Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

My calling you a coward was not due to your status as a breast cancer survivor, it was due to your calling Seeker a liar over the issue of the exact amount of her daughters breast tissue that had to be removed, and for failing to acknowledge the additional trauma LK had to endure, relative to your surgery, having been shot.

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If you disagree about the friending issue, fine. I never said that cyberstalking minors is OK. I also don’t approve of cyberstalking and creating fake Linked In profiles to smear someone.

According to IM, RG fixed the kids bikes. (I’m not sure which kids.) Is that appropriate?

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CH. I think you really should stop with this personal obsession about me and my posts, and refocus on the topic.

2 questions for you.

  1. Are you nervous that MB might get one significant step closer to release after today’s Krol hearing?

  2. Do you think Lollypop is struggling right now, given the uncertainty her deposition, and the fact that Judge Weaver might rule to allow Deininger, Bilinkas and Silver all to GRILL her over her provocative actions leading up to the shooting?

Me personally? I think Lollypop is struggling and freaking out, and trying to comfort herself right now with denial, and probably focusing on trivial stuff. Sooner or later, the inevitable is going to happen. MB is going to be released, and Lollypop is going to have to take a turn in the hot seat.


I was really looking forward to watching things today, even though I knew deep down that it would not be public.
I just love how Mr. Deininger writes, he is so clear and concise and includes all the factual evidence to back up what he is saying. Having seen him question people at the criminal trial, the idea of watching his amazing stage presence and knowledge today is something I was greatly looking forward to.


To be fair that profile does look incredibly fake. Might have nothing to do with the real JK considering the name isn’t correct. Doubt it was created for this situation and likely unrelated. JMO


Considering the loud and proud animosity and loathing towards MHG that JK, LK and KK have all whinged about… it is creepy and inappropriate in any context. There was obviously no friendship or affection there. Plus calls to the authorities about child abuse… and yet you think this is all somehow extremely benign?

You are smarter than that, CH.

Oh wait - IM the Extremely Credible And Honest Person Who Must Never Be Doubted said that RG the Superhero fixed the kids’ bikes? Well, that changes everything!! /s


Is this the same @Inigo-montoya who said he would meet me today to explain to me today why he thinks it is funny to make someone homeless?

It is not quite noon yet, so I guess he still has time to explain it, right? Though I am still waiting for him to tell me where he is going to meet me. I hope he has his plane ticket, since I don’t think he can easily drive from where he is, to where I am, and still have time to meet me today.

On a more serious note. I am once again laughing, but no trophy this time because I hear you do not like trophies. But darn. I am confused how fixing a bike is the same as sending a friend request on social media. I don’t think SS has any rules about bike fixing, there are rules about social media.


I would find it very strange indeed that a predator would pounce before stalking, but I am a flight animal and am conditioned to a certain response.

:horse: of course


Agreed. It may have been started and then abandoned… and sitting like that for a very long time. Many Linked In pages are incomplete and basically useless.


@Virginia_Horse_Mom. I’m not obsessed with you.

Can you respond to the apparent fakeness of the LinkedIn profile that says Jonthan Kanarek of Livingston NJ is a Gambling and Casino Professional and nothing else? Can you explain how you failed to realize it was fake?

  1. I’ve answered this. Based on what had been said and what hasn’t been said, I think it’s very unlikely MB will be released at this time.

2, The default at this time is that LK will have to answer questions on her provocations. If the Stone filing succeeds, she won’t have to. I don’t think the purpose of the filing is to lower LKs stress — that’s your narrative. The main purpose of the filing is to block one of MBs defenses.

I think you are assuming too much from Greystone! How can they prepare a report for a hearing if they don’t treat or meet with the patients other than handing them pages from a coloring book to color?


~ snort ~

THAT ^ is not a trophy.

THIS is a trophy…

I hope you did not make lunch or dinner reservations anywhere… :confused:


Aside from the name being one letter off, and the reference to gambling, the only information is Livingston, NJ.

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I don’t think there are other Jonathan Kanareks in Livingston, NJ.

But… the topic of being a “gambling and casino professional” has been raised on these threads multiple times, and @Inigo-montoya hasn’t denied it. He hasn’t commented on it at all.

If the whole thing was 100% fake… don’t you think IM would have said so as soon as it came up?

If it is fake… ok. But… then we get right back to the question… what does JK do for a living? Where does the family money come from? It’s been years since JK worked for EF Hutton. He doesn’t seem to have practiced law in a meaningful way. There is ZERO other professional info out there for this guy… only this Linked In profile.

We already saw info on Kirby’s Linked In profile. She has a substantial resume, but has switched careers multiple times. I am not saying that to criticize her in any way, just to note it. Her career path is not one that could have resulted in an accumulation of wealth that is sufficient to support both her and JK’s retirement, as well as LKs riding related expenses over the last several years.

We know a little about LK’s professional history. She never graduated from college. She doesn’t have much of anything in the way of professional work experience. No Linked In profile or online resume anywhere. Soooo… it seems like the source of funds for maintaining her horses are be coming from someone else.

We know RG had minimal professional work history, and it seems he relies upon LK financially speaking.

Soooo… that brings us back to JK. It seems rational to presume that his career is the source of funds supporting all 6 horses LK currently has in boats in Loxahatchee, as well as her training, maintenance of the horses, etc.

Soooo… what exactly was JKs career path, that resulted in him being a multimillionaire, but is still 100% private? If he really is a “Gambling and Casino Professional” - it actually would make sense. He could have accumulated substantial winnings, in the millions, while having no online professional career history to speak of.


You think JK would create a LinkedIn profile with zero information other than “Independent Gambling and Casino Professional and spell his name incorrectly?

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Well, he did write “michael goodwin” in the document he gave to the attorney to file.


Can you explain how you failed to prove that it ACTUALLY is fake. I know you are theorizing it is.

I can say that I did not realize fake Linked In profiles is a thing. I mean why…


I think one possibility is that Linked In itself probably has algorithms that pull in information from other electronic sources and databases related to people and various financial filings, and sometimes basic profiles with limited information are automatically generated. A minor misspelling in an autogenerated profile? That’s quite common.

Such is the nature of social media these days.


Meh. Typos and keyboard fumbles happen to everyone. Even to whoever started that page and just abandoned it.

That page means nothing.


I haven’t given it that must thought honestly because I just don’t find JK that important.

I also don’t think him not answering means anything because a lot of people don’t answer questions if they find them not worth it or whatever.

I have no idea JKs thoughts motives or what he does in life but I do feel that profile isn’t real. I can’t see what the purpose of it would be at all to be honest.

So from a SM perspective I would be surprised if it was legit.