Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit



What do I think of Taylor’s comments? I think he’s a suck up to the Mayor.


Maybe she went into a quiet room, put on her magical turban, prayed over her crystal ball and relied upon her Ouija board to reveal-- letter by letter-- the barn gossip?


You seem very delicate to be so affected by a criticism of your statements as being stinky.

Yet you support LK and her statements.

The irony. It burns.


Did the judge today read the motions before he goes to the courtroom and be able to give a verdict on them today?


Just brought it up now? I’ve always said I speculate there is a recording device at her locker, on RG’s person, and in their quarters at the house and none in private areas at the barn. We all argued over it, posted the laws. It took me a while to understand video was what could be placed where no privacy is expected and audio must be known to one person who is a part of the conversation as I thought audio could be both. We talked about if a recording is used by a private party to record a crime whether or not charges will be brought. We talked about penalties. Where were you?

Edited to remove a statement connecting @smoofox to a topic and posts @smoofox did not make.

She had nothing of value to say so she just threw some words out there thinking it would sound clever. Oops. Didn’t.

Why in their own quarters in the house?

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Rental space security. Cameras at the entry ways inside and out. It’s the thing now on homes and rentals; Ring, Simply Safe, the more expensive full service security. Cameras are even in barns, especially in the riding arenas, mare foaling areas, tack rooms, etc. Most of the barns where I’ve been after the technology was available haven’t had them because of the cost but they are common.

But is that considered “their” house? I would think that their apartment only would be considered their personal space and the other areas would be considered common areas. It seems that they didn’t rent the entire house.


Hahaha! Watching Law & Order, and Jack McCoy just usedthe word “disingenuous”! :rofl:


I believe they said they wanted to know if anyone came in the house while they were away at the horse show.


It should be none of their business if people entered the house. It would be their business if people tried to enter their apartment while they were away.


Oh, I recall all that - but suddenly you seem to have turned up the volume and suggest there were NO recordings in many instances - despite what even those on the K side of these issues state.

Insisting that barn gossip is verbatim and the gospel truth is… a real head-scratcher.

Where were you? Oh right. Doing your thing on other posts. That last one didn’t work out very well for you but it sure turned out to be both educational and interesting for everyone else. Loved that gal and her business model.

HUH? What are you talking about? Doing what thing? Please enlighten me.


Have you forgotten that you have regularly given us speeches about how wrong it is to be less than totally nice to everyone and anyone?
Here is just one example for you.
Does your rule only apply to us and not to you?
You have that in common with CH, hu?



I am still waiting for one of our contrarians to explain how it was that LK knew the details of a private conversation MB had in his office with his own attorney (Tarshis), and in fact recounted that conversation almost verbatim on one of her SM posts.

Which one of the following is the most logical conclusion?

  1. She was hiding in the office (Ninja-style) when the conversation took place. :roll_eyes:
  2. She used her majikal telepathic skills to “read” MB’s and ST’s minds. :roll_eyes:
  3. The conversation was recounted to her verbatim by someone who heard it verbatim from someone else who heard it verbatim from someone else who heard it verbatim from one of the two parties involved in the conversation. :roll_eyes:
  4. She had a recorder hidden in the office. :heavy_check_mark:

But was it in the sense of “dishonest”? :stuck_out_tongue:


Today’s obsession: The Case of the Non-Existent Recordings Which Were Really Only Regurgitated Barn Gossip Yet Do in Fact Exist and Were Transcribed

I think we’re going to need a bigger wheel

cat wheel


Will the attorneys all be at the court house today? Will JK be allowed in?

Anyone want to guess?


The fact you that don’t like what I have to say never fails to make me smile.