Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Thank you for that reminder! Excellent point!


I did not mock VHM for “sharing her journey”. I am disagreeing with those who lauded her as “brave”
for comparing her lifesaving elective surgery to the surgery LK had to undergo to repair her breast and lungs after MB shot her.

She was “sharing her journey” in the process of taunting Seeker and calling Seeker a liar. That’s not brave. That’s cowardly.

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And yet here you are ranting about the alleged EIM as if it is like the Borg and surely anyone who may not agree with you 100% must be a member of that. You use it as a sneer and in a disparaging way - suggesting that no one thinks on their own etc. You do not seem to notice that you also have a narrative and method of discussion and standard treatment of anyone who may not agree with you… or HH… or KK… or IM/JK who you have repeatedly found “credible”.

Newsflash - you do not have to be a member of the alleged EIM or have a bathrobe as your avatar to post here. I still have my old Percheron-QH mare as my avatar. I have never been one to jump on any bandwagon or be part of any group think. Never have, never will. Any thoughts I have on these threads are mine alone - and I also do not go in endless circles about any “pet” topics like NGRI and ignore the comments fromn actual legal experts.

The EIM thing was/is just a fun diversion away from very serious issues that matter in these threads.

Threatening to flag comments - or bragging about doing so - is a tried and true YD tactic that none of us should be copying.


Again proving you are sided with the exact group you belong with.


Are you talking about another poster @CurrentlyHorseless? Gasp! No!

Did you see the papers in the gun safe? I do not want you to miss them.

I also still sit here wondering when Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya - that guy who thinks it is funny to make someone homeless) and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) will answer their subpoenas. Darn we have been waiting so very long.

Do you think that Jonathan Kanarek will send anymore ex parte/party notes to the judge?

Do you think that Lauren Kanarek has since learned how to get up and turn off the tea kettle on the stove?

So many outstanding questions.


I’m tired of responding to your straw men, Smoofox.

You’ve made the point before that you don’t consider yourself part of the EIM. That’s cool.

Yet, you just did! Why not walk away?


I’m going to suggest again that we ignore the temper tantrums on aisle 3, 6 and 9 so we can keep the thread open and productive.


Omg, that’s fantastic.

Side note. I think the one on the left is the same actor who came back without the vamp makeup to play Andrew in later seasons.


Gosh, didn’t you say yesterday that I was on permanent ignore? Still having trouble getting it to work, I see.


Something you two have in common I guess.



That aspect is what jumped out at me the most from those comments.


Resistance IS futile.


So you think its “cowardly” to ask for clarification, then provide your own highly personal and painful examples as if to say - “this is what I went through - it sounds very different than what LK went through according to the surgeon testifying at the trail, so you might be using the wrong term?”


Always the dismissive straw man comeback - I could have predicted that. And yet you can march platoons of “straw men” through these threads and not seem to care.

Your posts seem to treat everyone with disdain who has even remotely not agreed with you - and your odd fixation on the EIM - as if it was actually some kind of a vast organization - is just… weird.

I will now get my wheelbarrow, broom and shovel and clean up on stall aisle 6 behind myself…


We did have leather biker jackets made up…


(Hey, I was looking for a “what?” emoji and this came up and I like waffles so there you go, a waffle emoji. Back on topic, sorry.)

What? No, say it is not so.
Here I have been waiting for my invite to join the club and you are saying there is no club and I will never get an invite?


It might not have been mentioned on this thread yet, but on previous threads, many of us have recalled occasions when we had gaps in our memory due to horse related injuries. It almost turned into a handy method to determine which posters were actually horse people, and which ones seemed to only be here on the BB to participate in the LK threads.

The people who have not either had such an episode themselves or know someone with a similar experience probably have not really been around horses very much in their lives.

Because… horses.