Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

The most direct route would just be to contact the show manager. If there is a horse show manager who will turn away sponsor money, I’ve never met such a person. When I’ve done it in the past, I was able to pick the awards I wanted to sponsor.


I meant to post this back when you were talking about a meet up in Welly world but didn’t get it done and now there are half a billion more posts so I am not even going to try to find it. I am currently enjoying my first full winter here and wanted to offer to host if a meet up ever does materialize. Come visit our slice of heaven!


If it has a charitable aspect, it might be tax deductible.


I played polo in college and worked for an older alum for my school for a few years after…. I remember him recounting a Tommy Lee Jones story about TLJ at a polo clinic where every time he had something to say he prefaced it with “I’m Tommy Lee Jones and I’m a polo player”


Well, saying he was an Oscar winner probably would not do him much good in that situation. Lol.


I bow down. This is epic… and so true. :heart:


I don’t want to think about how much the Duttas spend on sponsorship plus equine air donations!


To this leftist, that is an odd statement at first glance, but I have to admit that I love how big it is and how much fits inside it. As someone who has no plans to own firearms, and even if I did they would be there to dispatch of mortally wounded, agonized animals, I kinda want one.

As someone whose own fireproof safe is both abysmally small and easily transported, I can see how a large, unwieldy safe that is both fireproof and not easily stolen would be ideal. Who knew that such a possession and one’s chosen use of said possession would be such a topic of conversation!


Thank you for explaining why you went after me when I shared personal stuff.

But why are gun safes always black with the brand name blazed across the front in giant letters?


My not for guns fireproof safe is also black with a logo emblazoned.

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I believe mine is green.

Edit to add - Yep. Just went and looked at it. Dark green with gold detailing and yes it has the brand name on the front door.

Edit to add 2 - I think most safe manufacturers have their color…


No one is arguing that implants rupture or need replacement. The argument that you seem to be missing is that replacing or even doing an explant surgery is not the same as “removing a breast” as @Seeker1 doubles down on, even when VHM kindly asked for clarification.

BEHOLD! as certified internet Dr. Batcoach also knows how to share quotes & links that will illustrate how completely undocumented it is for a breast to be removed due to a gunshot wound:

from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9949879/ (LINK CONTAINS NSFW IMAGES)
" Q4: What are the considerations for reconstructing a breast after a gunshot wound?

After a complete trauma evaluation and patient stabilization, management of the breast implant after a gunshot wound should first involve implant removal. The breast pocket should be debrided of any devitalized tissue and irrigated thoroughly. Inspection of the surrounding chest wall is necessary and may require further intervention or reconstruction. Replacement of the implant may be delayed to ensure resolution of any possible infection,7 although one case reported replacement of the implant during the initial operation without development of infection.9 The patient may decline replacement of the implant and may require removal of the contralateral implant to restore breast symmetry. Capsulectomy may be necessary at the time of implant replacement to ensure proper positioning of the implant within the breast pocket. Follow-up should include monitoring for signs of infection, adequate wound healing, and symmetric breast volume and inframammary folds.

In this case, the patient’s implant was removed, and the breast pocket was debrided and irrigated. Additionally, the fractured ribs were debrided, and the soft tissue defect present on the chest wall was reconstructed using an absorbable mesh. A conservative approach was taken to allow time for the patient to recover from her injury and for the right breast pocket to heal with no infection before performing a capsulectomy and implant replacement. However, as previously noted, reconstruction during the initial operation may have been possible."

so in this medical article, only a capsulectomy (removing scar tissue caused by the initial implant placement might required. VERY different than “removing the whole breast” as KK claimed.

And from https://www.iflscience.com/woman-saved-from-gunshot-wound-by-her-silicone-breast-implants-5577

“Interestingly, despite the millions of women with breast implants and the thousands of women affected by gun violence worldwide, ruptured implants after firearm injury is a rarely reported phenomenon in the literature, with only several case reports having been described previously.”

So @hut-ho78 must have a deep google MD library to have access to the very few reports of how people with implants fare post gunshot . Kudos to her.

Internet Dr. Batcoach hangs up her faux stethoscope and sees herself out.


I had originally bought a small safe. Then I saw how pittifully small it was once it was here. Larry, the guy who delivered it, talked to me about getting a larger safe which would better meet my needs. The price wasn’t too much more. In addition, I was able to transfer stuff from my safe deposit box and now I don’t have to worry about the rental fees going up every year.


Murdaugh verdict in after 2 hour deliberation -GUILTY on all charges!!!


Wow! I figured it would be at least a couple of days.


Cool! So if you lie and obfuscate, it catches up with you? Good to know!!


Also? My jury deliberated for far longer. Must have been pretty clear.


They probably all voted guilty in 15 minutes but waited 2 hours for appearances.


This is what happens when law enforcement actually does a good job collecting forensic evidence and not taking the word of the “prominent” person involved.