Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Judges see a lot of disgusting things so they would be fine. The jury is another matter.


Kind of strikes me as odd that some of the event chairs are also the honorees.

Toot your own horn much?


It’s common in clubs I think.

I guess it’s a me thing.

I also think it’s odd when someone sponsors a horse show class in which they are competing. Sure, sponsor a class, but not one you’re in!


Now that would be fun to go see. I used to play polo, in my day. Some members on my team were invited to play at Palm Beach. :palm_tree:


Sometimes classes are randomly assigned to sponsors. I’ve never had a choice in classes I’ve sponsored other than Grand Champion.


I didn’t think that was allowed!

And it’s not you, it’s how many clubs are. Incestuous in a not sex way but in an intertangled sort of way.


Back in the day, if some of us hadn’t been sponsoring h/j and dressage classes at the Arab shows, they wouldn’t have run.


I just sponsored a championship and a few classes for a world show and got to pick my classes. I never show up for the awards though.


How do you sponsor a class?

They send out a thing looking for sponsors and I fill out a check and a form and wallah! It’s not USDF though.


Maybe the K’s will jump right on this. Get your name in the program, drink champagne, and have a “legend” with you in the front row seating.



Depends on the show. Lots of times there is a form in the prize list showing fee rates for a class, division, or whatever. Then they may make an announcement at the show, put signs up, or just list sponsors in the program, if there is one.

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Geeze. I’m fine with expensive sponsorships but what’s with all the “recognition for sale?”


No. The difference is a mastectomy is removing tissue under surgical procedures. The bullet would go through clothes, skin, implant, bone and cartilage, lung, then exiting the back. On its way in, it brings material from the shirt, the skin, the implant, the bone and cartilage, contaminating the body cavity and the lung and violently driving material through the remainder of the breast. Any implant can leak and surgeons try to get all of the leakage. However, silicon from either the bag around the saline or a silicon implant itself will be driven throughout as well. Remember the class action for leaking silicon implants?

Here you go y’all. A google find. https://www.enjuris.com/blog/news/breast-implant-lawsuits/

I know people have money, and some people have A LOT of money but I don’t know if I were enormously wealthy if I’d sponsor a one night event for $50,000.


People are buying, so thus more will be for sale.


Polo is for BIG money people. $50,000 is chump change to them.


I don’t know if he still does it, but I believe Tommy Lee Jones used to play polo quite a bit. I think he had a pretty good sized farm in Wellington as well.

One of the little oddities about Wellington is that there are so many horse people there doing different things who are almost completely oblivious to each other most of the time. Lol.

I think the polo player Kris Kempsen is maybe the brother of hunter trainer Keri Kempson. So there is a little crossover in that one family, anyway. And probably a few others.

There used to be a very entertaining annual triathlon event where they would have riders do different disciplines. So maybe the dressage riders would try to jump, and the jumper riders would do dressage. And then everybody would get together for a polo game. That was always fun to watch, and I think it was a charity fundraiser.


Amen! I resent being lumped into a group that I do not self-identify with, even if I like the posters just fine. I haven’t been much of a joiner since college.

And I agree that one’s posting style, behavior, and refusal to let things go probably has more to do with how they are received than the content of their arguments… even when their arguments aren’t grounded in fact or common sense.

I disagree with plenty of opinions here, maybe less now than I once did… but still disagree regularly. And yet, shock of all shocks, I don’t feel maligned when I disagree. In the past I have felt slighted a time or two, but like a normal adult I worked it out with those people and moved on. In fact, the only two people who I can recall bruising my feelings that this poster would disparagingly label members of the “EIM” have become good friends. Like, talk on the phone, text about your horses or church or evening plans or jobs or real estate, or plan to actually meet up in person for drinks when you’re in the same town kind of friends. And WE STILL DISAGREE about some things, but are civil about it. Because that’s how normal adults adult.

If you’re so thin skinned that you can’t stand to participate in a discussion without feeling personally slighted, then perhaps don’t participate in it.

ETA: agree with the other stuff too! Especially about the threatening to flag and the origins of the EIM being a lighthearted reclamation of what was meant to be a disparaging term, and a silly diversion.