Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Well, there is a fun “club” of sorts… kinda like how I was sorted into Hufflepuff long ago. :wink:
But no membership fees! Just a semi-official garment and a proclivity for popcorn paired with a tasty beverage of your choice.

The byline/story of my life… :roll_eyes: …and my explanation for one of my scars - where a stallion trapped upside down in a fence bit my leg in his rage and panic as we were trying to free him. In the ER that night they kept asking… what did you say bit you? Not a pit bull, ma’am.

@DreadPirateRoberts - do you occasionally still enjoy being a farm boy? Because from what I am reading you could be my farm boy any day. Just sayin’…


:blush: :kissing_heart:


Just when this old horse couldn’t possible fawn over a pirate any harder.
He goes and uses Math.

sigh :heart_eyes:

But I am just a horse of course.


Wow, really?

I must have missed that one. :woman_facepalming:

I had a similar thought. I’m not generally a big math fan, but there’s a time and place for everything.


Make that 3 of us.

Math is NOT my strong suit.


It makes me think…

Don’t lawyers sometimes put on a mock trial for big $$$$ civil suit cases to test the potential likelihood of a positive jury verdict?

I thought that was occasionally a thing when a party was trying to determine whether or not to go to trial, or to settle.

Anyway, I doubt the Kanareks have the cash to fund that sort of legal activity… but if the comments on COTH and any number of YouTube videos analyzing the entire case are indicative of anything…

It all screams “Try and settle with all parties, because it’s time for damage control. LK is in trouble if this suit ever gets handed to a jury to decide… “


Great post. I feel the need to note two other key categories of people who probably should be included on this remarkable list of folks the Ks have chosen to denigrate and taunt:

  • mothers who have lost young children in drowning accidents (Joey)
  • paralyzed people who are in wheelchairs (RG’s cousin)

It’s kind of remarkable to ponder the personality of someone who would denigrate any of those groups.

Never mind all of them together.


CH, our martyr for the bullied, is punching down on a cancer survivor.

What a joke.


The reactions on YouTube and to the 48 Hours episode seem to be a pretty good proxy for what to expect from a jury. And none of those people have seen what she did to GJ. If those texts get entered into the trial, they could be the tipping point for jurors that are on the fence. It’s hard to find sympathy for someone who could do something so unfathomably cruel.


I would imagine Joey might be called to testify at trial, if a judge allows MBs side to present evidence of a pattern of behavior when it comes to LK’s propensity for psychopathic personal harassment of her “targets.”

Most of us read the messages LK sent to Joey, bizarrely and cruelly blaming Joey for her child’s death, while randomly alleging it was due to something unspeakable.

Those messages are one of the most breathtaking things I have ever read. It’s beyond ‘harassment.’ It’s vicious in an unspeakable way. Most of the folks who read the messages feel similarly shocked by them.

We were just reading them though.

Imagine how it might impact a jury if Joey actually testified at trial about what it felt like to be the mother of a tragically deceased child, and on the receiving end of abuse like that?

My guess is a witness like Joey would make quite an impact at trial. My guess is LKs case would be toast if Joey was allowed to testify…

Anyway… we will see.

I am bummed that there wasn’t a response from either Silver or Deininger filed today with respect to GAS’s latest motion. Hopefully there will be something tomorrow…


I don’t have X-ray vision. I can’t tell if she is wearing a prosthesis or a knitted knocker in her bra or has had reconstruction. They all look quite natural.

Sharing personal information of a private nature? Oh no! That’s kind of risky with this bunch.

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Neither is a mastectomy from a gun shot.

Jiggles type threads? What is that?

I’m sorry, I have to make sure that I am reading this right… you are (very crassly) inferring that the gun shot LK sustained literally blew her breast right off?


Might I softly suggest moving on lest the thread get closed for cooling down purposes?


Boy I’ll tell ya that Wellington sure does get used a lot. And Tommy Lee Jones as an event chair, who would have thunk it?

A polo match honoring people in other disciplines.


It seems to be the goal. They have found a very inflammatory button to push. So they are repeatedly pushing it.

I shall henceforth call this particular button…

Schrodinger’s mastectomy

You know… like the cat in the box with the radioactive atom… but if you open the box to figure out if the cat is dead or alive, etc etc etc… the thread gets killed.


Yeesh. That would have the whole room in tears. I’m picturing the judge struggling to maintain a stone face while the jurors are dabbing their eyes. Not many people would be inclined to monetarily reward LK after that. GAS will likely fight tooth and nail to keep GJ out of it.