalities zoning requirements.


Anyone with access to the office and safe could have put it there.
Who was it who texted Dadio on the Patio to share she had access to those, again?


I can also see that someone who is shallow might find their appearance to be the most important thing going for them.
Maybe that’s part of the “mutilated” cries, because to someone who believes beauty is only skin deep would be worried about even boobs, when they have their health back, their life, their ability to still ride and even better than before as she’s claimed…
All in all, most who value things beyond their figure, would say she won.


Yep. They show zero sympathy or empathy toward anyone, but seemingly expect it.

Not saying it’s wrong to show sympathy and whatnot toward them, but you(g) get my point, I think.



You really want to make this personal, VHM?

Go back to my first posts on these threads, a year and a half ago. I think you’ll find they’re mild and focused on the case.

What the EIM does is focus their hate on not just LK, but anyone associated with LK- her family and anyone who expresses empathy for a gunshot victim and distaste for the bashing of a gunshot victim.

Why do you need to hate a random internet person who enters the discussion with a minority opinion? Huh? Why do you hate me?

You (g) made this personal by including me in your hate.

Yeah, I do take your taunts and insults and mockery personally. Not because I’m affiliated with LK, but because you (g) decided to make this discussion personal. That’s the EIM method of “discussion”.



I know people place value on different things and some of us build our identity differently, especially as females, but she’s doing quite well, all things considered.




I hope the latest motion by GAS fails. I don’t think the written testimony from the trial is enough for the jurors to go on. They need to see the body language as well. I thought that was very effective in the criminal trial, sometimes even more revealing than what was said.


Me reading along today


Sigh. Move along CH. It’s not going to work. IDGAF what you post about me. I’m not going to flag your comments.

I think everyone else is wise to you as well, and won’t flag you.

Oh well. The thread’s going to stay open.

Kisses! :kissing_heart: Love you! :hugs: Mean it! :wink:


People with substance abuse issues often do other self destructive behaviors, in addition to the self destructive drug use, yes.
Dui, driving with excessive speed, playing fast and loose in a myriad of ways that could and often does cause them harm in some or several ways .


No one has said she had access to the safe.

Oooh, oooh, oooh, I just remembered something. More than 35 years ago, I ran my car into the back of a large flatbed truck. I have no memory of it happening. The last thing I remember was pulling out of the parking lot, looking into my mirror to check on cars leaving the Johnson Technology’s parking lot, and then…our assistant foreman, Mike, in the car with me, leaning over. I have no memory of going around the corner for about 500’ and seeing/hitting the illegally parked truck.

But I digress.

My face was cut open, above my nose from eyebrow to eyebrow. At the emergency room, I was told that I was lucky as there was a plastic surgeon in the hospital right then. He stitched me up but for several days after that area was swollen. I really looked like Frankenstein’s monster with that swollen brow. (I was very self-conscious about the scar for many years, but time (and maybe some sagging skin) has made it almost invisible now.)


So, if I were a juror I’d want it “fresh” so to speak. I wouldn’t want anything from the criminal trial. Especially because the plaintiff brought this case, so she can provide the info needed for this case to move along, even if it’s repetitive in nature.

Especially given how she acted on the stand at the criminal trial.


I agree.

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It’s simpler than this - SGF had no opportunity to pose any questions at the criminal trial, and certainly no questions were posed about several of the issues they’ve raised, so it’s not about a fresh opportunity, it’s about opportunity at all.


I think it’s clear that LK got an attorney who is willing to submit what she wants exactly how she wants it written. And rather than fight, he just does it. This is why we will continually see Top Ten phrasing in these submissions in addition to the flawed logic often on display here.


Oh yes I know that too. I’m just saying as a layman juror, that’s how I’d feel. Idk, I was trying to think simple, but I guess it wasn’t simple enough or was too simple :joy: I don’t know.