Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

That clip is extra suitable for the situation here on the BB.

Look how murky that water is. And the sign even says troll! Lol.


You could just ask The Maestro; he sponsored a trophy dedicated to his childhood pony at DAD, filled the area with his wife, kids, and parents, gave it for a few years and then refused to pay when DAD invoiced him. Easy peasy! :slight_smile:

I’m betting we could get a trophy of a Shetland in a bathrobe and start handing it out for a while before anyone caught us for the finances.


That poor creature looks appropriately mortified by that outfit. Poor thing. Lol.


I knew of someone who did the same thing at a show in my area years ago, but I’m pretty sure it was not the same person.

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Apparently it’s called a “foursie”, the equine equivalent of a “onesie”. :slight_smile:


Building on BatCoach’s terrific post -

It’s great that if a breast cancer patient wants reconstruction insurance must pay for it. It is very much a myth that every woman suffers so greatly from the loss of one or both breasts that reconstruction is treated as a must-have by physicians. I had one of the best breast cancer surgeons in the area and access top plastic surgeons to do the surgeries necessary to reconstruct, etc. I told her flat-out NO. NOT interested. Don’t care. Not going through the hassle or risks of surgeries because I was far more than just a walking set of largely matched in size mammary glands; if it bothered people that I wasn’t symmetrical then I had some special words to say about them.



Can this be pinned to the first post, too? It so accurately describes what happens when people don’t use the ignore and/or scroll on by functions.

*NB: the laughing emoji is b/c of how perfectly this reflects the rampant sealioning that goes on in these threads and the danger to posters who get sucked in, not b/c it’s a funny video. It must have been terrifying for all involved and I’m glad this little girl and the gentleman walked away.


I believe DreadPirateRoberts character is a male. No?


RE: the Sea Lion video above.

It reminds me of the people who get out of their cars to have their pictures taken with the bison crossing the road or, God forbid, the bears in Yellowstone Park.

(Posting because I can’t sleep.)

Personal opinion the DPR “character” here is male. In real life, dunno, don’t care, just enjoy the postings.


They have actually posted things that have generally insulted all females, when not insulting individuals.
It appears that the only female that is not allowed to be insulted at all is Lauaren Kanarek. I guess if you (general) get shot double tap point blank range to the chest and flatline twice while being air lifted and have multiple surgeries while being on a ventilator in the ICU for three weeks (I am sure there are more misstatements they have made but that is a long enough list), you too can have everything you say or did for your whole life expunged and Hut will insist everyone else is wrong and you are always right. Every other female seems to be fair game for insulting and demeaning.


That just seemed like a very odd thing for him to do. Was he planning to eat her for lunch? :woman_shrugging:

I actually did the freeze frame thing to see if the sign right there was a warning about naughty sea lion activity. But it was not.


I’m posting these sections for the posters who completely misunderstood what DPR wrote. I mean, it blew right through their ears without a moment’s pause.


Video is embedded.




He was playing prickish games. It wasn’t an attack.


This was a defensive attack.


I think it was a comment on his choice of swimwear.

Everyone’s a critic!


Thank you for sharing this perspective because it’s 100% important. Many women don’t want to reconstruct, and that should definitely be respected and accepted. It’s all a very personal choice, and different people have different factors that are important and relevant for them.

I lived flat on one side for a full year in between surgeries. I was part of a wonderful online support group during that time - Flat & Fabulous. I made some life long friends from that group, and the connections and friendships remained, even after I decided to go forward and try again to reconstruct my other side.


Nobody likes a banana hammock except for old guys with beer bellies.


At least it wasn’t a thong at any point in time.