Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I thought you wanted to know why I took things personally, @Virginia_Horse_Mom.

I’ve now told you. You (g) made it personal by almost immediately mocking, insulting and taunting me when I first came on as a poster. As you continue to do.

When a new poster comes on with posts incompatible with the
EIM narrative and the EIM responds as they do, the new poster is either going to drop off or become polarized. I think it is really unlikely that a new poster with a minority opinion would be persuaded to change their opinion in response to the standard EIM treatment; they’ll leave or become polarized.

I will flag your comments if you continue trying to make the discussion about me.

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If she had access to all the paperwork and his signature, you can bet she had access to the safe. Do you think Michael Barisone would have left all those things just lying around?

She had access to the safe and you know it like the rest of us do. Your propensity to be obtuse is not an attractive quality in anyone.


Well… let’s walk through a hypothetical situation, and you (or any other legal eagle) can correct me if I am wrong.

Let’s say GAS’s motion to limit the deposition with respect to questions about provocation succeeds. But let’s say the motions for summary judgment/dismissal on MB’s counterclaims fails.

Then… eventually the whole thing makes it to trial at some point in 2024.

Correct me if I am wrong… but can’t MB and SGF’s attorneys still ask Lollypop all sorts of questions about provocation at the actual trial? It’s not as if they are going to be constrained only to what was covered during the criminal trial during the civil trial… because THAT isn’t on the table just yet. The current set of motions only cover Lollypop’s upcoming deposition.

Am I making sense?


I agree that it is generally confusing to a jury to enter testimony from a previous trial. It’s why there’s many decisions about this as to whether prior testimony is hearsay and under what circumstances.


Basement egress windows are nothing new. They are incredibly common. Was there any proof that the basement bedrooms did not have the correct windows or other means of egress?


I don’t know of anyone who keeps contracts and paper work in a gun safe.

No, I do not know that she had access to the safe.

I’m not obtuse.

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Trial testimony serves a different purpose than deposition/discovery. Deposition and discovery serve to potentially illuminate sources of evidence or information pertinent to the issues to be decided at trial. What makes it to trial is a fraction of that information, for various reasons - so the reason discovery is the way it is and is much more broad than trial is specifically because the opportunity to object and exclude exists in trial phase.

So the scenario you have posed is generally backward from the order of the existing legal precedent.

Hope this makes sense in explaining why that is.


Mastectomies. Partial mastectomy is day surgery. In and out within one day. Full and radical mastectomies are an overnight surgery depending on pain which has a lot to do with how many lymph nodes are removed.

Mastectomies are not considered major surgery.
Reconstruction is scary with pain and chance of infection. The patient does not go home the next day. They are in ICU because of the risks of infection. There is a lot of pain associated with expanders for implants and with the DIEP flap where the move muscles around. Surgical sites that have undergone radiation are not good candidates for reconstruction because the skin is so damaged that the further trauma can break it down. I support anyone’s decision on reconstruction.

Radiation and chemo are life changing.

Tamoxifen and Arimidex are life saving but have significant side effects.

The loss of breasts are so traumatizing to women that (I repeat myself) Congress passed a law that breast reconstruction after cancer must be covered by insurance, that it is not an elective surgery.

Breast augmentation for appearance is considered elective. A lot of people do this. It’s an established and accepted procedure regardless of individual opinions on whether or not it enhances or detracts from appearance. Maybe in another topic, there could be another thread on elective surgeries to enhance or change one’s appearance but if someone can afford it and it helps their self esteem, ok.

I do not know if electively augmented breast reconstruction after a mutilating (using @lazaret’s legal definition) injury from a gunshot(s) that enters through clothes, skin, saline filled silicon implant, or silicon implant, bone, cartilage that drives material into the surrounding tissue and into the body cavity and lung is covered by insurance. I suppose it’s back to google to see if there is anything on New Jersey covering medical costs of crime victims and what is covered.

Shared is the potential for loss of life and the trauma of losing breasts. However, comparing having one’s breast mutilated (still using @lazaret’s legal definition) by a violent injury inflicted by another to cancer is not apples to apples. LK had major life saving surgery. Mastectomies do not open or contaminate the body cavity. They are not major surgery.

Cancer is its own beast. It can be from a specific source but except for cancers like mesothelioma from asbestos, it’s hard to know why it occurs. Breast cancer affects what is it today 1 in 8? It was 1 in 12 then 1 in 10. Yep. Google says 1 in 8. Cancer is not personal though having it is. It just is.



Mocking a cancer survivor for sharing her journey? Congrats, you have reached a new low.


The code that grandfathers in rooms that existed prior to this requirement is not new either.


Have you met me LOL? I keep other stuff in my little gun safe. Also was it specifically a gun safe he had? I was not aware of that.


The pictures showed a gun safe from Cabella’s I believe.

There also appeared to be other things in the safe besides guns and ammo. Look towards the bottom, right hand side. If I find a picture I will post.

I don’t know of any laws that say you can’t keep other things besides guns in a gun safe. My neighbor has a gun safe and keeps other things besides guns and ammo in his safe.


Are you an oncologist or a cancer survivor? Or is this all just a Google discussion for you to pontificate on?

Just to be clear… the comparison between surgeries had NOTHING to do with who’s surgery was “bigger” or “scarier” or “more painful.” But that’s great that you have decided bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction is not major surgery.

A claim was made by Mamapop that Lollypop had a mastectomy. If she did… it seems pretty clear from her appearance during 48 hours that she had breast reconstruction.

Here is a still photo of Lollypop. You can form your own opinion, but my opinion is that if she actually had a mastectomy… it seems like she PROBABLY had some sort of breast reconstruction at some point before this picture was taken. That’s what her public appearance indicates to me.


I specifically brought up breast reconstruction issues in the context of RIDING. Because it impacts RIDING. Lollypop’s lawsuit involves claims about lasting damage, loss of enjoyment when it comes to RIDING, etc.

If you want to keep on posting about this, feel free. But be honest about what was discussed, and why I actually went into details about breast reconstruction, muscle groups and weaknesses involved, and how it impacts RIDING.

If Lollypop did have either DIEP or tissue expander reconstruction, medical experts will submit evidence about this during the discovery phase. If not… then people making the claim that LK had her whole breast removed? Well… it seems they have made a false claim during the course of this discussion.


Clearly @CurrentlyHorseless does not know me either.

We keep lots of things in our gun safe that is not gun related.

Ours is truly a gun safe, built for and marketed as a gun safe, complete with guns in it.

Along with the guns there is a whole bunch of important papers.

The gun safe is fire proof, and well… a safe with a lock and all that, like a safe has. So it seems like the best place to keep all the important papers and such that one does not want random interlopers to get their hands on.


Thanks…and I don’t keep the ammo in there, just gun and other valuables and important papers.


I thought I remembered that the pictures shared during trial showed it held other stuff.
I hope you can find the image to share.


At 23:40 the safe is shown.


soooo you had a mole removed? A small benign tumor in an outpatient procedure? Not at all comparable to a double mastectomy. No wonder you do not consider yourself brave. They aren’t in the same category.


I found a picture presented during testimony, tried to still and grab the picture, but techno not savey me failed. lol