Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Like KK wanting us to PM her our real names so she could pray for us or some such drivel?


I’m serious, they keep using words above my pay grade.

Goes to show ya never stop learning. :smiley:


If you find out how “babble” can be “fetid”, please inform the class.

I know what those two words mean, but don’t understand how “fetid” can describe “babble”.

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Add that the first person doing the approaching was Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya), who is a lawyer and should know better. Period.
He does so many things that anyone who made it thru law school should know is just plain wrong.



Thank you for this statement as it serves as a perfect example.


Yeppo!!! Do you know why? Because there is no evidence he shot anyone! Nada, nil, zip, zero, nothing, not one iota, smidgen, etc. No forensic evidence to support your mantra. Get used to this point of no evidence, because there is a really good chance you will hear it a lot in the coming months. And guess what @CurrentlyHorseless, it is a fact that there is no evidence. We understand you have issues with some facts but that is your problem alone.


The Kanareks do not see MB as a victim - that has been made very clear. Oh, they can put on an act of earnest handwringing about it and fuss about MHG - but that is all it is. LK had repeatedly torpedoed any such notion with her rants and rages. This rather feeble - and yes, disingenuous - attempt by them to interfere with Tarshis is obvious to everyone except those who seem to want to bend over backwards to make excuses for everyone and everything LK is associated with.

Barn gossip - is never verbatim. Not even from the original “reporter”. The idea that it is is rather amusing. I have managed two farms over the years and worked on another big one… and there is a reason that barn gossip is called gossip. Right now a friend and I are being personally affected by some barn gossip from last summer that is not factual and not even remotely close to any conversation that was ever had. And the original gossiper was standing right there in the middle of the conversation - and still got it wrong. She has embellished that to everyone else she has blathered to and it has continued to get changed along the way. When her gossip made the circle and got back to me - I was also confuzzled… and noted that not one item in the gossip was in any way accurate…

So yeah - barn gossip should never be mistaken for 100% truth.

It is obvious that hut-ho believes that the Kanareks are simply liars and thus part of the EIM. That seems to be the only possible explanation for this extremely bizarre assertion.


Stop it CC. There is no place in this discussion for something that logical.


Are you not aware that even the lawyer for Lauren Kanarek says there are recordings. Is he lying too? Actually both lawyers (Bruce and GAS) have admitted there are recordings. The prosecution from the criminal trial is who provided all of the recordings that are in evidence now.

Are all of them lying? Only you know the truth?


Well this is an um interesting new twist. The recordings are all bluff. Things that make you go MMMM.


Weren’t the illegal recordings, including discussion of their locations, and how to make the usable in court one of the topics in the recording of the meeting with the Eye Witness?
So weird that the Kanarek family would be talking about that with a lawyer when no recordings actually existed.


Hmmm, if there are no illegal recordings per @hut-ho78, what did Kirby transcribe and send to USEF before the shooting? Where is the recording she transcribed because apparently what was sent to USEF doesn’t match any recordings turned over to the defense. How can that be explained?

Mental telepathy?


All of them are obviously lying - including all the talk about transcripts as you cannot get a transcript from a recording that was never ever made. :roll_eyes:

Hut-ho - I am beginning to think that lately you are just trolling for gits and shiggles … otherwise you would’ve made this bizarre declaration a very long time ago.

ETA: I do think that some of LK’s howling about recordings was a bluff… but recordings obviously do exist.


OK, @eggbutt. I was explaining that I sometimes but not always bring up the NGRI verdict, which indicates that the jury found sufficient evidence that he shot her to reject the NG verdict, in response to people like you asserting that “there is no evidence he shot anyone”.

Hence the frequency you will hear my refrain is strictly less than the frequency you and others assert your claim.

Since we are supposed to have moved on to discussing the civil trial, do you think that the issue of whether he shot her will be relitigated or do you think collateral estoppel will be invoked?

Stinky word salad?


Well, it’s clear it was an insult. A rather nonsensical insult, but perhaps all that matters to @Knights_Mom is the insult.

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What do you think about Judge T’s comments at this woman’s sentencing? Apparently the Real Estate Commision did not share his views and reacted harsher than he did.


Licensing commissions often have stricter requirements than the actual law.


Very interesting to know!

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