Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Girl, you don’t have to tell me.




Could you explain the logic here? You’ve done the math so that you’re sure that it’s extremely unlikely that there would be even one juror who considers the plaintiff “anything but vile, unreliable, and a significant contributor to her own misfortune”.

So what? Suppose all six jurors dislike LK as much as you and the EIM do. (BTW I think these threads are not representative of the general public. But for the sake of argument, suppose they are representative.)

The jury is supposed to determine who is responsible for LKs injuries, and if she is found less than 51% responsible, allocate the percentage liability among all three defendants plus plaintiff. They are supposed to put a monetary value on her damages.

It sounds like you are sorta saying that the jury will dislike LK
sufficiently that they’ll find that she deserved to be shot, and therefore find MB and SGF not liable.

If that’s not what you mean to say, please explain your logic.

Why does the exact degree of LKs likability or dislikabilty matter? At all?

What on god’s green earth are you talking about? Please explain to the reasonable amongst us.


I would love to hear how I “went after you”. Please explain. You’re not making sense.


The bolding is mine.

Any chance you’ve taken a look at other SM opinions? These threads may be a small sample pool but the undeniable perception of the general public you mention is quite clear. Simple extrapolation.


Hut Ho, who has systematically and habitually attempted to discredit a minor child rape victim is now trying to say that MY BEHAVIOR is abhorrent? Okay, cool,


PS, never went after you. Try again.


When I was on a jury last year it took us almost 2 full days to decide guilty on 11 out of 12 charges with good forensics.


In general I don’t look widely on other SM platforms. On the latest podcast, I did look through the comments. I did not find them as skewed as the discussion here.

But let’s go with the assumption the views here are representative of the general public for the sake of argument.

What difference does it make for the questions before the jury of the civil trial whether the jury consists on 6 people who have intense dislike for LK vs 6 people who find her charming?

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I see that HH is trying to ‘splain away her abhorrent victim blaming, Funsies!


While it appears that there is no universal agreement on what constitutes ‘major surgery’ and there are varying definitions online, Dr FitzE’s google search turned up a first search page FILLED with the note that a mastectomy is considered major surgery by some very solid sources. A sampling:


I see you typing @hut-ho78. How can you explain your disputable behavior? Spin away…


There you go. See, you knew. No I didn’t discredit her. My comment concerned coming forward with zero forensics and why would she want to put herself through that. My question was answered by another poster. I explained that to you at the time, you continued to attack me, my comments about losing a friend to a serial killer and supporting a rape victim while I was on active duty. You made a crack about violence and continued to attack, saying I was a horrible person to ever be expected to support a rape victim and brought it to the Barisone threads.

I knew you remembered it. Explain again how you work things out with posters who respond to you civilly because I tried.


If you find something she, or, I wrote on another thread abhorrent, post a screen shot.

Saying she “systematically and habitually attempted to discredit a minor rape victim” is not accurate. Post any screen shots you like and let others judge for themselves.

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Did you mean “indisputable” behavior?

Post examples, don’t just throw out the accusation.

It’s more productive to talk about safes, seals or hamsters.


When I was on a jury, it took us 3 days and we had a lot of “interesting” conversations, cH and hh are incredibly naive if they think they understand juries.


Definitely interesting discussions. Everyone brings such a range of knowledge.


So, @CurrentlyHorseless and @hut-ho78 have demonstrated such outrageously disgusting behavior that most people wouldn’t even deign to acknowledge their presence. And yet they continue to try and legitimize their awful behavior? Strange.