People delete posts all the time. It’s our own posts to leave, edit, or delete. There is nothing wrong with any of those choices. These threads would be a lot better off if we all used our delete powers liberally. If we aren’t deleting our own, the mods do it for us if it was bad enough and caught their attention.
Our neighbors run a western dressage barn… and there are definitely DQs there! They are just dressed differently and use different tack - but do a lot more silver bling and fancy hats and horse hair tassels and vests with more bling. Regular DQs with their shadbellies and maybe a rhinestone browband or a bit of glitter at the top of their boots or on their custom Samshield helmets pale by comparison. And that elitist DQ-esque attitude that some favor also exists.
Chinks. I forgot to mention the custom chinks with many conchos and extra silver trim - and the fringe with beads and an iridescent sheen.
Much more sparkly than boring old regular dressage!
Here is an example. I meant to say mods not models. So now, I’m going to go back and edit my original post. Thanks for alerting me to my typing error. My bad for one handed posting while grooming. Plus, I got a little love nibble from my horse while pausing on an itchy spot.
Every witness had at least 2 times on the stand. Some had 4 One was by the prosecutor (chris schelhorn or his rep. and one by the defense attys either balinkas or his rep. Sometimes these went for 1/2 day in the morning and 1/2 in afternoon. In the case of Mary Haskins…only the morning session was on utube. The afternoon was not available. Sometimes the sessions like Jamie Dancers sessions were removed altogether. So if you only heard one session…most likely there were one or more removed as in the case of dr simring.
Why do you suppose your daughter and her boyfriend were trying to find out the location of Mary Haskins’ children, and trying to contact those children through social media in August 2019?